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Cops disguised as demonstrators

Guest Babar

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I've noticed that here in Quebec it's only ever the French students who stand up for themselves, wheras in the English speaking world is all about seeing who can bend over and take it up the ass the most.


There's no way they would have pulled that G20 shit here in Montreal. I can't imagine what would have happened if they had tried it.

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I've noticed that here in Quebec it's only ever the French students who stand up for themselves, wheras in the English speaking world is all about seeing who can bend over and take it up the ass the most.


There's no way they would have pulled that G20 shit here in Montreal. I can't imagine what would have happened if they had tried it.



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In america we egt taxed almost as much as you and we get to pay 100k for our education. Have to drive everywhere cause our public transit sucks.


In france taxes represent 43% of the GDP whereas in the USA it's 28%. Income tax in france is 34% - USA : 28%. And finally, tax on goods you buy : 5-10% in the USA, 19% in france.


and serously, wtf ? You guys seem envious of our situation but at the same time you criticize our stupid socialist tendencies, and the kind of social protests that lead us were we are now.


Am i a socialist ? maybe. But i just have a distant eye about these events and don't participate myself (i tend to think my presence wouldn't change anything). I do know the ultra-leftists from my university, and i can attest that they are fucking primitives (they pooped massively in a building) but just as guy moquet is (a communist militant that got killed by the nazis that sarkozy praised to the skies on numerous occasions). What you are doesn't is not important, it's what you symbolize that matters (yup, poop, strong symbol right ?).

So I don't really have an opinion on the matter. Currently we have a you-pay-the-pension-of-the-elders system and the government wants a you-pay-for-your-future-self sytem. I think it makes sense, there are more and more old people. But is it the right moment for a change ? Is it even the right solution ? I have no clue, i have never learnt economics just like 99% of the people who speak their ass out about it.

But this is not just about our pensions. You have to set the current events back in the context of the last "political sequence" (trendy). The minister that is in charge of this reform has been accused by a newspaper to have helped sarkozy get illegal funds for his campaign. When he was asked : "Do you know X ?" he was like "nooo, nooo of course noooo i don't know him, i never lie i only say the truth, i'm honest". But 2 months later a letter surfaced and proved that he knows X and that sarkozy is aware of it. And now people are learning through newspapers sarkozy's brother is the head of a pension/insurance company. Not to mention sarkozy helped a guy raise funds for a previous presidential campaign.argllll


and i'm glad to hear french guys are reputed to be pugnacious, although i'm not sure it's totally true. But if it can help people be tougher for the next G8 & G20 that will occur in france....

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Guest ruiagnelo

this is what i like in french people. something is wrong, they go out in the streets and make a fuckin mess.


in Portugal the age limit is 65 already, and we ain't doing a bit. mouths shut like nothing is happening.

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It's not just about this.

•In 2007, Bettencourt's daugther (the bettencourt family owns l'oréal and are the richest family in france), pressed charges because she believed that a few people were abusing her mother's weakness.

•The judge, Courroye, dismissed the case.

•In may 2010, bettencourt's butler gave one year worth of illegal recordings to a newspaper. It revealed that sarkozy's campaign may have received illegal funds, and that bettencourt's wealth manager knows "very very well" the prosecutor/judge (=Courroye).

Shortly after, an independant judge, decide to examine the case. Here and there in the majority, voices arise and say that "we don't need her".

•Thibout, bettencourt's accountant, is examined by the police. A few hours later, the reports leak and are published by a few newspapers : thibout forswears. She denies it a few days later though, and declares she had been under constant police pressure.

•We're now in september. Some dude working at the ministry of justice is fired because he has leaked to Le Monde (=NY Times) letters that proves that both woerth (sarkozy's fund raiser and current Budget Minister) and sarkozy were following the bettencourt's case with a close attention and that woerth basically lied when he declared 73 times on TV that he didn't personally knew bettencourt's wealth manager. Le Monde presses charges for infraction to press confidenciality.

•Courroye (the first judge), launches a lawsuit against the independent judge, because he believes that she has leaked informations to Le Monde (he simply asked cops to check her phone logs and it turned out she had been in contact with a guy working at Le Monde). The next day, the tribunal's president asked that the case be relocated to another tribunal. Courroye would still be able to instruct it as he's a prosecutor, yet his name is mentioned in the recordings bettencourt's butler made.

•Yesterday, a journalist from Le Monde got his computer and GPS stolen. He was the one that was in contact with the guy from the Ministry of Justice and with the independant judge.


But this is just one pearl in a long, long necklace. The current minister of interior got fined a few months ago over racist insult. He's still in charge.




also this is a pure gem (this is my wallpaper now).

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its worldwide

there is less money all of the sudden and the gap between the 5% that runs everything and the serfs [us]just got wider

the french just have balls

we are seeing the futureworld orwellian state

i wonder if the dutch or the germans would riot like this


they just sterilized the first heroin addict in the UK [he did it voluntarily for more junk money]

shit is gully ….

brain implants

economic/societal decay


computation power


nano tech etc

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My god. The horror! We might actually have to work to pay for all the benefits our government gives us!




What are you trying to imply?


Oh and babar really? So the students are upset because of the corruption? The whole pension thing is just a side issue? Come on. You can't keep moving the focus of the discussion. Plus I find it difficult to believe that the French students are so naive as to believe that this is the first time corruption has occurred. Is it only because it is public that it's an issue?


As for protesting the G8 and G20 - why would you be against the very mechanisms which enable your prosperity?

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you would overlook the horror of cops pepper-spraying and beating a crippled black dude to piss and moan about the millions of people who don't identify with and/or accept that which has fed and nurtured them since birth. i'm speaking of the government of course. just because the govt. feeds you and provides you with institutions for educational/political/monetary growth doesn't mean it's being done justly or that there aren't better alternatives.


people are questioning these things, finding their blatant faults, and getting together to fix them. it's called working together with a common goal that is pro-evolutionary.


the people united will always share a common enemy, and that is their nations governing bodies anchored by the church/state/hierarchy/whatever; those are the biggest forces which prevent humanity from actually being united.

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LOL dude I've been tear-gassed before (and Korean riot cops lay down tear-gas in thick, heavy layers), through no fault of anybody's but my own for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. A little pepper-spray isn't gonna kill anyone.


What's interesting is that since there is no context for each individual picture, it's difficult to tell who is in the wrong. What was the kid getting pepper-sprayed doing before the incident captured in the photo?


Why post only those pictures? Why not post these as well?








As for the rest of your post - bollocks. They're not offering any solutions, they're just following the herd. I'd be very interested to hear any feasible, working alternatives you have.


Just to be clear: I am not saying we shouldn't try to improve upon the system that we use to govern ourselves and maintain order, and transparency in government is most definitely a good thing. However, things come at a cost (nevermind that fantasy of a resource based economy), and if you would like to continue to receive the benefits of civilization - things like good roads, reliable electricity, the ability to travel relatively freely (unless you're going to the US, sorry all y'all down in the lower 48), fire departments, hospitals, education...etc. well all those things require money. Money comes from work. As the population in France gets older....well I think you can see where this is going.

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you would overlook the horror of cops pepper-spraying and beating a crippled black dude to piss and moan about the millions of people who don't identify with and/or accept that which has fed and nurtured them since birth. i'm speaking of the government of course. just because the govt. feeds you and provides you with institutions for educational/political/monetary growth doesn't mean it's being done justly or that there aren't better alternatives.


people are questioning these things, finding their blatant faults, and getting together to fix them. it's called working together with a common goal that is pro-evolutionary.


the people united will always share a common enemy, and that is their nations governing bodies anchored by the church/state/hierarchy/whatever; those are the biggest forces which prevent humanity from actually being united.


How are you so sure of what the people will do? Why are you the spokesperson for the people?

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