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im a grumpy old cranky pants


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it seems like im getting grumpier and crankier as i get older. i can barely take the sound of some peoples voices here at work. i have to put my headphones on and try to drown out some people. i get bored with my work and i have no desire to find a new job. i worry about my future all the time thinking that there isn't going to be such a thing as a 50 year old art director/graphic designer. im going to be competing with kids that know so much more about tech than me as i slowly morph into an old guy who just tells his son to get the tv to work. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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i'm not envious of being the wrong side of 21. i'm sure i don't want to go back there.. and being 20 now would prolly do my head right in! you have so much shit to get through. and i mean... so much information and 'stuff'. stuff everywhere. information at your fingertips. 100 new bands/artists/films to discover every single day! fucking information overload. fast fast fast. starbucks iphone megabollocks culture. but then you know no different, you grew up with broadband internet and all this media shite everywhere as a standard thing, so.... yeah. nuts.

my shitty mouse has stopped working on my other PC and now i'm cranky too.

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on top of this total shit day the yanks got fucking slaughtered tomight and i cracked a molar at a client lunch today. wtf


and let me add, i have never had a cracked tooth or even a cavity. this sucks!

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Guest disparaissant

i just realized that i loathe the sound of people chewing. like, it never bothered me before but i think that was just because i never thought about it. but now it's all i can do to not yell CLOSE YOUR FUCKING MOUTH YOU GODDAMN SLOBS every time i'm around people who are eating.


justin bieber bothers me a hell of a lot more than he should.


especially because if he was a 20-something woman i would find him super, super attractive. is that weird?



i think by the time i'm your age jules i will have like 80 cats and live alone and well basically


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Guest Coalbucket PI

I hate how growing up and settling into a normal working week is so hard to fit in with a fun lifestyle. I get home at 5.30 really tired, cook some food, watch TV, go to bed, repeat. Some days I might go shopping or do some exercise. Maybe watch a film. I want to be drunk all the time.

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Indeed, growing old isn't really all that bad, wasting my life at work is the real killer.

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By instinct now, I churn my fist up at douches with loud bass systems.



lol i do that at the lawnmower sounding mufflers.



and yea chewing drives me nuts. especially people who smack their lips or bite the fork and then pull it out scraping their teeth.


I hate how growing up and settling into a normal working week is so hard to fit in with a fun lifestyle. I get home at 5.30 really tired, cook some food, watch TV, go to bed, repeat. Some days I might go shopping or do some exercise. Maybe watch a film. I want to be drunk all the time.



spot on

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I am constantly fucked off at work. A few people EVERYONE annoys me. I tend to just look forward to what's coming. Whether it be my next snowboarding holiday, getting a new album, going to the pub later in the week, sex etc etc.


I haven't snapped yet but I suppose there is always a chance. I do try to resist though.


I recommend learning something new in spare time. Open University do allsorts to suit everyone. I can't get enough.

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I want to be drunk all the time.

spot on




i used to want to be drunk all the time but then got ill all the time as a result. hangovers get worse the older you get.

you can't beat a nice sweet cup of tea, imo. :)

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im steaming at the yankees right now. i wish i could roll this into the baseball is gay thread because i feel so fucking gay for being this pissed at a team. but fuuuu. a loss to texas! texas? texas? jesus. i hate texas even more than the yanks losing.



argh. too many jim beam manhattans tonight. fuck.

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The World Series is supposed to be played here in SF, right? The train system is going to be a fucking mess for a week. Not having to put up with huge crowds of baseball fans was one of the best things about moving from Boston. I was enjoying living in a city where the team isn't worth a damn.



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I identify with a lot of the comments. I think its cause Im experiencing loneliness and Im not the type. I used to be really good at being a loner, but I met this girl and we broke up and it fucked my head up and now I experience this emotion called loneliness and it's new to me and I try to get to the next distraction just to keep going. People have always annoyed me though

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