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Anyone voting Tea Party?

Guest chunky

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You can't even argue with that. There are just so many points where the shit is just wrong.

Family structure - are the changes that are happening so radical? Do a little research and get back (short answer, no)


Buchanan? He argues that Britain's agreement to defend Poland led to the war, and the West should have just let Germany and Russia go at it. One small, teensie, eensie, weensie geographical problem. Poland just happens to be located in between Germany and Russia. Since warfare at the time was dominated by movements of large numbers of ground forces, Poland would have been fucked regardless. But really this review is telling of the book, well the last sentence of it anyways.

"The lives of millions of Western civilians and soldiers would have been spared." Gotcha.


Immigration. yes there are 2.1 million muslims living in Britain. Muslim immigration started around 300 years ago. 2.1 million out of a total population of 60 million (remember that is number of muslims living in Britain) is a whopping....ready..wait for it 0.035%. Ideas of muslim takeover are simply scaremongering.


Right I'm off to class to devour more Trotskyist propaganda and neologisms. lol :facepalm:

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From Britain, Obama looks like a bit of a bad joke right now. If I were American I would definitely vote against politician correctness, high taxes, "gay" marriage (fucking sick and stupid, yuck, sick, gross), and a high deficit. And I wouldn't fall for the left wing media bullshit and spin campaigns either. I wouldn't vote for any RINOs though. It's a shame that people like David Frum and other RINOs are traitors from the inside to your wonderful Republican party. Patrick Buchanan for President :-)


Oh be nice! How have funboys ruined society?


I do however agree that rhinos should henceforth be banned from politics. It's all about the cows, yo.

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btw, obama doesn't support gay marriage. he's not a liberal president. he's moderate/right-leaning. the difference between him and the far right is that obama tries not to say that jesus inspired him to go to war with other countries.

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it's true. kucinich is a liberal. sometimes obama strikes me as being far too soft/moderate. i think, "if he would just be himself, speak his mind more often, maybe things would be different." then i realize that he does speak his mind, he is being himself. he's a moderate.


i really can't claim to know what i'm talking about when it comes to politics, and i don't. so please don't tear me apart if i say stupid shit - i'm learning.

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I think Obama presents himself as much as he can as a moderate/right leaning because he understands a few things. The economy is in the shit can and its going to take time to get out of it. So whatever he does he is automatically going to be facing opposition from the right. All of the candidates he went out to fight for during this election lost... whatever he touches basically turns to shit, because from the opposition he is the target. So I think he's been attempting to get things done quietly, in the past 2 years he has passed more legislation than any congress/president in decades (maybe since FDR, but I need to double check this)... A lot of that legislation was good stuff, but a lot of it suffered compromises that benefitted nothing. That is where he made his mistake. He thought he could actually swing republicans in favor of working together in these hard times... I guess lookin back now, the question is was this a good strategy? And I would say historically yes, he has passed a lot of positive legislation, but politically it has been terrible, because the right is always gonna think hes a socialist and the left is now thinking hes a conservative. He's somewhere in the middle yes, but maybe the GOP taking back a lot of seats will do more in helping pass legislation because the weight of responsibility in these hard times is now on both parties.

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Obama has been a failure by being to milquetoast and going for that bipartisan shit. Had the republicans been in the same boat with the same majorities they would have used it to the fullest to get their agenda through. But not Obama, he just seems to be too much of an idealist and that is what is going to make him be a one-term president. It will be interesting to see when the next minority president will be elected.

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this was an excellent read:


"The right hates. The liberals laugh. And the country is taken hostage."




i may buy his book after reading up on him.


Great find Jose, that's an excellent summary of the current US political landscape and the media exploitation.


The celebrities from Comedy Central and the trash talk show hosts on Fox are in the same business. They are entertainers. They provide the empty, emotionally laden material that propels endless chatter back and forth on supposed left- and right-wing television programs. It is a national Punch and Judy show. But don’t be fooled. It is not politics. It is entertainment.
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2.1 million out of a total population of 60 million (remember that is number of muslims living in Britain) is a whopping....ready..wait for it 0.035%.




lol stupid decimal places. obviously 3.5% still, hardly a sweeping invasion.

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