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The N word


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What a coincidence! Just as I was reading this thread, "Qtio" by Brothomstates came up on Shuffle. It has the N word in it.


I find it peculiar how the N word is so horribly offensive to black people, yet words like "honkie" and "cracker" are supposed to be the equivalent words towards white people yet they have considerably less impact. There needs to be a word that offends white people as much as the N word, don't you think?


That's because there's not a centuries-long historical record of black people oppressing white people, or of white people being thought of/legally treated as sub-human. Jesus. This shit didn't just evolve in some vacuum/childhood playground.


That's why, you know, if you call some poor gay dude a fag, they can't come around and call you a breeder or somatt with the same force. It's a lot harder to fucking demean someone or take away their humanity when that person is seen as emblematic of the status quo / hegemony, and has all of the force of perceived hegemonic "rightness" on their side.


That's how this works. It's not like, Jenny called me a cootie queen, oooh, she's a lint licker then everyone has a good cry over it and then it's even.


edit: you filthy papist

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I think it mostly has to do with blacks in America not being able to accept their lack of contribution to society. When they hear that word, they project their own insecurities on to whomever said it, and perpetuates the cycle. It's an observation that becomes blaringly obvious living in Richmond.. I can tell you that. Some of the more ignorant types think we had African slaves because we didn't like Africans.. when it was simply the way the world worked back then (especially Africa).

I'm moving to Richmond. There is some serious racial overlap in that town. My sister lives there. I visit all the time

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Guest tht tne

a man i visited just before he died proclaimed on his deathbed "they'll never let a nigger be president..." this was just before obama was elected

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Guest hahathhat

Joking aside, I dj funk & soul every other week, and there was one week where a black girl asked me to stop playing negro music because it offended her as a white woman.


Long story short, I ended up in her bed that night. I'm an equal opportunist.


ive long thought that this is the path to true racial understanding

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Guest disparaissant

What a coincidence! Just as I was reading this thread, "Qtio" by Brothomstates came up on Shuffle. It has the N word in it.


I find it peculiar how the N word is so horribly offensive to black people, yet words like "honkie" and "cracker" are supposed to be the equivalent words towards white people yet they have considerably less impact. There needs to be a word that offends white people as much as the N word, don't you think?


That's because there's not a centuries-long historical record of black people oppressing white people, or of white people being thought of/legally treated as sub-human. Jesus. This shit didn't just evolve in some vacuum/childhood playground.


That's why, you know, if you call some poor gay dude a fag, they can't come around and call you a breeder or somatt with the same force. It's a lot harder to fucking demean someone or take away their humanity when that person is seen as emblematic of the status quo / hegemony, and has all of the force of perceived hegemonic "rightness" on their side.


That's how this works. It's not like, Jenny called me a cootie queen, oooh, she's a lint licker then everyone has a good cry over it and then it's even.


edit: you filthy papist

thread needed this

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Niggercunt spick-cracker, jewfucking retard piece of shit sub-human scum, fucking die in a fire and get aids you utter piece of serbian sheep-vomit. I hate you.


ps. fag


thread needed this

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I spout that shit relentlessly for hours every day while drinking my whitey-beer and blaming the world for everything.


do you as you rock back and forth in your rocking chair in front of your house? :emotawesomepm9:

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It always helps if you understand that the same skin color doesn't always equal the same perspective. I personally don't use the word but I would never tell anyone they don't have the right to use it. Then again, if you think there aren't any situations where your environment and/or company play a part in how you behave you're either naive or a sociopath. I can call my friend a cunt and he'll laugh and not be a bit offended but I can't and don't expect the same reaction when I go out into the world.

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It always helps if you understand that the same skin color doesn't always equal the same perspective. I personally don't use the word but I would never tell anyone they don't have the right to use it. Then again, if you think there aren't any situations where your environment and/or company play a part in how you behave you're either naive or a sociopath. I can call my friend a cunt and he'll laugh and not be a bit offended but I can't and don't expect the same reaction when I go out into the world.

this...and I understand you to be African-American irl, yes?

I've mentioned this elsewhere but I had some Indian friends in college and well, as if nigger wasn't offensive enough, people of South Asian/Middle Eastern descent get called "sand niggers". We conjugated it to snigger, snig, snigga my jigga and sniggeru as an affectionate suffix in Hindi. We got a huge kick out of it. However, I would never presume to approach the lone Indian girl in my class and say "whaddup snigga?!" today.



i think it goes without saying the names that you call your friends, you wouldn't call a stranger. i don't think race has anything to do with that.

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What a coincidence! Just as I was reading this thread, "Qtio" by Brothomstates came up on Shuffle. It has the N word in it.


I find it peculiar how the N word is so horribly offensive to black people, yet words like "honkie" and "cracker" are supposed to be the equivalent words towards white people yet they have considerably less impact. There needs to be a word that offends white people as much as the N word, don't you think?


That's because there's not a centuries-long historical record of black people oppressing white people, or of white people being thought of/legally treated as sub-human. Jesus. This shit didn't just evolve in some vacuum/childhood playground.


That's why, you know, if you call some poor gay dude a fag, they can't come around and call you a breeder or somatt with the same force. It's a lot harder to fucking demean someone or take away their humanity when that person is seen as emblematic of the status quo / hegemony, and has all of the force of perceived hegemonic "rightness" on their side.


That's how this works. It's not like, Jenny called me a cootie queen, oooh, she's a lint licker then everyone has a good cry over it and then it's even.


edit: you filthy papist


Being white, I think I would be deeply offended if anyone ever called me a juggalo.

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in 4th grade I said to one of my black girl-friends "whatsup my niggaaa", because i heard my sister say it on th phone to her friends, so i thought "nigga" meant "cool friend" and i got in trouble for saying nigga. So I had to write her a letter of apology for saying "cool friend".


she still hasn't accepted that apology to this day.

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