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Debunked by MDG:


who is "MDG", ?


mdg is Boards' official voice to the online community.


ah right, ok. thanks. sorry for the n00bie question. :)

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Guest ruiagnelo

Debunked by MDG:


who is "MDG", ?


mdg is Boards' official voice to the online community.


ah right, ok. thanks. sorry for the n00bie question. :)


how could you not know mate?!


he is the guy who will probably bring us news related to their new releases in the first hand :sorcerer:

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Who got the money if people bought it?



.. and i wonder how many people have bought it ??


surely BoC will get the money? as it's under their name and their label? but i dunno. *shrug*

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how could you not know mate?!


he is the guy who will probably bring us news related to their new releases in the first hand :sorcerer:


well i'd seen the term "MDG" being mentioned here before but wasn't really sure what/who it was or what the letters stood for tbh.

or whether it was really a legit spokesperson, or what..

i'm not too clued up on my BoC stuff tbh :) i don't think i've even listened to TCH more than a couple of times in 4 years.

i love MHTRTC and Geo, though. but i don't know a great deal about the band as people, or their history, or anything about Hexagon Sun, etc.

i kinda went off them after TCH, tbh. i didn't get into that at all.

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Guest ruiagnelo

how could you not know mate?!


he is the guy who will probably bring us news related to their new releases in the first hand :sorcerer:


well i'd seen the term "MDG" being mentioned here before but wasn't really sure what/who it was or what the letters stood for tbh.

or whether it was really a legit spokesperson, or what..

i'm not too clued up on my BoC stuff tbh :) i don't think i've even listened to TCH more than a couple of times in 4 years.

i love MHTRTC and Geo, though. but i don't know a great deal about the band as people, or their history, or anything about Hexagon Sun, etc.

i kinda went off them after TCH, tbh. i didn't get into that at all.


i still haven't got into TCH, but i think i will have plenty of time before they release something.


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that's why more people should make BoC tribute/rip off tracks. :) like somebody said before, some of the fakes are better than the real thing!

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"Chameleon", a track illegitimately released on iTunes using the Boards of Canada name was previously released as a single on the now defunct label Artificial Bliss by Nick Baxter a.k.a. Skeptical. In this thread started by user skept (Skeptical himself) on the Black Dog Towers message board, it was pointed out that the track is in the Boards of Canada style, to which skept replies,


"with the boc thing... yes there is a bit of shenanigans going on there, but i'll not go into it!"


It has not yet been confirmed who actually submitted the bogus track to iTunes for release.


YouTube user MrWhitelabel who posted the Chameleon track on the video hosting site in October of last year as if it were a BoC work, also posted another track by Skeptical from a separate release calling it Boards of Canada - Red Sky Night. Amidst the confusion within that video's comments, nickb523 (Nick Baxter a.k.a. Skeptical) chimes in with, "try looking for Skeptical: Red Sky Night". When another commenter asks, "why is this dude saying it's BOC?", MrWhitelabel replies, "nowadays it's harder than ever for good indie artists to reach the right people. ;)"


Releasing fake tracks to capitalize on the success of other artists is not unheard of within the electronic music making community, but the hoaxes don't often quite go this far. It is still unclear how this track slipped through the iTunes screening process, how many downloads have been sold, or what the recourse will be.

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I just saw a post about this on Facebook... I got all worked up about a potential new BoC release... and the first thing I did was come to the BoC subforum for confirmation. It'll be ages before I settle down now. Fuck you, whoever made this fake.

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i don't know if anybody would really take such a risk as putting a fake BoC track for sale on a site as big as iTunes to make a few quid!?

let alone a person already involved in releasing electronic music. cos it's pretty obvious you're gonna get yourself into some trouble doing that!

the track (and the other one) has already been on Youtube for a year.. drawing some attention to the artists' music. which it's said was the plan.

so why only now has is it been put on iTunes? why not a year ago? it doesn't make any sense really.

it makes me think that BoC themselves put it up for sale... is that such a ridiculous idea when they haven't released anything in ages and everyone's crying out for new stuff? i dunno. but it would also be a very quick and easy buck for them! and i guess a lesson to people? cos it's not the first time somebody has made a fake BoC tune is it. there's tonnes out there! rip off's, fakes, tributes, clones, or whatever you wanna call them. there's loads of 'em. add to this that the track is still up for sale, when it was declared as being a fake over the weekend by MDG, so then why hasn't it been removed yet? very strange. but i suppose if BoC are making money out of it and other said artist is getting the desired increase in attention to his music then it's a win-win for all.. ? except of course the hardcore BoC fans. who will have to keep on waiting. and waiting.

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i don't know if anybody would really take such a risk as putting a fake BoC track for sale on a site as big as iTunes to make a few quid!?

let alone a person already involved in releasing electronic music. cos it's pretty obvious you're gonna get yourself into some trouble doing that!

the track (and the other one) has already been on Youtube for a year.. drawing some attention to the artists' music. which it's said was the plan.

so why only now has is it been put on iTunes? why not a year ago? it doesn't make any sense really.

it makes me think that BoC themselves put it up for sale... is that such a ridiculous idea when they haven't released anything in ages and everyone's crying out for new stuff? i dunno. but it would also be a very quick and easy buck for them! and i guess a lesson to people? cos it's not the first time somebody has made a fake BoC tune is it. there's tonnes out there! rip off's, fakes, tributes, clones, or whatever you wanna call them. there's loads of 'em. add to this that the track is still up for sale, when it was declared as being a fake over the weekend by MDG, so then why hasn't it been removed yet? very strange. but i suppose if BoC are making money out of it and other said artist is getting the desired increase in attention to his music then it's a win-win for all.. ? except of course the hardcore BoC fans. who will have to keep on waiting. and waiting.


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Cool arpeggiator, bro. This song is shit.


it aint my tune, bro. sorry. i don't even really rate BoC very highly tbh. they're well over hyped if you ask me. 10 years ago they were cool, yeah.

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"lol". i love this place and it's people. no really i do.


seriously though..


oscillik explain your "lol". lol (proper)

nah, i'll leave it for you to maybe figure out. i know i'm not the only one lolling for the reason i am lolling.


but i lol.

and again



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Hi guys, Mike here. Just wanted to let you all know that this whole 'Chameleon' thing is draining us. Having to deal with this shit means less time making music. 


We know it's been a while but things are coming together at last. 


Marcus is upstairs tinkering with the hi-hats. Says he might have an idea for a tune. 


Don't wait up. 

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nah, i'll leave it for you to maybe figure out. i know i'm not the only one lolling for the reason i am lolling.


but i lol.

and again




well done you, oscillik. you cool cat you! lol :)

well i'll try figure it out like a hidden message in a Boards' track..

or the riddle "diet coke green screen failure". *strokes chin contemplatively* lol


maybe i'm just a sucker for consipracy theories like that. but til i'm proven wrong i'm gonna hold onto my lickle theory.

it's much more interesting. ;)

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I said it before to Sirch. But theres no way in hell BOC would use that sample. Ive used it before for gods sake.


1st result for "laughing child" on free sound



yeah i remember that.

well i never said it was BoC, though, did i mate..

but we both agreed it was a good track. you said you liked it. as do half the people commenting on the Youtube vid.

half are saying it's shit, fake, we'll crucify you! (hardcore Boards fanboys)

the other half are saying nice one, i like this, it's a good track.

but how it got onto iTunes i do not know. it's very weird...

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