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Anonymous and others start leaking


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11.28am: WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson said the arrest would not derail the release of the cables. "This will not change our operation," he told the Associated Press news agency.


ITV's Kier Simmons tweets that Assange will appear at 2pm, citing a court source.


The Guardian has two reporters at the court. Caroline Davies is inside and Sam Jones is waiting outside in the cold.


Court staff confirmed to Sam that Assange probably won't appear before 2pm.


Caroline texted me this on the scene outside:



Scrum of up to 30 photographers outside Horseferry Road magistrates court. A van arrived with blacked-out windows about 10 minutes ago, but no one could see if it was Assange.


this stream is updating live: http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/blog/2010/dec/07/wikileaks-us-embassy-cables-live-updates

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The fact that so few cables have been released and that it's going to take 30+ to hear them all makes me wonder if this isn't all in WikiLeaks plan.


Assange has an Editorial to be released in Australia at midnight too. A bit strange considering he could in reality be set free again this evening, hm?


I have a feeling it was always going to end with him disappearing/dying (suicide if the Americans won't do it?), an immediate release of it all and then a martyr figure to hold everyone together.

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this is truly worth a thousand Micheal-eating-popcorn gifs. Also,


WikiLeaks has also posted a massive, closely encrypted file, identified as "insurance" -- a file Assange's lawyer has described as a "thermonuclear device." Assange has said the more than 100,000 people who have downloaded the file will receive the key to decoding it should anything happen to him or should the site be taken down.
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LOL there must be some pretty damning stuff in those upcoming cables about the financial industry. Although to be frankly honest, it would have to be huge to shock me. Those greaseballs in the financial industry have no morals or ethics, and no matter how many time they fuck us over, the execs still make out like bandits.

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