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mitch murder - burning chrome


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This is so good. :music: Gettin' my jam on. Sounds amazing in a DeLorean.


























edit: So fucking good...



So whered you pirate it from then? Also is that the aphex twins in your avatar?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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So whered you pirate it from then? Also is that the aphex twins in your avatar?

What... nah. That's my hanging out outside my church.





Data: My mom loves your music.

Hollywood Heights is my jam. Ravaged Skies is what I wish the Daft Punk soundtrack sounded like.


This shit is....












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Guest cult fiction

My music hd died like a week ago, but I haven't felt any need to restore from a back up yet because I've got Burning Chrome and some Dopplereffekt on my phone and that's all I need right now. Great stuff!

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  • 1 month later...

So I had this album since the summer but recently purchased it from emusic, so amazing. Everyone who is even remotely interested, buy this shit. Data thanks for making music man, I love listening.

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oh, hey, sorry, there are no flacs available for purchase as far as i know, and i don't have them either (just wav and mp3), i guess i could convert to flac and throw them up on bandcamp if the label doesn't have a problem with that.

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You're like the only artist that I consistently enjoy that posts in the YLC section on this forum.


Haven't listened to the album yet, but just felt that should be said.

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Guest tonfarben

haven´t listened to the album yet, I don´t go to the itunes store, I hate Apple. But I´ll tell you: That cover already is awesome! I have a mini model of the delorian on my desk, I love back to the future.

But I know your music from soundcloud, so I think the album is great. Is there any other possibility to get it other than itunes? I´m from Germany btw.

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oh, hey, sorry, there are no flacs available for purchase as far as i know, and i don't have them either (just wav and mp3), i guess i could convert to flac and throw them up on bandcamp if the label doesn't have a problem with that.


If you upload wavs to bandcamp it will auto convert to flac for those who want it.

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