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Children of Men is classy.


But I'm not sure I trust RDJ to make this into a good film. He just seems like he's going along with the ride lately.

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Children of Men is classy.


But I'm not sure I trust RDJ to make this into a good film. He just seems like he's going along with the ride lately.


RDJ was great in Zodiac, he's a good actor who is takin advantage of his recent popularity with high paying easy jobs. I have complete faith in Cuaron.

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Children of Men is classy.


But I'm not sure I trust RDJ to make this into a good film. He just seems like he's going along with the ride lately.


RDJ was great in Zodiac, he's a good actor who is takin advantage of his recent popularity with high paying easy jobs. I have complete faith in Cuaron.

fuck, I read that as Afx/Richard D James instead of Robert Downey Junior there :P :spiteful: :spiteful: :spiteful::aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:

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Guest disparaissant

RDjr lol


but yeah i mean say what you will about his choices lately, boy's gotsta get paid. doesn't really detract from the fact that he's a great actor. doesn't hurt that he is like the epitome of hotness, either...

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Children of Men was bland concept wise and character wise, but the filmmaking was truly inspired. I think he's the best of the new wave Latin filmmakers and I'm eager to see what he does next...wish he made more films...

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How many actors are jumping/exiting that movie? SOmething is wrong witht he script? There's like 4-5 main A-list actors who changed idea for it. Angelina Jolie dropped from it, then Natalie Portman, then Robert Downey Jr... now it's fucking SANDRA BOLLOCKS and George Clooney??? I fear man... I fear






... Clooney dies in the first 3rd, leaving Bollocks alone for the rest of the movie. 75+ minutes. With fucking Sandra Bollocks??? She fucks every movie she's in.

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Sandra fucking bollocks? Bollocks I say! When has she done a good movie? NEVAR BITCHES



Goddamn Cuaron, shouldn't *you* have taste???? :facepalm:


This movie is doing the biggest 180 if what you say is true... source!?

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LOL, yep. Clooney and Bullock.


Pretty huge names though, so I'd expect there'll be a lot of buzz and very good performances from each. But as it's already changed direction so drastically within a month, I'd bet that this film will have another massive change and then be scrapped.

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