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Star Wars blu-ray promotional biltz begins

Rubin Farr

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they're happy to report on this because they get a cut of the revenue if you buy through their amazon.com links. at $90 for the set, this article will probably earn them hundreds if not thousands of dollars in referral revenue.

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well i've just watched the Phantom Edit and Attack of the Phantom (the 2 fan edits of star wars to try and make them better films) well i'm now pretty convinced you can't polish a turd because they really aren't any more watchable than before.

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how much do you want to bet the making of Phantom Meance will be cut out/removed from the blueray release of Phantom? I say this because it really does seem like an intentionally satirical look at George Lucas, it's so cleverly done that the star wars team didn't realize how much it was taking the piss out of them until Plinkett started using it in his reviews. If anyone has not seen it, please watch it immediately

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I'm only interested in this if I can watch the original 3, not the remakes. All that added footage is horseshit.


it absolutely undeniably is, if star wars fans weren't such pussies they'd boycott this release and demand Lucas finally do a remastered/cleaned up ORIGINAL trilogy as at least a CHOICE on the fucking blueray


they really are a travesty, pretty much every piece of added CGI is abominably bad and distracting with a few tiny exceptions (like closeup zoom shots of xwing pilots inside the cockpit) that kind of stuff can stay i wont mind it but i REALLY do not want to see that musical dance number at the beginning of Jedi. IT is one of the biggest movie opener ruiners possibly of all of cinematic history

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I'm only interested in this if I can watch the original 3, not the remakes. All that added footage is horseshit.


it absolutely undeniably is, if star wars fans weren't such pussies they'd boycott this release and demand Lucas finally do a remastered/cleaned up ORIGINAL trilogy as at least a CHOICE on the fucking blueray


they really are a travesty, pretty much every piece of added CGI is abominably bad and distracting with a few tiny exceptions (like closeup zoom shots of xwing pilots inside the cockpit) that kind of stuff can stay i wont mind it but i REALLY do not want to see that musical dance number at the beginning of Jedi. IT is one of the biggest movie opener ruiners possibly of all of cinematic history


Yeah that part is terrible. Also shitty was replacing Alec Guinness with Hayden Christensen at the end. I couldn't believe that.

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Yeah that part is terrible. Also shitty was replacing Alec Guinness with Hayden Christensen at the end. I couldn't believe that.

alec guinness wasn't replaced, it was the grown-up jedi version of anakin.






the best/worst(?) part of this horrendous move, which Plinkett also correctly points out is that how in the fuck does Luke Skywalker recognize him if he's never seen a young Darth Vadar? it would make sense that he would recognize the grown up Vadar's ghost because he just fucking saw him die.


LOL also at Lucas being such an OCD idiot that the digitally erased darth vadar's eyebrows in his death scene

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Yeah that part is terrible. Also shitty was replacing Alec Guinness with Hayden Christensen at the end. I couldn't believe that.

alec guinness wasn't replaced, it was the grown-up jedi version of anakin.






the past part of this horrendous move, which Plinkett also correctly points out is that how in the fuck does Luke Skywalker recognize him if he's never seen a young Darth Vadar? it would make sense that he would recognize the grown up Vadar's ghost because he just fucking saw him die.


LOL also at Lucas being such an OCD idiot that the digitally erased darth vadar's eyebrows in his death scene


lol, did he? people really need to not buy this shit unless he releases the originals as they were intended to be seen (not altered).

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in a strange way the altered Return of the Jedi Vadar death scene is less emotional for me than the original. Lucas wanted to do a little retcon and show Vadar's battle damage burns from the lava fight but it makes him seem less human ultimately. I prefer the 'normal looking sad old man' behind the vadar mask, not some 'sad freakish old man with no eyebrows'. As cheesy as it is, this was one of the only times (besides the ending of ET) as a child i remember feeling really sad in a movie, and lucas had to fuck with it

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Reasons to Hate the Star Wars Special Edition DVDs: Episode VI


Nitpick #4

Boba Fonzarelli

In an unending effort to make Boba Fett seem cooler than he is, Lucasfilm chose to add a scene to Return of the Jedi where Boba Fett is seen flirting with the female backup singers of Max Rebo's band. He gently tickles one of their chins before making his way over to help Jabba deal with Boushh (Princess Leia in disguise). Here's a thought. If they wanted Boba Fett to be more kickass, instead of adding a scene to show him being playful with some ladies, how about removing the scene where he dies because a blind Han Solo accidentally bumped into him?


there are some things on here that i must have blocked out of my memory



edit: to inject some positivity into my tirade, i would pay good money to have all 3 original star wars movies, with no added CGI on blueray.

back to negativitiy: speaking of bad 'special editions' has anyone seen Spielberg channeling Lucas on the ET: special edition DVD? they show so many bad shiny CGI money shots of et walking around, jesus christ it's bad

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In an unending effort to make Boba Fett seem cooler than he is, Lucasfilm chose to add a scene to Return of the Jedi where Boba Fett is seen flirting with the female backup singers of Max Rebo's band. He gently tickles one of their chins before making his way over to help Jabba deal with Boushh


That sounds like the kind of thing a man who hasn't left his Star Wars ranch in two decades would consider cool.

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Guest disparaissant

was it plinkett who said the CGI in the special edition was pretty much the same as having an eight year old stand in front of your tv waving their arms and going HEY HEY LOOK AT ME LOOK AT THIS LOOK AT ME!


because that was pretty much spot fucking on

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  • 3 months later...
Guest bitroast

so. star wars blu ray details were announced, and there doesn't seem to be any mention of the theatrical versions being part of the set *boo*

the other extra features look nice enough, but i was looking forward to some definitive version of the films.


STAR WARS: THE COMPLETE SAGA ON BLU-RAY is presented in widescreen with 6.1 DTS Surround Sound. Special features include:



Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, John Knoll, Dennis Muren and Scott Squires

Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, Pablo Helman, John Knoll and Ben Snow

Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Rob Coleman, John Knoll and Roger Guyett

Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren

Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren

Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren

Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


Including: deleted, extended and alternate scenes; prop, maquette and costume turnarounds; matte paintings and concept art; supplementary interviews with cast and crew; a flythrough of the Lucasfilm Archives and more


Including: deleted, extended and alternate scenes; prop, maquette and costume turnarounds; matte paintings and concept art; supplementary interviews with cast and crew; and more


NEW! Star Warriors (2007, Color, Apx. 84 Minutes) – Some Star Wars fans want to collect action figures…these fans want to be action figures! A tribute to the 501st Legion, a global organization of Star Wars costume enthusiasts, this insightful documentary shows how the super-fan club promotes interest in the films through charity and volunteer work at fundraisers and high-profile special events around the world.

NEW! A Conversation with the Masters: The Empire Strikes Back 30 Years Later (2010, Color, Apx. 25 Minutes) – George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan and John Williams look back on the making of The Empire Strikes Back in this in-depth retrospective from Lucasfilm created to help commemorate the 30th anniversary of the movie. The masters discuss and reminisce about one of the most beloved films of all time.

NEW! Star Wars Spoofs (2011, Color, Apx. 91 Minutes) – The farce is strong with this one! Enjoy a hilarious collection of Star Wars spoofs and parodies that have been created over the years, including outrageous clips from Family Guy, The Simpsons, How I Met Your Mother and more — and don’t miss “Weird Al” Yankovic’s one-of-a-kind music video tribute to The Phantom Menace!

The Making of Star Wars (1977, Color, Apx. 49 Minutes) – Learn the incredible behind-the-scenes story of how the original Star Wars movie was brought to the big screen in this fascinating documentary hosted by C-3PO and R2-D2. Includes interviews with George Lucas and appearances by Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher.

The Empire Strikes Back: SPFX (1980, Color, Apx. 48 Minutes) – Learn the secrets of making movies in a galaxy far, far away. Hosted by Mark Hamill, this revealing documentary offers behind-the-scenes glimpses into the amazing special effects that transformed George Lucas’ vision for Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back into reality!

Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi (1983, Color, Apx. 48 Minutes) – Go behind the scenes — and into the costumes — as production footage from Return of the Jedi is interspersed with vintage monster movie clips in this in-depth exploration of the painstaking techniques utilized by George Lucas to create the classic creatures and characters seen in the film. Hosted and narrated by Carrie Fisher and Billie Dee Williams.

Anatomy of a Dewback (1997, Color, Apx. 26 Minutes) – See how some of the special effects in Star Wars became even more special two decades later! George Lucas explains and demonstrates how his team transformed the original dewback creatures from immovable rubber puppets (in the original 1977 release) to seemingly living, breathing creatures for the Star Wars 1997 Special Edition update.

Star Wars Tech (2007, Color, Apx. 46 Minutes) – Exploring the technical aspects of Star Wars vehicles, weapons and gadgetry, Star Wars Tech consults leading scientists in the fields of physics, prosthetics, lasers, engineering and astronomy to examine the plausibility of Star Wars technology based on science as we know it today.

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They need to release this shit asap so they can cash in on it before they release the 3d versions, it all starts with teh phantom menace next year doesn't it, it's cool how they release these fil GO FUCK YOURSELF GEORGE LUCAS.

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Guest bitroast




i look forward to getting my hands on this bluray set in means that may or may not involve giving them anymore of my goddman monie *hint hint*


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People hate on Star Wars as it's "the cool thing to do", like hate on Apple products. I'm not saying Lucas didn't make what most feel are critical errors in judgement on what he felt needed to be revised or redone on the films, but they are HIS films - his magnum opus, not the fans. If fans don't like it, then don't buy it. I'm sure that will send a message and before long, Lucas will be begging everyone to buy the versions "demanded by the fans" as his empire crumbles. LOL.


The one thing they do need to fix is that horrible Yoda puppet in The Phantom Menace - it looks nothing like Yoda, and the CGI Yoda in II and III is much better. I understand, just like with the original movies, the technology wasn't there yet to create a convincing CGI Yoda, but it's existed for several years now, so please Lucas - fix it!

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People hate on Star Wars as it's "the cool thing to do", like hate on Apple products. I'm not saying Lucas didn't make what most feel are critical errors in judgement on what he felt needed to be revised or redone on the films, but they are HIS films - his magnum opus, not the fans. If fans don't like it, then don't buy it. I'm sure that will send a message and before long, Lucas will be begging everyone to buy the versions "demanded by the fans" as his empire crumbles. LOL.

Do you ever heavily criticize anything? No biggie—just curious.

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