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US congresswoman gabrielle gifford shot in arizona


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Clearly the only thing to do now, based on the actions of one insane individual, is to gut and butcher the 1st and 2nd amendment.

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Guest Mirezzi

You know what? This twat Loughner was exactly the type of fuckhead who fancies himself smart and "totally understood" Inception.


In fact, if I understand his fascination with "lucid reality" correctly, Loughner saw Inception within 30 minutes of going on this little rampage and was hugely disappointed to not find as Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a cellmate.

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Smetty - unfortunately with the masses frowning upon education beyond enabling one to get a job (the treatment of university as nothing more than vocational school is frankly appalling, and a whole new thread) the idea of the majority in North America understanding that what we need is rational, logical discourse is unfortunately a huge pipe dream. Not everyone can be Franken!


Edgey: you seem to be the only one saying that?


Punishment as deterrent is a complex issue. This looks like a good starting point on the issue of capital punishment as deterrence:


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Smetty - unfortunately with the masses frowning upon education beyond enabling one to get a job (the treatment of university as nothing more than vocational school is frankly appalling, and a whole new thread) the idea of the majority in North America understanding that what we need is rational, logical discourse is unfortunately a huge pipe dream. Not everyone can be Franken!




if you read what i had said, i very clearly stated that the odds of this happening are close to nothing.


and for the umpteenth time, North America isn't the only place heavily in need of such a thing.

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All I'm seeing here is a shit ton of pseudo-intellectual rhetoric bandied by people who, I'm willing to bet, have never once taken to the streets to do anything to promote their own political viewpoints.





sorry to say this, but if you do what you say, then you are part of the problem.


what we need to act on is not enforcement or spread of political viewpoints. what we need is morality, egalitarianism, common sense, logic, rationality, and above all, compassion, patience, and understanding for people in similar situations that might not fully understand what is happening to and around them. all they know is anger and fear, and they are constantly fed that there is a section of society that is different from them, wants them to suffer even more, wants them to die, thinks they are stupid wastes of life...how do you expect them to react? im not excusing the behavior of anyone, but that's precisely the problem: you see me as excusing it. you want an excuse to throw your anger, bias, and judgmental predispositions on something that isn't the problem, but rather a potential means to slowly ameliorate what is truly destroying this world.


you think you are being logical, but what you really want is revenge, suffering to those that don't "get it", to those that you perceive the same types of action and illogical thinking. you want affirmation of your own righteousness, and do not seem to hesitate to play that out wherever possible (i.e. here). and that's how they win.



what can be done, and what can be a positive move forward is ACTUAL calm, rational discourse, not yelling at each other across the room. take away the terms left, right, Republican, Democrat. Take out church, God, atheism, race, Islam, and so forth. Move from there. It can be said a million times that you should "talk it out". Yet how many people have the patience, compassion, or tolerance to do so? "Talking it out" is probably the most shat upon way to deal with a situation these days, because quite simply, our way of "talking to each other" is nothing short of primitive pissing contests.


and you enforce that by mocking the degree of their activism.


watch what Al Franken does here.





try to put aside your beliefs in whatever side you support, or even if you support it all,just stop for a second and listen, actually observe what is taking place here. this is what needs to happen, and it does not happen nearly enough. its far easier to judge and tear each other apart than it is to unite in understanding of each others positions.


now im not an idealist. i honestly dont think this is possible anymore. i think we are far too content to make fun and sling shit to feel superior to each other than actually struggle to understand what opposing sides are saying. and i am surely as guilty of it as anyone else in the human race.


anyway,say what you want, ive said my piece.



All you said was that it was shat upon...

and I only mention North America because that is the context of the thread..chill out?


ill chill out in this thread, but you misread it if you think I believe for one second that we can pull ourselves out of this.


i heard that neurologists are allowing her temporarily to come out of induced coma to test brain functionality...hopefully something good?

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I thought I was just further cementing what you had written. I'm not presumptuous enough to believe that I can know what you're thinking. Only admins have that power ;)

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i'm not sure what planet glenn beck lives on. he urges sarah palin to protect herself because, "...an attempt on you could bring the republic down."




the inflated sense of self-importance is amazing with these two. i still can't figure out exactly what sarah palin has done to warrant any of the following she has or the exposure she gets.

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i still can't figure out exactly what sarah palin has done to warrant any of the following she has or the exposure she gets.


She talks about shooting people. A lot of idiots seem to really like it.

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This sums up what Palin should've done, in my opinion:



This woman is so narcissistic that she can't even feel for one second how her comments could have affected the livelihoods of others.


brb class

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Speaking of the shootings... The Westboro Baptist Church strikes again!




"For something like this to happen in Tucson was a really big shock to us all," she said. "Our nightmare happened when we saw Westboro Baptist Church was going to picket the funerals."
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Guest disparaissant

on the plus side, they've lowered her sedation a bit and she is breathing on her own, which is amazing for someone who took a 48 slug to the mind oh god jefferoo what have you done

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on the plus side, they've lowered her sedation a bit and she is breathing on her own, which is amazing for someone who took a 48 slug to the mind oh god jefferoo what have you done



Sorry man.





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Speaking of the shootings... The Westboro Baptist Church strikes again!




"For something like this to happen in Tucson was a really big shock to us all," she said. "Our nightmare happened when we saw Westboro Baptist Church was going to picket the funerals."

They are so predictable it's not even funny anymore.

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so after the dust has all settled, can anyone really say that this kid was influenced by Sarah Palin or the tea party movement specifically? because it doesn't seem to be the case anymore, or maybe someone will have something to say about that. I'm looking for some concrete statements he's made or anything of the sort. So far the only concrete things i know he was into were lucid dreaming, gold standard and the movie Loose Change, which aren't the beliefs of your typical Palin fan.


i'm personally not convinced that any sort of TV news or talking head angry rhetoric influenced him either, you can't really point to why a crazy person decides to kill someone. That's why i thought Michael Moore called his movie Bowling for Columbine, because bowling was just as plausible as a cause as Marilyn Manson or Doom

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so after the dust has all settled, can anyone really say that this kid was influenced by Sarah Palin or the tea party movement specifically? because it doesn't seem to be the case anymore, or maybe someone will have something to say about that. I'm looking for some concrete statements he's made or anything of the sort. So far the only concrete things i know he was into were lucid dreaming, gold standard and the movie Loose Change, which aren't the beliefs of your typical Palin fan.


i'm personally not convinced that any sort of TV news or talking head angry rhetoric influenced him either, you can't really point to why a crazy person decides to kill someone. That's why i thought Michael Moore called his movie Bowling for Columbine, because bowling was just as plausible as a cause as Marilyn Manson or Doom


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