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FOX NEWS: US Government behind Underwear Bomber?


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Odd choice to have Billy Dee Williams dub the beginning.

This case did seem most likely "inside job" candidate already.

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Guest Helper ET

i hope you all realize what this really means. the tyranny that is the new world order is taking over the planet, and using false flag staged terror as a tool to remove our rights and our freedoms. if you dont know, it is a classic political maneuver used by tyrants throughout all of history, to take over societies. you all learned about it in high school when you learned about WWII and hitler. it happened before hitler, it happened after hitler, and its happening now again. the time for denial and apathy is over. if we as a society dont wake up and stop this, they are going to take over the planet and enslave us all. and its not going to be your kids or your grandkids, this will all happen over the next decade, if not much sooner



the following pieces of information concerning the underwear bomber are confirmed facts:


- Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab aka "the underwear bomber", was led through airport security without any identification whatsoever, no passport, no drivers licence, nothing. now ask yourself, just how does someone in this "post 9/11 world", get through an airport, through all the security, without showing any paperwork? well you get a "sharp, well dressed man", with high authority from an unknown government agency, to force airport security to allow Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on the plain, despite the fact that he again, had no passport, and appeared drugged and disheveled. eye witness reports from passengers who were on the plane, all confirm the same thing


- passengers who were on the plane also described the odd occurrence, of some man near the front of the plane, was turned around backwards in his seat videotaping the entire flight. who this man was we dont know, we do know though, that this is something that is simply not allowed on an airplane,in this day in age. he was obviously hired to document the event, that no one but Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab supposedly knew about


- michael chertoff, former secretary of homeland security, ordered thousands of body scanners to be installed in airports nationwide. he then went on to be the CEO of the company selling them. after the underwear attack, they quickly announced that they would install body scanners in all of the airports. soon after, it was discovered that the body scanners had all been ordered 1 year before the underwear attack


- another interesting note is that the media keeps telling us that underwear bomber was directed by a more intelligent terrorist network, "al qaeda", under the direction of a man named anwar al-awlaki, number 3 on the US terror watch list, just underneath osama bin laden, was "dining" at the pentagon months after 9/11. so you have osama bin laden go to guy, dining and doing secret business at the pentagon. this has been made mainstream news and can easily be found all over mainstream media sources



i hope you all realize whats happening. if you dont, you better real soon, otherwise, youre about to get smacked around proper, and youre not going to know why. this is a dire, deadly serious problem we face. we have to wake up now or its all over. we are running out of time, it closer than you think. people...we are fuckered. wake up now!

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i hope you all realize what this really means. the tyranny that is the new world order is taking over the planet, and using false flag staged terror as a tool to remove our rights and our freedoms. if you dont know, it is a classic political maneuver used by tyrants throughout all of history, to take over societies. you all learned about it in high school when you learned about WWII and hitler. it happened before hitler, it happened after hitler, and its happening now again. the time for denial and apathy is over. if we as a society dont wake up and stop this, they are going to take over the planet and enslave us all. and its not going to be your kids or your grandkids, this will all happen over the next decade, if not much sooner



the following pieces of information concerning the underwear bomber are confirmed facts:


- Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab aka "the underwear bomber", was led through airport security without any identification whatsoever, no passport, no drivers licence, nothing. now ask yourself, just how does someone in this "post 9/11 world", get through an airport, through all the security, without showing any paperwork? well you get a "sharp, well dressed man", with high authority from an unknown government agency, to force airport security to allow Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on the plain, despite the fact that he again, had no passport, and appeared drugged and disheveled. eye witness reports from passengers who were on the plane, all confirm the same thing


- passengers who were on the plane also described the odd occurrence, of some man near the front of the plane, was turned around backwards in his seat videotaping the entire flight. who this man was we dont know, we do know though, that this is something that is simply not allowed on an airplane,in this day in age. he was obviously hired to document the event, that no one but Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab supposedly knew about


- michael chertoff, former secretary of homeland security, ordered thousands of body scanners to be installed in airports nationwide. he then went on to be the CEO of the company selling them. after the underwear attack, they quickly announced that they would install body scanners in all of the airports. soon after, it was discovered that the body scanners had all been ordered 1 year before the underwear attack


- another interesting note is that the media keeps telling us that underwear bomber was directed by a more intelligent terrorist network, "al qaeda", under the direction of a man named anwar al-awlaki, number 3 on the US terror watch list, just underneath osama bin laden, was "dining" at the pentagon months after 9/11. so you have osama bin laden go to guy, dining and doing secret business at the pentagon. this has been made mainstream news and can easily be found all over mainstream media sources



i hope you all realize whats happening. if you dont, you better real soon, otherwise, youre about to get smacked around proper, and youre not going to know why. this is a dire, deadly serious problem we face. we have to wake up now or its all over. we are running out of time, it closer than you think. people...we are fuckered. wake up now!


some interesting points if true, but you almost lost me at "plain"

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we have no actual terrorist threat so we have to find impressionable young muslim people and give them fake bombs. is it just because of america's hubris that we do such stupid obvious shit like this?

Yes and of course, money. But you already knew the answer to this question. Nicely loaded sir.



WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!


theyre all true man


'we' are all slaves, time to become the masters!




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according to CBS it sounds like awlaki wasn't a govt target or much of a radical 9 (*10) years ago, but i won't pretend to know



the funny thing about Awlaki is that if you actually saw any of his youtube videos they are surprisingly tame. He is extremely well spoken and speaks english in some of his videos.


The real reason why the us wants to hunt down and kill awlaki with no trial (he is the first american citizen ever to be publically targeted for assassination for committing no actual crime) is because he is able to reach millions of muslims and arabs in countries being suppressed, sanctioned and occupied by the united states and get their blood boiling about US policy. It's not because he's a 'terrorist' he's actually not tied to any terrorist organizations nor does he run some kind of terrorist training organization. He is just a very anti american, muslim man who has enflamed already existing resentment in areas of the middle east. To my knowledge he does not actually call for violence against innocent people or what's typically labeled as terrorism in this post 9/11 world (Although sometimes just being arab and shooting back at an american soldier is defined as being a terrorist, so who knows?)

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"Killing Alwaki without due process"



"Confirmed: Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen"



my boyfriend greenwald does it again and was also one of the first big media voices to suggest (With ample evidence) that the underwear bomber was completely aided by the FBI

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nothing's shocking/new here

i want in

how do i become a sales rep for RAYTHEON OR LOCKHEED MARTIN?

tired of doing the right thing

i want money power and more money ok?

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because of what you just said.. nobody would ever think the country of 'peace' would ever try to control them. Fear is the best method..

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What about this? If this doesn't point to the damning conspiracy and (dare I say) supernatural dealings prevalent throughout American political history, then well, as ET professes, we're all fucked.



The last official sighting of the Demon Cat was in the 1940s.[4] The U.S. Capitol Historical Society has stated that at this time the Capitol Police force was notorious for hiring unqualified relatives and friends of Congressmen as favours, and that these men would frequently be drunk whilst on patrol.[9]


The society's version of the story states that a security guard was once licked by a cat when he was lying down. Being drunk, the man thought he was still standing at the time and was frightened by the apparently giant cat, thus spawning the 'Demon Cat' legend. As for the rest of the sightings, Steve Livengood of the society said; "eventually the other guards found out that they could get a day off if they saw the demon cat"


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