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it happened again

Guest Helper ET

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although i mostly agree with what you said, how is walking home from the bar a heinous activity? i had no choice at that point. i mean, once im drunk, what im i left to do but walk in the direction of my home? am i supposed to call the cab company because the police would prefer it? am i supposed to cuddle up in a cardboard box in the back alley because i am afraid of the police arresting me for consuming a substance that is sold legally? seriously what am i to do? just be sober and not even drink at all? would they not have won completely then?


yea, i agree.. it's like entrapment in a lot of ways.. like when they sit in their cars waiting for people to drive away.

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Guest Helper ET

or maybe i can jump at them! then theyll give me a nice comfy place to live for the rest of my life


hey policeman, if youre spying on me right now, fuck you and your wife! come and fight me without your uniform and weapon, and well see whos tough

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Too true man, although it's something i've always been privvy to, consciously or sub, it never ceases to flabbergast me: How uniforms and general uniformitarian doctrines are able to transform ordinary humans into armies of soulless nazilike clubs. I say clubs cause that's all they really are. Glorified clubs of systemized soul suckance.


A good example herof would be the dark side of the cops. Redundant annoying laws carried out by cops who by default must carry these laws out without the slightest consideration or thought for what they're doin.


On a different level, the shiny coloured devout followers of crap culture, who adhere to the rules of the norm and are by large scale marketing, sloganning creating life style armies who find anything slighlty weird or non quotable as some researched fact totally abhorrant.

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if you were really doing nothing illegal, then you know you have the right to challenge their actions in court.


if you were doing something illegal, however, then you're not telling us the full story, and consequently, your story is at best a half truth. normally, the end result of that sort of lie is "who cares? he was drunk" but you're always on such a moral crusade that any act of deceit on your part is greatly amplified as a signal to the rest of our bullshit meters.


so what were their official charges / reasons for stopping you and driving you home?


anyway you know i like you but you really gotta learn how to properly deal with and subvert authority when it disagrees with you. it's not that complicated.

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if you were doing something illegal, however, then you're not telling us the full story, and consequently, your story is at best a half truth.

Was just in a lift pondering this thread and thinking exactly that.....

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Here's my take on the story: ET was so drunk that he could hardly walk and wearing next to nothing in the midst of freezing winter, the police offered him a free ride home, when he couldn't find the keys the kind policeman helped him get in so he wouldn't have to spend the night outdoors.

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Guest ezkerraldean

in America you're supposed to drive everywhere, didn't you know? Your lack of automotive transport clearly marks you out as a terrorist.

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if what you're saying is actually true ET, then it's quite likely you are now "known" to the local police and they will stop you at every given opportunity. used to happen to me and my mates when we lived in Market Deeping (years ago now) - they used to pull us over all the time, breathalize us, search us etc - all because they thought we were up to something - we used to hang around in the local supermarket cark park in our cars, smoking weed. funnily enough they never approached us directly whilst in said car park, but used to often slow-drive past us and occasionally flash a torch in our direction. anyway, they must have taken all our cars' number plate details and recommended we be stopped if seen late at night etc as they considered us dodgy. they never arrested any of us or caught anyone drink driving or anything though, think they just used to like pissing us off...


so yeah, you're going to have to either get radical plastic surgery or move towns.

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Guest Helper ET

upon further inspection, it appears that they took my drivers license card away


i need that thing to take my gal out on valentines day in 3 days


shit just got serious

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Guest Helper ET

oh wait here it is...thank god





ok i wrote a note saying sorry, and i just heard my naybor leave and must have grabbed the note. wish me luck

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Market Deeping


deeping massive.


but yeah, one of our deeping bros was harrassed pretty constantly by the local police after being pulled over and breathalysed once (he passed). i guess small-town police have nothing better to do.

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