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Patron Saint Jamie Oliver


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I have eaten at Fifteen quite a few times and I can safely say it is fucking amazing.

Yeah I've eaten at the London one and the Watergate Bay one and they were both incredible.

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his food is no nonsense and hearty. he's got passion for food and educating fat unhealthy fools.


his appearance and speech impediment are irrelevant unless you've still got pent up bullying issues left over from high school or you think everyone on tv should be some kind of squeaky clean model robot fuck.


gordon ramsay is who to aim your hate at.



^^^ This ^^^


And crumpets fried with egg and chilli for breakfast

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Guest Coalbucket PI

his food is no nonsense and hearty. he's got passion for food and educating fat unhealthy fools.


his appearance and speech impediment are irrelevant unless you've still got pent up bullying issues left over from high school or you think everyone on tv should be some kind of squeaky clean model robot fuck.


gordon ramsay is who to aim your hate at.


He's got a contractual passion for Sainsbury's Taste The Difference range and an obligation as a brand to educate fat unhealthy fools because the lazy and the stupid are still the most profitable target markets out there. I'm sure his food is fine. Well I doubt his Italian restaurant chain is too great but I presume he needs the money to help all the starving kids or whatever.


Ramsey is less infuriating as he pretends to be more of a cunt than he is, which is slightly more honest than pretending to be a heart of gold everyman. That said I did see him do some shit cooking with his kids where he was being all lovely and warm and chuckly and it was quite foul.


Don't try to tell me you've never mocked someone's appearance since high school either, it's a basic human right and you should never give it up.


Bring back Sophie Dahl

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his food is no nonsense and hearty. he's got passion for food and educating fat unhealthy fools.


his appearance and speech impediment are irrelevant unless you've still got pent up bullying issues left over from high school or you think everyone on tv should be some kind of squeaky clean model robot fuck.


gordon ramsay is who to aim your hate at.


He's got a contractual passion for Sainsbury's Taste The Difference range and an obligation as a brand to educate fat unhealthy fools because the lazy and the stupid are still the most profitable target markets out there. I'm sure his food is fine. Well I doubt his Italian restaurant chain is too great but I presume he needs the money to help all the starving kids or whatever.


Ramsey is less infuriating as he pretends to be more of a cunt than he is, which is slightly more honest than pretending to be a heart of gold everyman. That said I did see him do some shit cooking with his kids where he was being all lovely and warm and chuckly and it was quite foul.


Don't try to tell me you've never mocked someone's appearance since high school either, it's a basic human right and you should never give it up.


Bring back Sophie Dahl


he had the passion before sainsburys came knocking. which is most likely why they chose him. makes sense, good marketing.


he learned his trade in italy with an italian mentor. he knows his onions when it comes to authentic, rustic italian food. this is where his love and some say overuse of olive oil comes from. eat in italy and good quality extra virgin olive oil is used exactly like that.


and of course i slag people off all the time without reason or provocation. i just don't find anything that repulsive about him at all, he seems like a decent guy. horses/courses.


sophie dahl is sickeningly posh, over priveledged and airy fairy. cannot relate. cannot watch.

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his appearance and speech impediment are irrelevant unless you've still got pent up bullying issues left over from high school or you think everyone on tv should be some kind of squeaky clean model robot fuck.


very well said.

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Guest disparaissant

his appearance and speech impediment are irrelevant unless you've still got pent up bullying issues left over from high school or you think everyone on tv should be some kind of squeaky clean model robot fuck.


very well said.

indeed. dislike him for being smug and self-serving, don't hate on someone for shit out of their control.

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sophie dahl is sickeningly posh, over priveledged and airy fairy. cannot relate. cannot watch.


Would, though.


would not.

totally wood

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Guest Coalbucket PI

his food is no nonsense and hearty. he's got passion for food and educating fat unhealthy fools.


his appearance and speech impediment are irrelevant unless you've still got pent up bullying issues left over from high school or you think everyone on tv should be some kind of squeaky clean model robot fuck.


gordon ramsay is who to aim your hate at.


He's got a contractual passion for Sainsbury's Taste The Difference range and an obligation as a brand to educate fat unhealthy fools because the lazy and the stupid are still the most profitable target markets out there. I'm sure his food is fine. Well I doubt his Italian restaurant chain is too great but I presume he needs the money to help all the starving kids or whatever.


Ramsey is less infuriating as he pretends to be more of a cunt than he is, which is slightly more honest than pretending to be a heart of gold everyman. That said I did see him do some shit cooking with his kids where he was being all lovely and warm and chuckly and it was quite foul.


Don't try to tell me you've never mocked someone's appearance since high school either, it's a basic human right and you should never give it up.


Bring back Sophie Dahl


he had the passion before sainsburys came knocking. which is most likely why they chose him. makes sense, good marketing.


he learned his trade in italy with an italian mentor. he knows his onions when it comes to authentic, rustic italian food. this is where his love and some say overuse of olive oil comes from. eat in italy and good quality extra virgin olive oil is used exactly like that.


and of course i slag people off all the time without reason or provocation. i just don't find anything that repulsive about him at all, he seems like a decent guy. horses/courses.


sophie dahl is sickeningly posh, over priveledged and airy fairy. cannot relate. cannot watch.

If that is so then he sold that passion and it isn't worth anything anymore. His trade isn't cooking, his trade is being a TV personality, a celebrity. I don't give a fuck what he cooks, nobody is cooking along to 30 Minute Meals live on screen, especially so since it's impossible. It's not important what celebrity chefs cook, that's why I'd watch something strange like a beautiful bizarre flouncy princess cooking god-knows-what and then reading whimsical poetry in a graveyard, rather than a cruscading knight of cuisine pretending he's just like me and he's saving the planet while spitting and spurting thick yellow jets of olive oil in my eyes.


What we learned from Sophie Dahl is that viewers like to pretend they watch TV chefs because they are artful passionate experts in their field that you can learn from and not ludicrous attention whores. Even though 95% of people won't learn anything and just watch the telly person burble and look at some pictures of pretty yum yums. As such I can only ever stomach Nigella Lawson or Sophie Dahl because that's half an hour of relaxing daydreaming about food and intercourse.

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sophie dahl is sickeningly posh, over priveledged and airy fairy. cannot relate. cannot watch.


Would, though.


would not.

totally wood




admittedly she is standing next to a dwarf but she looks like an alien or something. i'd rather fuck an actual alien.

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his food is no nonsense and hearty. he's got passion for food and educating fat unhealthy fools.


his appearance and speech impediment are irrelevant unless you've still got pent up bullying issues left over from high school or you think everyone on tv should be some kind of squeaky clean model robot fuck.


gordon ramsay is who to aim your hate at.


He's got a contractual passion for Sainsbury's Taste The Difference range and an obligation as a brand to educate fat unhealthy fools because the lazy and the stupid are still the most profitable target markets out there. I'm sure his food is fine. Well I doubt his Italian restaurant chain is too great but I presume he needs the money to help all the starving kids or whatever.


Ramsey is less infuriating as he pretends to be more of a cunt than he is, which is slightly more honest than pretending to be a heart of gold everyman. That said I did see him do some shit cooking with his kids where he was being all lovely and warm and chuckly and it was quite foul.


Don't try to tell me you've never mocked someone's appearance since high school either, it's a basic human right and you should never give it up.


Bring back Sophie Dahl


he had the passion before sainsburys came knocking. which is most likely why they chose him. makes sense, good marketing.


he learned his trade in italy with an italian mentor. he knows his onions when it comes to authentic, rustic italian food. this is where his love and some say overuse of olive oil comes from. eat in italy and good quality extra virgin olive oil is used exactly like that.


and of course i slag people off all the time without reason or provocation. i just don't find anything that repulsive about him at all, he seems like a decent guy. horses/courses.


sophie dahl is sickeningly posh, over priveledged and airy fairy. cannot relate. cannot watch.

I don't give a fuck what he cooks, nobody is cooking along to 30 Minute Meals live on screen, especially so since it's impossible.


that's what the book's for! my gf's regularly taking 40 minutes to prepare everything but she stops to read the recipe and she's getting quicker as she learns them. last night she took 20 minutes to do his risotto and 2 salads. if you've got everything ready before hand it's definately do-able. with his risotto you don't chop the onions and mushrooms, you just wack them in the mixer so you don't have to have lightning fast chopping skills. you don't prepare the stock, you just crumble a cube directly into the pot when you add the wine. you make the salads while the rice is cooking. these 30 minute meals are perfectly designed so's busy people/families can eat fresh wholesome food without taking hours and costing the earth. so what if some idiots are moaning they can't do them in exactly 30 minutes, they probably just can't be arsed.


ps. i'm not in love with the guy or anything.




look at him though! :wub:

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yeah, can't stand him.


Thing is he's so calculated and busniness conscious. I could maybe respect his intentions of trying to make the world a healthier place if it wasn't for the fact that I really think he only does it because he will make a huge profit from it.


Unless I'm mistaken, he owns the production company that makes his shows, Fresh one productions. his recent Xmas cooking book is the fastest selling non fiction book EVER in the uk, was selling more than 10,000 copies a day over the 2 month christmas period. no doubt filling his pockets.


Fair play to the guy for obviously completely raking it in... But I just wish he didn't try to convince the world that he is completely sincere in his intentions. Just admit you wanna make a fuck load of cash.

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yeah, can't stand him.


Thing is he's so calculated and busniness conscious. I could maybe respect his intentions of trying to make the world a healthier place if it wasn't for the fact that I really think he only does it because he will make a huge profit from it.


Unless I'm mistaken, he owns the production company that makes his shows, Fresh one productions. his recent Xmas cooking book is the fastest selling non fiction book EVER in the uk, was selling more than 10,000 copies a day over the 2 month christmas period. no doubt filling his pockets.


Fair play to the guy for obviously completely raking it in... But I just wish he didn't try to convince the world that he is completely sincere in his intentions. Just admit you wanna make a fuck load of cash.


what you're describing is SUCCESS. so he likes to control his output. d'you expect him to give away his books for free? you got the same crit for an artist or band with their own record company?

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i hate this little gobshite, look at the names of his fucking kids


Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver


Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver


Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver


Buddy Bear Maurice Oliver





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