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US army uses psy ops on US senators


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read the comments, it sounds like bad half-baked sensationalism


This article is one-sided, technically inaccurate and clearly a hatchet job. Russell Burgos hit the nail on the head. A PSYOPer (or MISOer...) would never refer to a psychological operation as "psy-ops". In fact, the best way to send a speaker-monkey into a red-faced rage is to refer to their glorified handbills as "PSYOPS". A cursory examination of AKO shows that there is a Mike Holmes in the 71st TIOG so that at least checks out. But, the statement that General Caldwell tried to rewrite IO doctrine is hilarious and wrong at the same time. The IO doctrinal manual, FM 3-13, was being rewritten while Caldwell was the CG of CAC but that effort was initiated prior to his arrival and, with pretty good seats to the action, I can honestly say that his involvement with the rewrite was primarily as a stakeholder but certainly not a contributor.


Best thing to do with this article is print it out and make a paper airplane out of it. Maybe even wipe your butt with it.

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that comment sounds like it was written by a snotty american military brat stationed in okinawa (maybe trying to spin some amateur psyops of his own, but badly). I don't see what's so 'sensationalist' about this article, this kind of stuff is run of the mill and happens regularly.


i actually really liked the article Kcinsu thanks for posting.

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Guest Helper ET

watmm is now politically awake


theres anti establishment threads with shades of conspiracy every couple of days now


you either all woke up at the same time, or the entire world is waking up, or both (its both)


now will anyone listen, when we say the military has long since become a rogue unit of the government controlled by the globalists to hijack america and then the world?

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There's treasonous actions carried out all the time. Lying us into the iraq war for example. But it's only treason of consequence if you do it to the wrong people, the people that actually matter. Articulating a few willing marionettes around ain't treason.


As for the article, i'll check it. But i have a feeling that it itself will just be psy-ops. hehe

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Guest analogue wings

You should read a textbook some time. You might find that reality is what it actually is and not what you'd like it to be in your enfeebled 12 year old fantasies.

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flol chen!



aren't journalists exempt from treason? (1st amendment)


Why not try and fuck with weak minded people to get what you want if you are a fascist regime?


It worked for the third reich....

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that comment sounds like it was written by a snotty american military brat stationed in okinawa (maybe trying to spin some amateur psyops of his own, but badly). I don't see what's so 'sensationalist' about this article, this kind of stuff is run of the mill and happens regularly.


i actually really liked the article Kcinsu thanks for posting.


disagree, I read through quite a few of the comments and his wasn't the only one that was critical in a seemingly sensible way. The argument being that asking someone to gather background on visiting dignitaries is not the same as conducting "psy ops" against them. Plus nature of the psy ops is not explained in any detail. Seems like grasping at straws to me.


But if McCain can't resist them after years of VC torture, who can? :emotawesomepm9:

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blah blah i was aware of this shit before it was cool


ET, after seeing you post messages of this kind a few times you're no longer the resident conspiracy theorist but the resident hipster conspiracy theorist.

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Guest Helper ET

f that. even if this was a trend, which its not, when it ended, id still be here warning you all. nope, sorry guys, everything i say is true, and has been debated at incredible length years if not decades ago, the discussion has long been over, and if you still think its all crazy, all you are doing is displaying to everyone who actually understands whats going on, that you are completely uneducated on the subject, and worse, hurting the real message. of course the hordes of fools are always going to come in and deny it despite indisputable evidence, thats the nature of this beast, but i find it amusing, yet so frustrating, that the same people who try to attack me and the things i talk about, can never prove to me (or even try) that our food and water supply hasnt been weaponized against us by the globalists, to depopulate the planet to more manageable numbers, and to set up a world global government sold to the people as something good, as to then eventually begin the hardcore extermination process where mass amounts of people will start dying through disease via codex alimentarius, bioweapons, electronic weapons, economic sanctions, artificially induced economic turmoil, wars, and whatever else they decide to use against us. and dont give me this, "well prove it does exist" nonsense, because everyone knows ive been here doing that for years now, and im not gonna sit here time after time again sending the same people links over and over, when i know they dont even read them, because theyve already made their poorly educated decisions, based on lies fed to them by their own murdering governments. and now all the fools living in denial, will begin posting what they think is a clever little jab at me and my intelligence, followed by a coupled lols, followed by complete idiocy. good job, go waste your precious time making fun of some stranger on the internet who is 12 years old for all you know, rather than looking into my repeated claims that our food and water supply has been compromised. go read it you cowards

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lol, enjoy being crazy. You're the one who detracts from the "message" of reasonable people, by mixing valid concerns with pure fantasy.


Also, apart from being insane, it's also rather arrogant to assume that most people in positions of power and responsibility are either puppets, idiots, or utterly without morals. Which is why you'll never be in a position like that.

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Guest Helper ET

lol, enjoy being crazy. You're the one who detracts from the "message" of reasonable people, by mixing valid concerns with pure fantasy.


Also, apart from being insane, it's also rather arrogant to assume that most people in positions of power and responsibility are either puppets, idiots, or utterly without morals. Which is why you'll never be in a position like that.


your uneducated opinion


notice how you fall right into the category of people who wont attempt to refute my claims, just calling me crazy and wrong, just as i said in my last post someone would come along and do. dont be a fool. nice try though, maybe the 15 year olds would fall for that kind of spin


and i did no such thing as claim most people with positions of power are puppets, idiots, or unmoral. where the fuck did that come from? yes its true, many are those things, but of course not all of them. nobody even said that but you

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i used to have a cheap subscription to rolling stone magazine and it always amazed me how you could have an article about how great U2 are and then a 12 page article about the banking system in the same magazine.


i wonder what U2 are up to these days

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Instead of posting 500 words on why everyone else is an uneducated deluded idiot...


Try backing up your gradiose statements with something other than being a stuckup asshole and getting confrontational when people don't take your word at face value.


Try having a fucking rational discussion and don't just drop a couple of shitty posts and leave like you always do.

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