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WATMM Drug Consumption Poll

Guest hahathhat

What Drugs Do You Do?  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Booze

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Regularly, Light (beer with dinner)
    • Regularly, Heavy (3+ drinks with dinner)
    • Fuck Dinner, I start At 2PM
  2. 2. Grass

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Couple times a week
    • Daily
    • Couple times a day
  3. 3. Caffeine

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Morning Coffee
    • Morning Coffee + Afternoon Tea
    • Energy Drinks Aplenty
    • Caffeine Hed
  4. 4. Psychedelics

    • None
    • Tried once or twice
    • Couple times a year
    • Couple times a month
    • Daily Hed
  5. 5. Uppers (Adderall, Ritalin, Meth, MKAT, MDPV, Etc.)

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Daily
    • Heavy
  6. 6. Opiates/Downers (Vicodin, Seconal)

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Regular Vicodin Stash
    • Dr. House
    • Heroin
  7. 7. Coke

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Friday Night
    • Night Other Than Friday Night
    • Charlie Sheen
  8. 8. Tobacco

    • None
    • Rarely
    • Spliffs
    • If I'm drunk and someone offers
    • Regularly
    • I love cigarettes

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I used to drink only a couple of beers, guinness and boddingtons. a six pack would last me at least a month. I haven't drank them in over a year, but i do occasionally drink wines


Coffee in the morning... nothing else.

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Tobacco: I love cigarettes. (I also love my pipe, which I smoke at least once or twice a day).

Alcohol, I have a few nights a week in the evening. Usually cheap wine.

Caffeine, I drink lots and lots of green tea.

Everything else, meh. I smoked weed for a few months and quickly grew bored.

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i smoke weed every day (+ eat edibles frequently). i love it. i love coffee. i love beer, but i'm not that into other alcohol. i hate cigarettes, coke, and ecstasy. lsd is a friend on rare occasions.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I have no valid choice for question three. I don't drink coffee, but I drink tea and caffeinated soda.

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Guest dilbthelame


beer, moderate to heavy once or twice a week

weed, daily.... usually several times daily, fuck twice

caffeine, few cups of tea scattered thru the day

tobacco, spliffs + 5-10 cigarettes



beer, light consumption several days a week (like 1 or 2 low % stuff)

weed, no

caffeine, one or two or three coffees a day

tobacco, gave up cold turkey 2 weeks ago so no


.....all of which makes me pretty boring at parties i guess

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I love my beer. Don't touch tobacco, only if I have the rare spliff. Don't touch caffeine as it triggers migraine.


I do like my mdma, but have problems getting decent stuff nowadays so stay clear (pm me if you like :wink: )


And if I am going on a huge booze bender I get a bit of charlie. I did mushrooms and acid years ago.


So not that bad all in all.

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I drink a couple nights a week, smoke the ganj daily :sup: I like to trip, but anymore it's a few times a year. Pills have never really been my thing, but I might take some Vyvanse or other stimulants, not really one for downers though. Have stayed away from the powders pretty much since my teen years, but if a friend had some good stuff I'd prolly give it a try :wink: I only chew tobacco, there was no option for that so I just picked daily, even though it's not quite daily. maybe 4-5 times a week

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Guest AcrossCanyons

booze: heavy once a week generally (saturday nights) but nothing else/rarely in between.

weed: somewhere between daily - few times a week, depends on money and if I fancy it. sometimes I go a week or two without thinking about it.

caffeine: very infrequent coffee or tea. occassional coke/pepsi etc.

psychedelics: (very) few times a year. salvia usually.

uppers: not much anymore but I last year I usually had mkat or mdma on a saturday night. don't plan to buy any anymore but if I got offered something I might have the very rare dabble.

downers: ket (very) rarely.

opiates: never.

coke: once and it was a horrible night (ended up spending the night in jail. never again.)

tobacco: used to smoke fairly regularly (until a few months ago), then would only have it on a night out (usually go through a pack of 10), then stopped smoking, now I'm back to smoking most nights out. not sure if I want to smoke or not at the moment actually. I enjoy it but the biggest downside is the price and I don't know if it's worth it - for now I'mma keep my consumption as low as I can and maybe smoke on the weekends out.

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Most of the drugs make people stupid. I don't like them.

This is basically how I feel. I highly value intelligence and logic, and hate to have them muddied up. I do drink two or three beers occasionally, just enough to make me social, and no more.

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Guest hahathhat

Most of the drugs make people stupid. I don't like them.

This is basically how I feel. I highly value intelligence and logic, and hate to have them muddied up. I do drink two or three beers occasionally, just enough to make me social, and no more.


there's stupid and there's impulsive. adderall made for some great school papers (very intelligent and logical), but it also made me try and start a fight for the first time in my life. didn't fill my next prescription. the only other time i've gotten into that sort of thing since was equally a disaster. so no more for me! just morning coffee.


booze makes you stupid AND impulsive! but, after a long week of thinking deep thoughts, it can be a relief to drunkenly yell abuse into a halo hedset, or go to pub trivia. that being said, i'm getting older, and i'm inclined to let it go some time sooner or later. it doesn't make my body feel well.


i like weed and psychedelics. the weed makes me less of a compulsive nutbag, and the psychedelics help with the roots of that compulsive nuttiness.

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Weed has always diagreed with me. The only time I smoke it is when I am sky high and a need to mellow out. Even then I try to get the easy going stuff (or solid is best). I hate super skunk! That stuff is just pure evil and just totaly fucks my head up in a negative way. No doubt if I smoked skunk everyday I would be one of those casualties you hear about who lost the plot on cannabis. Turns me into a paranoid wreck, no good for me!


Ps who on here is charlie sheen? lol

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Weed has always diagreed with me. The only time I smoke it is when I am sky high and a need to mellow out. Even then I try to get the easy going stuff (or solid is best). I hate super skunk! That stuff is just pure evil and just totaly fucks my head up in a negative way. No doubt if I smoked skunk everyday I would be one of those casualties you hear about who lost the plot on cannabis. Turns me into a paranoid wreck, no good for me!


Ps who on here is charlie sheen? lol

Obviously it's kaen.



Also I should probably smoke a little weed some time. I hear we have some of the best stuff around my area in Seattle and BC

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Guest hahathhat

Weed has always diagreed with me. The only time I smoke it is when I am sky high and a need to mellow out.


what are you sky high on? :emotawesomepm9:


No doubt if I smoked skunk everyday I would be one of those casualties you hear about who lost the plot on cannabis.


actually, you just realize the plot was an illusion/delusion!

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I hate super skunk! That stuff is just pure evil and just totaly fucks my head up in a negative way.


You probably had some very potent indica which is the more common breed of plant, which generally gives you a very cloudy mind and lazy body. It's almost narcotic, I used to to smoke that kind of weed over taking hydrocodone when i got my wisdoom teeth pulled.


Try to find a sativa with high amounts of THC and low amounts of CBD and other cannabanoids and I think you might find a differing opinion


I say this probably too much but if you aren't learned about this basic difference in weed and you're an adult, you're just doing a disservice to yourself. It's common sense to know what you're smoking kids. :ok:

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Try to find a sativa with high amounts of THC and low amounts of CBD and other cannabanoids and I think you might find a differing opinion


I say this probably too much but if you aren't learned about this basic difference in weed and you're an adult, you're just doing a disservice to yourself. It's common sense to know what you're smoking kids. :ok:


skunks usually very high in thc and low in cannibinoids, hence why it makes people wig out. If you saw the video posted recently of people being injected with pure THC (then compared to thc/cbd mix), or have heard testimonials from people who smoke those pure THC analogues, you can see how low or nonexistant CBD levels will make you uncomfortable, paranoid, and anxious. And in my opinion, more prone to psychosis

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Guest hahathhat

no one ever talks about marinol, which is pure thc, yes? everything i've read says it's shit compared to weed, which is why no one cares.

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skunks usually very high in thc and low in cannibinoids, hence why it makes people wig out.

I understand that the actual strain skunk is as you describe it but I've had a lot more weed that was called skunk falsely which were heavy indicas.


If you saw the video posted recently of people being injected with pure THC (then compared to thc/cbd mix), or have heard testimonials from people who smoke those pure THC analogues, you can see how low or nonexistant CBD levels will make you uncomfortable, paranoid, and anxious. And in my opinion, more prone to psychosis


You're absolutely right. But this is where things get complex. THC by itself in high doses, without the addition of other cannabanoids acts more like a psychedelic with stimulant properties. like a small dose of acid. So I can see exactly how people are smoking really heady, high THC weed maybe in a situation where they are vulnerable or they aren't happy with their self, and what THC does, like psychedelics similar to it is bring up all your fears and insecurities and problems to the conscious level.


Reading this again you could be right that beerwolf smoked some really strong THC heavy shit he wasn't ready for. My bad :lol:


IMO if you've got a positive state of mind or if you truly wish to progess mentally as a human being then theres nothing better for you than an experience like that, maybe once a month at the most. It's better to eat weed if you're going to do it with marijuana because of 11-hydroxy-metabolyte, which is only released when certain cannibanoids travel through the liver . But I agree if you're a PSTD sufferer or mental illness runs in the family, heavy sativas and psychedelics are not always the best idea.

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