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vamos scorcho

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Guest Lube Saibot

bla bla bla bla random synapse misfires transcribed into English


PS. lube saibot is subhuman subcockroach please forgive him god is not on his side


PP SHIT although i forgive him sincerely i have to strike back but honesty anybody that bullies on the internet like that needs to rethink their values though you may think his comments are foxy and funny please rethink who you side with in such matters it would be so GOD DAMN appreciated,.by me at least.


I am honored that you would attack me in a thread i didn't post in, and in the context of a topic i have nothing do with at all. it tells me the obvious: that your entire experience on watmm has been marred by a few choice posts on my part, that you now can't seem to go about your watmmbusiness without second-guessing yourself fifteen times and imagining fifteen other scenarios where i complete embarrass you. In other words, I've gotten to you in ways that most internet trolls only dream of - my foul influence has trickled into your IRL, and i hang as a dark cloud, pervading in most of your existential ruminations, while you rage-fap, with tears in your eyes, to my fictionalized appearance (that i am sure is overly flattering to a degree where yoy should question your sexuality). cursing my name, you try to mock it, futile as it may be to mock something that is self-deprecating.


I am also pleasantly surprised with your choice of words. "bullies" instead of "trolls" or "flames" or whatever. to you, i am a BULLY. in your eyes, i am someone that exerts a form of power on you which you yourself cannot exert back. in your eyes, i dominate you to such a degree, and in such a way, that i becomes poignantly frustrating. and at the same time, it creates this false bildungsroman scenario in your head... "in the end, i will grow, and i will defeat this bully in a different, more humiliating way than the one he defeats me". I'm sorry, bro, this time there's no cinematic happy ending for the weakling underdog... i'm no bully, i'm just a moderately-smart anon on the internet that you've managed to piss off, and you're an emotionally-regressed early-burnout kid, who still thinks in terms of highschool politics, and who can't seem to handle the flames he so obliviously and incessantly baits.


also, to borrow the old 4chan adage, "watmm is not your personal army"; there are no sides, and there is no winning, ever.


i sincerely hope you will one day either:


a) find a combination of chemicals that engenders at least a small amount of psychological normality and less of a proclivity for being a snot-nosed cancer of watmm (seriously, i usually take my internet trolls as the spicing of the meal that is an internet community, but people like you and MasonicBoom are so :facepalm: that you just need to go)

b) unsubscribe

c) get banned




d) die from that OD you're inevitably shambling towards already no, that's harsh, just get some psychiatric help man, seriously :sad:


PS. that track in your sig is awesome, you should release it on Warp. :emotawesomepm9:

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weakling underdog my ass. you know nothing. you are a speck of shit. that is all. a speck. i was toying with the idea upon your next attack of urging you to kill yourself but i agree, it's too harsh and i wouldn't fucking mean it anyway. it's shameful shit. just shameful. i've got nothing else. so what if i get frustrated or mad, internet interactions can carry the same amount of weight as real life interactions. it's not all that different in the end, especially if part of your personality is on the line. with you, constantly saying i'm a burn out and so on, you come off as a coward and an asshole yourself. it's not as if you've provided anything for me to shoot at. with me however i put myself on the line on this website because i really am not a coward. i generally trust people emotionally. for some reason i trust IDM fans extra.


you can call me 'stupid' or whathave you but i can almost entirely guarantee that my 'test scores' and IQ are higher than your own. i knwo this because my scores are abnormally high. i can also assure you that i was more attractive then you back when i wasn't fat from antipsychotic medication and superior at pleasing women, based on the picture someone posted of you in a half joking way when i mentioned you were a jerk. "this is the monster lube, all is well. he is but a petty speck of shit."


this isn't planned, i don't want to get back at you. i hate you for the over the line cruelty you've laid on me and i think your online persona while often being hilariously on point and very likable/witty, is also arrogant and disturbed. you tend to show just as much potential for desperate lashing out and anger as myself. it's more a case of the two sided mirror or whatever the fuck. it's projection and the fact that we're more similar than different. and i can only assume you hate yourself even more than i do.




for the record i am not a burn out. i went through a period of heavy drug usage and it's been over for several months now. there is far more to me than just a burn out, so when someone mentions something psychologically damaging and partially true like that, it tends to become more than just kind of funny, it becomes hurtful and angering. i'm done with this discussion.

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vamos man, stop now you're making yourself look like a right idiot. actually the damage is already done, but I seriously recommend posting no further such nonsense....claiming your IQ is higher than someone else's and that you were better looking than them before you got fat is seriously sad mate. unless this is all an elaborate trolling effort in which case, bravo.

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Guest Lube Saibot

i generally trust people emotionally. for some reason i trust IDM fans extra.




i can also assure you that i was more attractive then than you back when i wasn't fat from antipsychotic medication and superior at pleasing women, based on the picture someone posted of you in a half joking way when i mentioned you were a jerk.


wow wow just... wow. *slow clap* i seem to remember from another weird thread of yours that your idea of interaction with women is tacitly staring at random girls until you creep them out no, scratch that, you are superior at pleasing women, and would be hot if you weren't not hot (that makes sense), and your IQ is bigger because highschool grades.


also "i take antipsychotic medicine" vs "i am not a burnout" is also amazing, sheen would be proud.


keep digging the hole mate. :facepalm:

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this is reall nerd bleepy bloop shit...


u want real music listen avenged sevenfold - a band that can actualy play there instruments without a computer program doin it for them...


dont bother trying to prove me wrong, i have IQ 170 i took a test so im smarter than you and i am right anwyay sooo....


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vamos is superior at pleasing women because just by going away he pleases them immeasurably.


I have no idea what's going on in this thread.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Vamos is the only person on the forum that still posts that I have ignored btw

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haha ho ho. you faggots think you have got the best of me. laughter fucking fills the room. thats it, a bunch of satanic faggots laughing to high heavens out of their own insecurity and patjhetic emptiness. i please women so fucking perfectly it's beyond your imagination. you can not STAND to see someone dominate you so forcefully, so powerfully. your words so weak, your laughter so small. it's beyond pathetic. i am the most seductive person ever compared to you gumps. you fools. even with shit streaming out of the bottom of my jeans i would have a more meaningful life than so many of you.


faggots, who found mumu. faggots, who found good music. go listen to aphex twin and shag your fucking cunts if that's what pleases you. god damn electronic music bitches. couldn't understand fucking the simplest of trumpet solos if your lives depended on it. shacked up, shacked up.


this, this is the last word. you think you're on somebody's team but you are as alone as i am. except i'm fucking proud of it, i'm a reject who knows his place. find yours or forever burn in your imaginary fucking world.


i hate most of you, you are like children retards spiritually, emotionally, and every other way in comparison with me. you don't even know it.


so, in summation. no matter what you think: I WIN. end of story, the victory is in my court. you haven't the slightest chance of getting through to me here. i am the victor. it is that simple. i win, i am victorious. you lose. you fail. you have succeeded at nothing .your lols line the hallways of a vacant pail at the bottom of a pile a trash at the rumpke dump. there is nothing more to it. your opinions: entirely inconsequential .your meaning: not there. you are nothing, nothing at all.


once more: i win


jesus christ it feels good to be this superior

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If I wasn't familiar with your posts, I would think you were way too obvious of a troll, but as it is, this is really just sad.

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nice avatar Ganus and I guess 'hi itsme' was Vamos after all, thought it was wake, but the excessive use of the word faggot proves otherwise......

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haha ho ho. you faggots think you have got the best of me. laughter fucking fills the room. thats it, a bunch of satanic faggots laughing to high heavens out of their own insecurity and patjhetic emptiness. i please women so fucking perfectly it's beyond your imagination. you can not STAND to see someone dominate you so forcefully, so powerfully. your words so weak, your laughter so small. it's beyond pathetic. i am the most seductive person ever compared to you gumps. you fools. even with shit streaming out of the bottom of my jeans i would have a more meaningful life than so many of you.


faggots, who found mumu. faggots, who found good music. go listen to aphex twin and shag your fucking cunts if that's what pleases you. god damn electronic music bitches. couldn't understand fucking the simplest of trumpet solos if your lives depended on it. shacked up, shacked up.


this, this is the last word. you think you're on somebody's team but you are as alone as i am. except i'm fucking proud of it, i'm a reject who knows his place. find yours or forever burn in your imaginary fucking world.


i hate most of you, you are like children retards spiritually, emotionally, and every other way in comparison with me. you don't even know it.


so, in summation. no matter what you think: I WIN. end of story, the victory is in my court. you haven't the slightest chance of getting through to me here. i am the victor. it is that simple. i win, i am victorious. you lose. you fail. you have succeeded at nothing .your lols line the hallways of a vacant pail at the bottom of a pile a trash at the rumpke dump. there is nothing more to it. your opinions: entirely inconsequential .your meaning: not there. you are nothing, nothing at all.


once more: i win


jesus christ it feels good to be this superior



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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I'm 90% positive Vamos is a sincerely annoying child brain, not an intentionally calculated troll.

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