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Skinny little bully gets chopped in half by chubby kid.

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in high school some kid wrote "all jocks must die" on the toilet wall.

the teachers and such went nuts, thinking this was a serious thing. a couple jocks were sent to the principal office and such. it was really just a joke to all students and we didn't take it seriously

good times

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

in high school some kid wrote "all jocks must die" on the toilet wall.

the teachers and such went nuts, thinking this was a serious thing. a couple jocks were sent to the principal office and such. it was really just a joke to all students and we didn't take it seriously

good times


it was probably just a statement on the inevitability of death. we all must die eventually; jocks' elevated social status does not exempt them from this.






















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how is it mutli-leveled ? Online bullying? Im old, so i dont know...I wish i beat my bullies up in school. It does bother you forever


yuP ... School is an horrible creation.

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how is it mutli-leveled ? Online bullying? Im old, so i dont know...I wish i beat my bullies up in school. It does bother you forever


I agree, there a lot of people who never got what they deserved, and this is a single instant where it actually happens, hence why we all rally around it. That doesn't mean everything is ok. I can remember bullies now, and I wasn't even the victim very many times, it was usually friends and peers of mine. Kids can be cruel, and often feel guilt for not stepping in more often (in verbal harassment, I rarely saw fights that weren't simply two morons fighting over a chick or some bullshit). Some bullies are insecure or possibly neglected kids, some are just straight up assholes who will always be that way (and likely run into legal trouble later). Then there's really motives like racism, straight up psychopathic issues, extreme peer pressure in different forms (i.e. gangs), online bullying, the gossipy harassment and bullshit that girls tend to engage in...


...remember a few years ago a girl committed suicide because her classmate, posing as a boy online, started a romantic relationship then trashed her verbally online. The classmate's mother helped her. That's way beyond what most of us grow up experiencing or witnessing in regards to "bullies." Or that girl from Ireland who was harassed on multiple occasions before committing suicide. And this too. Odds are that most of us won't have to deal with the worst, but it can happen to anyone, It's definitely one of my top concerns when I do think of becoming a parent. :sad:


I don't think bullying has changed much, to state that is to allow yourself to believe that children have evolved somehow in the last 20 years. Yes they can now be vile via phone and net. But it's the same ole bullshit by the same types of people, supported by the same sheeple, and causing the same results. Yes even up to and including suicide, for those more emotionally fragile.


Don't get caught up with the media hype. The only extra level here, is that the media seems to care about bullying nowadays. Whereas before it was "Suck it up kiddoe, it's character building". Which of course it wasn't, and thankfully society is at least talking about it now.

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it's the same ole bullshit by the same types of people, supported by the same sheeple, and causing the same results. The only extra level here, is that the media seems to care about bullying nowadays. Whereas before it was "Suck it up kiddoe, it's character building". Which of course it wasn't, and thankfully society is at least talking about it now.


You speak sense as always, to me at least dltr. But when I was at school, it seemed that kids would be less likely to try and twat you full-on in the face (that was an awfully long time ago), which was what I found most disturbing about the video in the OP, much less than the bodyslam that followed. P'raps I'm just old and naive...

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it's the same ole bullshit by the same types of people, supported by the same sheeple, and causing the same results. The only extra level here, is that the media seems to care about bullying nowadays. Whereas before it was "Suck it up kiddoe, it's character building". Which of course it wasn't, and thankfully society is at least talking about it now.


You speak sense as always, to me at least dltr. But when I was at school, it seemed that kids would be less likely to try and twat you full-on in the face (that was an awfully long time ago), which was what I found most disturbing about the video in the OP, much less than the bodyslam that followed. P'raps I'm just old and naive...


I'm old and fights happened then. Remember also that some school districts are worse than others. I'm sure if you went to Glasgow high, in the 70's you wouldn't have had much trouble getting a 'twatting full-on' in the face.


Levels of violence in society tend to follow a couple of metrics, socio-economic and some sort of less definable one called progress. And over the last 150 years crime rates have been dropping across the western world. Especially violent crime. Surely this must be mirrored somewhat in our schools.


Still despite this i still believe, that the proportion of arseholes has remained pretty constant. There's just less reason for them to act out now that they are better off. At school though, before the social conditioning has kicked in, they're just as cuntly as ever. Probably less quick to violence of course, because much of that comes from parental example doesn't it, and we said that they're now better off, so now behave somewhat nicerly (heh).


So we still get kids being ganged up on and emotionally torn down, and there is still the threat of violence to curtail any rebellion against group ring leaders and such. But the opposite of what you are suspecting is going on. Things have gotten tamer. But it's the law of diminishing returns, they're still humans, who will never fully tamed. Just go to work and you'll see that there's savages all around us still.


-- soz, if it's a bit wishy washy, i am pretty tired.

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I'm old too, but I didn't get my nose broken til I was 19 (I got laid into in a club toilet the week The Cure released Disintegration and not too long after Pixies put out Doolittle, iirc). So I sort of became more aware of the presence of savages and aggressive wankers after my school days. I'd have hated that shit to have been cracking off while I was still trying to pass my 'O' levels (which at that time was still acceptable to the working classes).

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i've always been a runner, not a fighter. heh


Did have one fight in highschool though which was unavoidable, they basically made the appointment and booking for me and it would have been a lot worse if i didn't show up to see how it played out. I think i won. The cock stopped bugging me after that, so yeah violence probably has it's place.

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It's true. Oak Bay High was like High School Lite.

yeah, all the highschoolers i have met here are pretty soft compared even to those i went to school with up north. and my school was fairly laid back.


it's probably worse now. but whatever, i don't know where i was going with that. canada just isn't bully territory, really. some ass hole will shove you and call you nasty names and then say sorry.

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It's true. Oak Bay High was like High School Lite.

yeah, all the highschoolers i have met here are pretty soft compared even to those i went to school with up north. and my school was fairly laid back.


it's probably worse now. but whatever, i don't know where i was going with that. canada just isn't bully territory, really. some ass hole will shove you and call you nasty names and then say sorry.

Have a cold one!

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