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CNN's new special "UNWELCOME: The Muslim Next Door"


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I don't even know anymore. It seems like everyone feels uneasy about Muslims to an extent. My extended family in Tennessee/Alabama don't like them, and many many people here in small town Minnesota think Muslim and Terrorist are synonyms.


A relationship between my town, and the South is that they love Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior more than anything.



I was born and raised in Minnesota as well, I've seen this in the small towns... Minneapolis however seems to be extremely tolerant of Muslims, in fact they seem to kind of bow to them a little they seem to make accommodations every time some Muslim activist gets a little outspoken (Adding prayer rooms and footwashing rooms to the MCTC campus, while there are no rooms for prayer of any other beliefs etc...) I can't help but question if this is done out of tolerance or fear? Now I'll be completely honest, I have strong disagreements with a lot of the teachings and practices of Islam, but I do not hate them. I respect their right to believe in whatever deity they want and understand the difference between regular followers and extreme fundamentalists. I have worked along side Muslim co-workers in the past and befriended people who were Muslim. It's the fundamentalists I have a problem with (which I don't find unreasonable.) I also have a problem with American society bending over to accommodate to the beliefs of shariya just for the sake of appearing more tolerant or out of fear of violent protest (this does happen). I'd have no problem with a Mosque being put up in my town though.... For the record I'm not a Christian either and have my qualms against a lot of their agenda as well.


(Prepares to be flamed)

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Guest thepilot
I do not understand the world around me in a rational or intelligent way and I enjoy making a fool of myself on the internet. I'm of a bloodline of dimwitted people who, ironically enough, should have been severed long ago by natural selection for the betterment of the human race.


imma haffa axe you to stop conversatin wif me

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Guest Gary C

Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic


Corr, I want to gawk at this something chronic

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Bash Christianity.. haha. you still look cool. No problem. No face to save.

Bash Islam.. hmm. you have something to lose. People might think you are a bigot.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Bash Christianity.. haha. you still look cool. No problem. No face to save.

Bash Islam.. hmm. you have something to lose. People might think you are a bigot.


Whos bashing Christianity? If Christians in my country were being treated the same way, I'ld feel equally angry. Im going to go out on a limb here say, youre a racist.

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Bash Christianity.. haha. you still look cool. No problem. No face to save.

Bash Islam.. hmm. you have something to lose. People might think you are a bigot.


Whos bashing Christianity? If Christians in my country were being treated the same way, I'ld feel equally angry. Im going to go out on a limb here say, youre a racist.

you dont have to be arab to be a Muslim so its not about race for me.

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Guest Iain C

I like my Muslim neighbour, she collects parcels for me when im not in. Must have saved me hours in trips to the depot.


My Muslim neighbours are my landlord's elderly parents... they bring us fresh fruit and vegetables that they grow in their tiny garden. It's pretty great.

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lol...that photo makes me smile for all the wrong reasons


also, this has been bothering me for quite some time




why do most atheists get married? is there a long history of non-religious marriages?

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tax incentives and appeasing other people around them. security.



maybe im making too big a deal out of this. but why the religious ceremony to confirm it? why not civil union? why appease the demon you fight to slay?


im not saying this is hypocrisy...but I was wondering if there were articles or something on the topic.

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I don't even know anymore. It seems like everyone feels uneasy about Muslims to an extent. My extended family in Tennessee/Alabama don't like them, and many many people here in small town Minnesota think Muslim and Terrorist are synonyms.


A relationship between my town, and the South is that they love Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior more than anything.



I was born and raised in Minnesota as well, I've seen this in the small towns... Minneapolis however seems to be extremely tolerant of Muslims, in fact they seem to kind of bow to them a little they seem to make accommodations every time some Muslim activist gets a little outspoken (Adding prayer rooms and footwashing rooms to the MCTC campus, while there are no rooms for prayer of any other beliefs etc...) I can't help but question if this is done out of tolerance or fear? Now I'll be completely honest, I have strong disagreements with a lot of the teachings and practices of Islam, but I do not hate them. I respect their right to believe in whatever deity they want and understand the difference between regular followers and extreme fundamentalists. I have worked along side Muslim co-workers in the past and befriended people who were Muslim. It's the fundamentalists I have a problem with (which I don't find unreasonable.) I also have a problem with American society bending over to accommodate to the beliefs of shariya just for the sake of appearing more tolerant or out of fear of violent protest (this does happen). I'd have no problem with a Mosque being put up in my town though.... For the record I'm not a Christian either and have my qualms against a lot of their agenda as well.


(Prepares to be flamed)

Nice to see hear someone else on here has been to small town Minnesota. Yes, Minneapolis is very accommodating. All around, a pretty solid city.

I have a problem with fundamentalist Muslims as well, but I think I have a problem with any fundamentalist [insert any religious person here].

I don't feel like America bends over to accomodate Shariya out of fear. I think it's because we feel the need to protect everyone's rights in combination with everyone knows that people are uneasy about Muslims so we don't know how to treat them.

It kind of reminds me of this thing a friend of mine said recently. "I was walking down the street, and I saw a black guy. I don't think I'm racist or anything like that, but I couldn't remember how to act normal. I didn't know if I usually made eye contact with other people I passed on the street, or avoided looking at them usually." I think he was worried about offending him. I really doubt he is racist. Anyways, I think the story and the America appeasing fundamentalists are similar. Except that some Americans are in fact, racist/discriminative.

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Guest disparaissant

taxes, appeasing relatives, and above all, a really damn good excuse to blow tons of money on a HUGE party.

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tax incentives and appeasing other people around them. security.

why appease the demon you fight to slay?

Are you implying that it is the goal of all atheists to 'slay' the 'demon' of religion?

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lol i love this bullshit knee jerkery, looks like a Gif the centrist gov apologist Bill Maher would make to try to shame liberals away from sticking to their principals


the only reason to focus on or be intolerant of Muslims exclusively than other as any sort of group to condemn is an assinine irrational focus brought on by bigotry and fear of the unknown, not intelligence or trying to draw an accurate equivalency.


i just wish that the people who are terrified of anonymous arabs across oceans would admit they are extreme pussies instead of trying to pass themselves off as rational or balanced people. You are less likely to be killed in a 'terrorist' attack in the united states than you are from suffocating in your own bed sheets to death (and that's including the faux terrorist attack of 9/11, whoops had to go there sorry. if you didn't include that the chances would be less than one in 1 million)

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I have to say, seriously this time, that I really disagree with this.



glad someone else said it, that type of lazy point of view is hard to take

I wish I could tell whether you were insulting me or not.

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