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Wisdom Tooth Extraction


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Had my lower left wisdom tooth pulled today. Not digging it.


I have hyrdocodone, but it makes me feel weird. My throat is a little closed up, but I can't tell if its due to allergies (mine have been bad recently) or a reaction to the codone (which it is a possible side effect). Almost time to take another codone, and I'm not sure if I want to... but I can feel the throbbing pain already...


It's going to be a shitty (next couple of) day(s).

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im 30 and haven't had them removed yet, hurt like hell a couple of months ago but only for a day or two. i probably will if they start acting up again though.

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I had all four wisdom teeth out at once. One of the stitches fell out after a few hours after messing with it, but I still healed in about 2 days. And then I had plenty of vicodin to abuse. :sup:


I don't understand these people who walk around looking like a chipmunk for two weeks. Maybe I just had a good surgeon and they had shitty ones?

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yeah i wouldn't want to be awake for mine. one or two of the teeth came out in pieces, i can just imagine the doc going to town with a monkey wrench on me.



xxx: i had a "shark" tooth too. that surgery really sucked, the doctor didn't give me enough pain killers, told me it would hurt just like a mosquito bite and then just fucking ripped it out just like that. kinda traumatizing.

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I don't remember what I was taking for pain when I got mine out, but it had a lot of codeine in it, and for a few days I was just blissed out on the couch listening to music/drifting in and out of sleep. It was awesome! At some point food particles got under the stitches and made it pus, which was disgusting, but other than that the whole wisdom teeth episode was an alright experience. Get some good pain meds and it'll be fun.

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i never understood the praise for pain killers. i had a surgery back in the day and it basically made me a zombie... like it wasn't fun. i sat watching tv, the simpsons, and remembering that it was funny and that i should be laughing but i just didn't care and couldn't. maybe i was more dosed up than average..

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I don't think watching something where I had to focus on a plot or humor would be much fun, but listening to music and just relaxing was fantastic. It was nice just being incapable of giving a fuck for a while.

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just took another hyrdocodone. zombie is a good word for the feeling. also if i turn my head, it feels like it keeps turning for half a second after i stop. i need to just sit motionless. uhg.


trying to do programming homework... staring at the paper blankly. i dont see why people do this for fun...

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