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Guest tronicphace

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Guest tronicphace



Faded light to cherished ones with all our might

Sent from heaven to sweeten our plight

All our energy and all our care

To these and their Creator fair


Waiting on the journey to find our strength

Only found in times of great length

To which we plan to enjoy the end

But fate ever had it this happiness to rend


Where to turn for comfort now?

The journey’s over, and broken the plow

With which we toiled our lives away

Now left without reason to want to stay


To start again the thought prevails

With hope that on this dreary trail

We might find solace in our minds

As we leave the departed behind


It was not time for youth to die

But the world has left no time to cry

For those who pass from here to there

From our presence into the air


We’ll keep going along the path

Perchance to see what the future hath

A distant voice we strained to hear

And the faded light we now see clear



...your turn...

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Guest cardan

I walk alone. Even when I'm around other people, I'm by myself. Observing them, aware and focused on my separateness. I sometimes want to have somebody to really talk to, not just empty blah blah words to take up space, but I remember there is nobody there to do that with. I'm stuck with myself. I really have no one to be myself with, only me.


I think that blows past the gay limit

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I froze your tears and made a dagger,

and stabbed it in my cock forever.

It stays there like Excalibur,

Are you my Arthur?

Say you are.


Take this cool dark steeled blade,

Steal it, sheath it, in your lake.

I’d drown with you to be together.

Must you breathe? Cos I need Heaven

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i don't keep my heart in my chest,

i don't wear that shit on my sleeve

i keep it in

a little tin,

and carry it around with me


rich whiskey




songs are poems, ok. let's fight about it


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Guest Iain C

This one's about John Oates from Hall and Oates


They said you looked like Mario

if Mario had a cock like a burmese python;

a foot-thick pipe of hissing iron

wrapped up in a dense black jungle of pubes -

an undergrowth that snaps machetes.

My yacht is docked at a Florida jetty,

I want you to climb aboard.

I'm aching in agony, i need my Oates,

so leave the rich girls on shore.

John, you slut, you wire-haired whore,

take me, destroy me, I'm yours.

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These are great!

This one I wrote for my future wife Lyndsay Lohan:





In front of your mirror

Clothed in bruises

And pimples

Pubic hairs and rust stains

And blood in the sink

Window locked in grime

And dust

Like ventricles

My heartbeat

Is muted

By your love


I want to gag

On your tits

And vaguely feel

A trickle of blood

Down my arm

Out of entry wound

Mainline; high grade

Movie star heroin.

I want to taste

Gin and smoke

And expensive lipstick

Mixing with

Rolling toxic mucous

Powder drip

Lazy on my tonsils

I want to punch my dick

Out of your mouth

Spinning spider saliva web

Catching blood flies

From split lip, cracked tooth

Your sweet crimson wet grin...


I want to be too high to fuck you.

I want to lay fetal and naked

Beside you

Cock limp between lame legs

Draft from the window

Cool on the sweat

On the space between

My anus and my sack


I want to be too high to fuck you

Your fingers

In my greasy hair

While my eyes roll back in my bones


Too high.

I want to be tingly skinned

Starry eyed

Dancing rhythmic seizure


I want to not wake up

Next to you.


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This started as a freestyle I came up with when I was fucking around with some friends at band practice one day... A friend got it on video so I memorized it and wrote it out, I'll probably expand on it and/or fit in little bits of verses I've written already and end up putting to a beat for a track.


She said, “Teach me how to rock

Teach me, teach me, how to rock”

I said it’s easy you just move like your about to ride a…

Rollercoaster of love, say what?

And spread that love all over

With some rhythm in your strut, like

Lean with it, rock with it,

Float with it, drop with it

Crank it up to 11 and just

Bang around the block with it

I walk with a wicked grin, steady in my stride

Leaving a path of destruction ten miles wide

Matches in my hand, armed to burn the city

Choking on the smoke, but the flames look so pretty

Let it burn, more fire, more fire

Do a little dance as the inferno rises higher

Spit a little rhyme, and send it down the wire

Then laugh as I take off like a radio flyer

Cause I always was a rebel with my cautions to wind

Like a rolling stone, but I learned how to swim

My mama don’t dance, but I’ve always rocked and rolled

Another blue-eyed devil, lo and behold

Raising up fire from the depths of hell

Making that track ring like a funeral bell

They wonder how I learned to rhyme so well?

Rumor has it I may have no soul left to sell. But,

You know they’re just confused

You know I’m on the track

With more soul than blues

And I tell you some wisdom

You don’t have much to lose,

When the only soul you got

Is the bottom of your shoes…

So... keep those kicks on kickin’

Don’t get so bothered by the gum that may be stickin’

When the going gets tough and the pace starts to quicken,

Dive into that shit life won’t wait for no chicken

Running around like your head's already cut off

Keep your mind hardened, numbskulls will go soft

Can't see the bright sides then go pop some Zoloft

Or knuckle up and deal with it, live to see the payoff

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lest Fate was long forgotten

our souls be ruled to burn

we gave our sights to no one

and saw none in return


the pious truth of hardship

Fate wrote with blood and tears

would stand true for all living men

and last through countless years

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