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Can anyone give a brand or know if this shirt Rob wore on their recent tours is available still? Is it vintage Nike?




I know there are better pictures out there, but couldn't find any others except this one. Its the coolest shirt ive seen in some time



idm style [north face discussion] subforum


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i really hope this is a joke thread. seriously?


someone should get in touch with the lads and let them know that there is a serious market for autechre merch and sponsorship.


autechre use MOTU Software, i gots to have it.

autechre use Max/MSP, need it.

autechre use Nord Modular G2x, gimme nao.

autechre use Lynx Africa Anti-Perspirant, mmm i always loved that smell!

autechre use those Totes slipper-socks (you know, the ones with the grip on the sole), i used to have them as a kid! i should find them again in my size!

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