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I'm frustrated at the moment


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At the moment I don't have access to my music-making-set-up, and it'll go on for 2 months.


It's kind of frustrating, and it's even more because just before that I was really beginning to feel confident in the music I was doing and I felt this period very pleasant and satisfying.


Did you already experience that ?



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Also, yesterday a couple friends of my parents proposed me to give me a DX-9 synth which is getting dusty in their cave at the moment, and out of a "I don't want to bother them" feeling, as they're very kindly hosting me in their flat for a few days, I answered "no thanks, that is too much" twice and now regret it.



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No it's not too late. I could speak about it to them once more but I don't really want to do that. Maybe they'll do it for me. But I wonder if the average money value of that synth is going to change their mind. They didn't knew it.

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Yeah, if you haven't, get a used DS lite and a copy of the Korg DS-10 or an R4 and Nitrotracker/a rom of the DS-10. It's not exactly releasable (although it has been done before and not badly) but at the very least it's good to jam with and good to get those ideas down. It's what I use when I'm going to be away from home for a while.

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Yeah, if you haven't, get a used DS lite and a copy of the Korg DS-10 or an R4 and Nitrotracker/a rom of the DS-10. It's not exactly releasable (although it has been done before and not badly) but at the very least it's good to jam with and good to get those ideas down. It's what I use when I'm going to be away from home for a while.

good call! i love the ds-10

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At the moment I don't have access to my music-making-set-up, and it'll go on for 2 months.


It's kind of frustrating, and it's even more because just before that I was really beginning to feel confident in the music I was doing and I felt this period very pleasant and satisfying.


Did you already experience that ?




I find the time when I dont have access to my set up is the time when I most feel like making tunes.


Thats probably the old case of "want what you cant have" though. Still, thats why you gotta cherish the good times.


*Snare rush*

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I had a computer that died about two years ago, and I was going mad for a couple weeks since I couldn't make music.


At the time, I didn't have a job and wasn't going to school so I really didn't have anything to do all day. So I made a habit of always making tracks after going for a bike ride, but that soon turned into just a bike ride.


Shit, my xbox wasn't even working at the time.

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I get so many good ideas while I'm on my bicycle, but the second I get home and sit down at the computer/at the studio with the intention of making the good ideas into real things, I just completely lose inspiration the second my bum hits the chair.

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I get so many good ideas while I'm on my bicycle, but the second I get home and sit down at the computer/at the studio with the intention of making the good ideas into real things, I just completely lose inspiration the second my bum hits the chair.


Exactly the same with me. I get the "best" ideas as I'm drifting off to sleep and I'm content because I know I'll wake up in the morning itching to make tunes, but I always feel uninspired by the time I get to it.


In reply to Antape, do you not have a laptop you can get some software on?? Lots of freeware around to mess around with. I know it's not quite the same but you could get PureData for example and learn some patching??

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In reply to Antape, do you not have a laptop you can get some software on?? Lots of freeware around to mess around with. I know it's not quite the same but you could get PureData for example and learn some patching??


Actually my musical equipment consists of a laptop running Reaper + Renoise and some VSTs, with a quite little hardware contribution : Electribe SX + Monotron. So I've taken my laptop and my soundcard with me but the fact is that these two elements doesn't seem to be sufficient to make me make music.


Anyway I'm sleeping at different place depending on the day or week and am seeing a

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(the sequel...)


Anyway I'm sleeping at different places depending on the day or the week and I am seeing a lot of friends so I don't really have time.


Also this is a matter of intimacy. Once I ran my latest tracks' sessions at the IRCAM, the place where I'm in a training period and I just couldn't really go further because I felt afraid that someone enters and judge my music (IRCAM is quite elitist musically).


I think this is mostly a matter of intimacy actually. In the same way I couldn't run my laptop with headphones in the living room of some friends because it would block my inspiration. Like I need to be alone and sure that nobody's hearing.


By the way, I talked about the DX9 to my parents' friends again and will leave Paris with it :) this will be my first hardware synth (with keys and programmable stuff). Think I'm also going to buy an Alpha Juno right after my next pay.

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I get so many good ideas while I'm on my bicycle, but the second I get home and sit down at the computer/at the studio with the intention of making the good ideas into real things, I just completely lose inspiration the second my bum hits the chair.


Exactly the same with me. I get the "best" ideas as I'm drifting off to sleep and I'm content because I know I'll wake up in the morning itching to make tunes, but I always feel uninspired by the time I get to it.

Same here, really annoying!

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Guest Ultravisitor

I get so many good ideas while I'm on my bicycle, but the second I get home and sit down at the computer/at the studio with the intention of making the good ideas into real things, I just completely lose inspiration the second my bum hits the chair.


Exactly the same with me. I get the "best" ideas as I'm drifting off to sleep and I'm content because I know I'll wake up in the morning itching to make tunes, but I always feel uninspired by the time I get to it.

Same here, really annoying!

Pen and Paper by the bedside table for the sleepy time ideas and a decent cup of coffee in the morning. Try that! Just the process of writing it down drills it into my brain....


Doesn't really sort out the bicycle problem though


Edit: Although....we're talking inspiration, not forgetfulness. My mistake.

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