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born-rich people


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Jeffero, if you accumulated enough wealth in your life time to support many future generations of family would you provide any/some/all/none that to one of your born children? It's not hard criticizing trust fund babies in and of themselves, but what if you were on the flipside of that and were raising a kid and wanted to make sure they were set for life. It seems easy to say you would make them fend for themselves completely but put yourself in the shoes of the parent temporarily. MAybe other parents here would have some good observations on this


Saw an interview with Peter Jones on top gear, and what this rich fuck did is interesting, he said he wants his offspring to be well but also to develop some character so he set up a trust fund for them in which whatever amount they make on their own the trust fund matches it, with some bonuses if they become nurses or some something noble like that.


here at 3:20 cus my english probably sucks:



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what is power?


wot i mean is longer term. We have seen that the market economy (everything outside that which should be a civic grace, like infrastructure building) has been whittled down to basic service sector activities like providing food and clothing. These will be gone with home replication devices. What then ? Everything else is predicated on false economies. Everything is nothing.




So what is power, if money doesn't matter.


Power is a convincing argument on a forum that nobody cared about until it became meme central.

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Jeffero, if you accumulated enough wealth in your life time to support many future generations of family would you provide any/some/all/none that to one of your born children? It's not hard criticizing trust fund babies in and of themselves, but what if you were on the flipside of that and were raising a kid and wanted to make sure they were set for life. It seems easy to say you would make them fend for themselves completely but put yourself in the shoes of the parent temporarily. MAybe other parents here would have some good observations on this


Saw an interview with Peter Jones on top gear, and what this rich fuck did is interesting, he said he wants his offspring to be well but also to develop some character so he set up a trust fund for them in which whatever amount they make on their own the trust fund matches it, with some bonuses if they become nurses or some something noble like that.


here at 3:20 cus my english probably sucks:




that's a pretty common type of trust fund to setup, i always wondered though what if your kid wanted to choose a fulfilling path in life where he didn't become very wealthy, what would happen to all that money?

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fee's would eat it with gratitude.


pointless ppl with stupid lies, are rich pickings for those with eyes for limitless skies.



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i look at born rich people and think 'imagine all the cool shit that i'd be able to do if i was born in their shoes'. but, if i was born in their shoes, i wouldn't be who i am. and there's no point in thinking that these people are annoying cunts because of what they've inherited, because who's to say i wouldn't be an annoying cunt if i wasn't born into money?

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money doesn't equal power, not anymore.


depends on how much money, the standard of living has risen for a lot of people giving them the illusion of being 'powerful' but i think a strong tipping effect happens when you are actually in the 'super rich' category, being a billionaire would give you a substantial amount of power.

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If I ever have kids and become wealthy, I won't even tell them about it.


We'll eat rice and beans in a hut and I'll give them socks for xmas. I'll tell them I have a boating job fishing for crabs and disappear for months on end, until one day they get a letter saying I've been lost to the sea and they've inherited a million dollars.


When I'm actually living it in Vegas, baby! YEAH!

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If I ever have kids and become wealthy, I won't even tell them about it.


We'll eat rice and beans in a hut and I'll give them socks for xmas.

That was my childhood. My dad worked 7 days a week, just not fishing. I don't get money from my parents and i still resent socks.

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money doesn't equal power, not anymore.


depends on how much money, the standard of living has risen for a lot of people giving them the illusion of being 'powerful' but i think a strong tipping effect happens when you are actually in the 'super rich' category, being a billionaire would give you a substantial amount of power.


I was future sensing. People with money now, lord it over us pathetic slave masses. Look forward though and it is what you are that matters more than what you have.

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My dad has always been really well off, but that fucker wouldn't buy me shit til after highschool. And by that point, I had a job and would just get it myself. I lived with my mom who went back to college. There were a lot of nights eating toast for dinner, and cereal, or anything.



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I saw opeth and basically came. I've read shakespeare and then decided to cook something with cheese.



I love them both so much but being dead for a few hundred years can make a difference. go shakespeare and fuck opeth!

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I once considered making a thread on watmm "does the cream really rise to the top?" While this is not true in all or even most cases - admittedly there are a lot of entitled, spoiled folks out there - as I've aged I've noticed a lot of people in positions of power seem to "deserve" to be there (whether "deserve" is a good or bad thing is open to interpretation). Maybe it's because I'm in the high-tech sector, which is more merit driven? Not sure. But I've met a lot of CEOs who are very well-rounded in terms of their skill set - smart, strategic, hard working, good with people. In short, winners at life. And I imagine this applies to most life-pursuits, even in art, it's typically the most talented who get the most recognition, right? Or at least the ones that possess the broadest range of skills, including of course self-promotion (thinking Dickie James here).


I will agree with the earlier comment about the importance of leisure time to grow and follow one's own pursuits, though. Hard to flower to your full potential if you're stuck in a grinding day job. And yet, many others have done it.


One sure thing is resentment is only worth it if it motivates you to get off your ass.


And yeah, the new class of uber-wealthy is scary as fuck.

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i wasn't pointing specifically to jeffero on that part of my post, mostly just the resentment that is created out of class/wealth differences, and if somebody here had the opportunity to pop out a 'born rich' kid would they do it

As would I.


For the record, I'm not criticizing all born-rich people for being born rich. I'm mostly just jealous.

I have friends that were born rich that are fantastic, generous, empathetic, hard-working, down to earth, REAL people.

If you wanted to know, the reason why I even started the thread was because I was on facebook and snooping on circles of "rich" friends (and by "rich" I kind of define that as people that had their parents pay for all of their college and maybe their rent following college so they could pursue their interests... or also people that don't have an immediate need for a job to support

themselves) and just looking at them, you can tell they exude a certain confidence, or lightness that I can't really relate to.


I tend to feel inferior and self-critical in my minds eye when I think of this kind of confidence that I don't possess.

I definitely wish I had it in business situations or at parties.

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Guest Gary C

If you've read my Avoiding Family thread you'll probably understand this a little more.


But my auntie (David Seaman's ex-wife) has recently downsized from their long farm-house mansion into a three story, more modern, but still luxurious house with views across the rolling hills and horse farms hidden near Hatfield. Downsized.

She has two kids who were both born into money. The eldest girl wears Gucci and Prada handbags to school. She's 11. She's going to an all-girls school that sounds like something out of Harry Potter.


I spent the afternoon there on Sunday and it's a crazy world.


I'd much rather earn (or more likely win) a fortune than be born into it, obviously.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

i wasn't pointing specifically to jeffero on that part of my post, mostly just the resentment that is created out of class/wealth differences, and if somebody here had the opportunity to pop out a 'born rich' kid would they do it

As would I.


For the record, I'm not criticizing all born-rich people for being born rich. I'm mostly just jealous.

I have friends that were born rich that are fantastic, generous, empathetic, hard-working, down to earth, REAL people.

If you wanted to know, the reason why I even started the thread was because I was on facebook and snooping on circles of "rich" friends (and by "rich" I kind of define that as people that had their parents pay for all of their college and maybe their rent following college so they could pursue their interests... or also people that don't have an immediate need for a job to support

themselves) and just looking at them, you can tell they exude a certain confidence, or lightness that I can't really relate to.


I tend to feel inferior and self-critical in my minds eye when I think of this kind of confidence that I don't possess.

I definitely wish I had it in business situations or at parties.


I definitely know what you're saying here. There is a level of confidence that comes with not having to beg for a job, or ever go on unemployment benefits, or ever having to do demeaning work, and it is probably a positive feedback loop.


I know some born rich kids who have just automatically gone into high income professions, finance jobs etc, and I think growing up rich makes you want to stay rich, possibly at the expense of any other passions you could have had. Someone asked what would happen if Peter Jones' kids didn't want to make a load of money, but I'm sure they do because that's how they've been raised. On the other hand some rich people get the chance to indulge themselves for a living with businesses that need a lot of capital behind them like fashion and art and stuff like that.


It is really hard for anyone to take a pay cut, as I'm sure some of us know. Once you get used to that extra grand a year you would miss it when it's gone where as you might have been just fine before you had it. In that way it's nice to have been poor because you know it's not that bad at all really and you aren't really as desperate to spend your whole life lining your pockets when you could be worrying less about money and enjoying yourself more.

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i look at born rich people and think 'imagine all the cool shit that i'd be able to do if i was born in their shoes'. but, if i was born in their shoes, i wouldn't be who i am. and there's no point in thinking that these people are annoying cunts because of what they've inherited, because who's to say i wouldn't be an annoying cunt if i wasn't born into money?


yeah + rich parents most of the time only support you if you do what they want you to. I see this a lot and feel sorry for these people.

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Being born rich is the wrongest thing people created in our entire evolution as a species. It makes individuals start life on a point that already has little or no touch with reality and thus have a really hard time getting their personality right.


Capitalism makes this exact point the greatest value though. Ah well

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Guest theSun

as stated before, there is a really wide distinction between upper middle class (still pretty fucking rich) and the super rich.


upper middle class people seem to be a mix of hard workers, confident, very able to hide personal problems and appear normal/ok. for the most part, most rich people i know deserve their wealth.


however, their kids are a whole different story. there's plenty of great, moneybag-ridden parents but often they are too occupied with making money to raise their kids reasonably. that's when society takes a more active role in raising your kids and they start demanding designer clothes and other stupid things. i have no idea how to fix this.


i've never known any super rich people, so i can't really speak about them. but i am freaked the fuck out by the amount of influence a billion dollars can buy.

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