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born-rich people


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It's much easier to build assets and not liabilities when you are born into a position to build assets and not attain liabilities.

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It's much easier to build assets and not liabilities when you are born into a position to build assets and not attain liabilities.


easier, yes - impossible, no.

there are people doing physical labor who got a better attitude than most people in the office i work at.

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Well, that's true.

Back in MA I could have made twice what I am making now doing construction, though. I know this because I did that before law school.


I also got to throw wrenches at co-workers, which helped considerably re: my daily attitude

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Well, that's true.

Back in MA I could have made twice what I am making now doing construction, though. I know this because I did that before law school.


I also got to throw wrenches at co-workers, which helped considerably re: my daily attitude


are you a big burly boy brother baph? bout how much can you bench?

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I'm pretty out of shape now. I was doing kind of technical stuff like welding, running cranes, etc (this is why the pay was good), so I never got too burly, anyway. Which is why I needed to throw wrenches.

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thank god. my mental image of you remains in tact. i'll mspaint it for you some time.


p.s. last post


*swerves mercedes into overpass column*


forgot to say, before i did that, and it has to do with being a $30,000/year millionaire. when i go out and have $100 meals, which is every night and sometimes for lunch, I always say "mo money mo problems" when I sign the bill and climb into my banged up civic. i mean mercedes that i just crashed into the overpass column


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All the watmm members not posting in this thread must be the rich ones. Let's make a list and hunt them down and kidnap them for ransom.

Shit I better post something!




Being poor you miss out big time, but I think if you can live really meager and you are used to a level of pain everything is gravy from there. You appreciate everything. I think being poor builds character. Its not a cliche. There is no excuse for ignorance though. How many really great artists or thinkers were born rich? All the rich kids i know seem to have very little meat to them. They lack a level of dirt and depth. Something is missing. This is not jealousy talking. I am jealous yes, but I think it's those people that have the brains and the poor background that make the things we appreciate the most. There is blood in the art.



Wittgenstein was pretty rich.


Metternich, Machiavelli, most of the leaders of the Renaissance and Enlightenment, most of the heads of the Amer. Rev.,

Karl Marx lived off the earnings of Engels' father, who was a wealthy German industrialist and owned several factories in Germany and England.

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thank god. my mental image of you remains in tact. i'll mspaint it for you some time.


p.s. last post


*swerves mercedes into overpass column*


forgot to say, before i did that, and it has to do with being a $30,000/year millionaire. when i go out and have $100 meals, which is every night and sometimes for lunch, I always say "mo money mo problems" when I sign the bill and climb into my banged up civic. i mean mercedes that i just crashed into the overpass column


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Do you like Phil Collins? I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums. Christy, take off your robe. Listen to the brilliant ensemble playing of Banks, Collins and Rutherford. You can practically hear every nuance of every instrument. Sabrina, remove your dress. In terms of lyrical craftsmanship, the sheer songwriting, this album hits a new peak of professionalism. Sabrina, why don't you, uh, dance a little. Take the lyrics to Land of Confusion. In this song, Phil Collins addresses the problems of abusive political authority. In Too Deep is the most moving pop song of the 1980s, about monogamy and commitment. The song is extremely uplifting. Their lyrics are as positive and affirmative as anything I've heard in rock. Christy, get down on your knees so Sabrina can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way. Especially songs like In the Air Tonight and Against All Odds. Sabrina, don't just stare at it, eat it. But I also think Phil Collins works best within the confines of the group, than as a solo artist, and I stress the word artist. This is Sussudio, a great, great song, a personal favorite.

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Guest theSun

i quite agree with most of what elusive said. entitlement is a huge problem in america. everyone sees people living large in the media and get all butthurt cause they don't have 100k laying around for a ferrari.


however, the well documented growing wealth gap is also a troubling problem that is doing way more harm than anyone could imagine.

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Yeah the wealth gap helps fuel the resentment innit.


nah i wouldnt say the gap itself is to blame - more like of all the people, ... increasingly want more for doing less (or feel they deserve such and such automatically without work nor effort).

my parents generation is one thing - another generation back is exponential. we really have it easy in this day and age. so many fuckwits cant even comprehend this and can never be happy with what they have or relativity compared to others in other parts of the world. always comparing to what the higher-ups have and let their jealously care only about image and material goods, instead of intellect or trade or craft or health. never in another period of time has so much information been available to even the poorest of those, and yet look how many take it for granted and apply zero effort.


the sad thing about this last recession is all these fuckshuns who bash corporations on a daily basis for being evil, at the same time rely on them for employment or feel it is a corporation's responsibility to hire them or hire the mass in bulk. shame. recessions are normally necessary because they force people who lose jobs to start their own small business when they are otherwise unable to find work. it spawns entrepreneurship. high risk high reward type shit. gateway of last resort type shit. unfort' in this entitled day and age you see so many bitching non stop about not finding work and how it is always someone else s fault. this country was built on small business and entrepreneurship, period. that is what makes this country great and inspires innovation. not some 9-5 drone desk job that you can collect a paycheck and then give you an excuse for something to bitch about on watmm on how your life and job sucks so bad.


we've actually seen a lot of that here in michigan and detroit. people are forced to take an idea or a home hobby of theirs (craftsmanship/etc) and start to form a business around it. hard times spawn great ideas. i look forward to more of it myself. it's really impressive what people can do once they put their mind to it and or are forced to do it due to economic circumstances. but it's the attitude itself ---- and a read of this thread will prove an indicator litmus that few here are even aware of the great things they could accomplish. path of least resistance states it's easier to hate on those who were born into wealth and or have material goods than to do something with your own life to create said wealth.

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Yeah the wealth gap helps fuel the resentment innit.


nah i wouldnt say the gap itself is to blame - more like of all the people, ... increasingly want more for doing less


Actually they are 'increasingly' getting less for doing more, that is how this wealth gap thing works. But you can continue to piss on reality from lofty heights whilst riding that flying pig around, go ahead, it'll be one less post to read.

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Yeah the wealth gap helps fuel the resentment innit.


nah i wouldnt say the gap itself is to blame - more like of all the people, ... increasingly want more for doing less


Actually they are 'increasingly' getting less for doing more, that is how this wealth gap thing works. But you can continue to piss on reality from lofty heights whilst riding that flying pig around, go ahead, it'll be one less post to read.


ha, poor assumption, m8 (no pun intended) -


the difference is, america middle class became accustomed to being the only massively developed nation in the world. became accustomed to cheap energy prices, etc... now that the rest of the world is coming on line, the competition scares them. they think they are entitled to cheap oil, cheap energy, cheap products, etc. and at the end of the day they are responsible for their single vote. what makes you think americans are so special and deserve such products on the global market at a reduced price? are you more entitled to another paying country in a developing industrial nation?


i am not disagreeing with you in the way that you think i may be; but i really am a passive entity in the case of globalization. please do not take my remarks in such a tone - it's not the intent.


What are you doing for work at the moment, elusive4?


very fortunately , ip networking.

let's not get personal in this nonsense. it's very easy to do so but one should refrain. it's simply not fair.

my personal opinions in fact contradict my very well-being. please dont read my commentary in 1dimension.

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Actually they are 'increasingly' getting less for doing more, that is how this wealth gap thing works. But you can continue to piss on reality from lofty heights whilst riding that flying pig around, go ahead, it'll be one less post to read.


the wealth gap thing works all right, as many continue to spend their money on liabilities and depreciating assets instead of investments. tvs and cars and boats and gadgets oh my! latest and greatest!


in all honesty, some of the wealthiest people i know are the most frugal - as such an effort is made to emulate.

i grrew up youngest a family of 5 with hand me downs until jr high schooling. the fact is many of those "getting less for doing more" are still the ones pushing on with retail and consumer spending. "lofty heights" - lol. you'r need to rationalize is red on your face. there is a severe issue regarding today's mfg base in america - of which i am a product of. you think i piss on the idea? you think i am not still at the mercy of the industrial base/automotive industry? i have hedged my bets by allowing myself an 'out' if the need ever arises --- to be able to relocate and move to another part of the country to find work. that is the beauty of lack of tieing yourself down, especially while one is young and budding their career.


i suggest you re-read my last statement of my last post. just because i benefit from an ideal doesn't mean i believe it is absolute. america and her past and her people's sacrifices have allowed me to live in an absolutely ridiculous lifestyle compared to those of developing and 3rd world nations. i grew up relatively poor (lower middle class) but i have never had to worry about where my next glass of clean water has come from. many today and if you actually take the time to re-read this thread of which i finally threw up and had to throw in my commentary ... these guys still don't understand how good they have it - and yet still feel inadequate as to mock other 'born-rich people' due to image of material goods. what nonsense makes me throw up in my mouth. hearing some middle class punk complain about ferrari's, $150-200k tuition for ivy league schools, meanwhile others are happy for a simple clean glass of water and a hot meal. fuck that. this thread is trash and ill piss on it until it ignites.

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