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Ulillillia May Have To Evacuate


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I imagine it will look exactly like this.

I love this video so much. The blinking WARNING excitement always gets me because of the sad "Thanksgiving Boner" debacle.


Thanksgiving Boner? What is this? Need to know.

On November 15, 2008, I had a case very close to that 6-74 dream. I went to dad's work place, for half the day (it was a Saturday, since I had to go grocery shopping, an unusually long 3 weeks since I last did). When I came back, I found a sizeable chunk of my room having been cleaned... by mom. I spent 2 hours that day sifting through the bags to search for and retrieve things she stashed in there, including a souvenir from my vacation a few months ago (yes, the Tropicana Light Lemonade box I consider as a souvenir since this item is no longer seen in my area). She also threw away an envelope I needed so I get something, about the day I was going to get it too. I did a few counter measures of this, by blocking the door and being mean to her verbally, but that was about it. For several days after it, I didn't even look at her. However, she made a promise. She was to never do this again, except if we work together. If she breaks the promise, I'm doing the same thing to her room twice over as a counter measure.



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blah blah ... I found a sizeable chunk of my room having been cleaned... by mom. I spent 2 hours that day sifting through the bags to search for and retrieve things she stashed in there, including a souvenir from my vacation a few months ago (yes, the Tropicana Light Lemonade box I consider as a souvenir since this item is no longer seen in my area) ... If she breaks the promise, I'm doing the same thing to her room twice over as a counter measure.




These things are important to him.


A souvenir from a vacation - do you know how often he gets to go on vacation?

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Guest disparaissant

yeah for real he had ZERO VACATIONS in a period of EIGHT POINT ONE YEARS!

...why am i reading his website?


edit: and it was a carton of light lemonade, which was like the only thing he drank for years and isn't sold near where he lives any more. i mean it's weird but he literally lives in a tiny bubble and what is important to him is not in any way logical to anyone else.

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i googled green semen and came up with this.






Discolored semen: What does it mean?

I've noticed that my semen has a yellowish-green tint to it. Should I be concerned about discolored semen?



from Todd B. Nippoldt, M.D.


Semen color and consistency can vary based on factors such as age, diet and frequency of ejaculation. However, yellowish-green semen may indicate a prostate infection. Semen is normally a whitish, cloudy fluid. It's usually quite thick just after ejaculation but liquefies about 20 to 30 minutes later.


Changes in the appearance of semen are usually temporary and not a health concern. However, sometimes these changes can be a sign of an underlying medical condition that requires further evaluation. If these changes persist for longer than three to four weeks, see your doctor for an evaluation.


Maybe ullilllia himself posted the question? although it being the first search result probably means it's a common problem. in that case it's likely that he's had a prostate infection for over 2 years!

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Guest Drahken

#10 Christmas 2008 the worst in at least a decade: Christmas is my second favorite holiday of the year, a close second; Independence Day is in first place. However, this year was one of the worst in a long time. We had company over, something extremely rare, and both parents wouldn't let me go out of my room due to a reason that's confidential. I had a solution, a blanket (which worked before), but my parents wouldn't allow it due to a supposed "rule". This ruined this year's Christmas. As a consequence, I'm now taking counter measures for what they did - not doing things they want when they tell me to. In addition, I'm not going to get them any where near as much in the way of gifts next year, and canceling any birthday gifts. I had one for my dad, but now I'm not going to get him it because he played a role with this. At least one was friendly and had sympathy, my sister. She won't be affected by the counter measures. As a consequence, I was not able to participate in the gift-opening (I was still lucky enough to get a photo), or even the family games. Instead of doing this, with nothing else for me to do otherwise, I worked on my web site update.

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From his website :



#5 A documentary about me!? Wow!: During the summer of 2011, a film crew (sorry, the name of the company that's doing this is classified) might be coming to make a documentary about me. Details are vague at the moment, but this is definitely a first for me. It all happened by chance too. One day, I was doing my daily check as usual and, out of nowhere, I got this E-mail and it started from that.


probably a group of watmmers... they seem to hold the most interest in this creep!


Don't call Ulillillia a creep.

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... he's so uncomfortable talking about sexual matters but gets fanatically precise about daily wind speeds in knots or the probability of having a wet dream about Bubsy.

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Guest hahathhat
folded up inside himself like an inside-out penis-sock


can't remember who, but i feel that sums up aspergers/ocd/all this shit

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Guest Iain C

i googled green semen and came up with this.






Discolored semen: What does it mean?

I've noticed that my semen has a yellowish-green tint to it. Should I be concerned about discolored semen?



from Todd B. Nippoldt, M.D.


Semen color and consistency can vary based on factors such as age, diet and frequency of ejaculation. However, yellowish-green semen may indicate a prostate infection. Semen is normally a whitish, cloudy fluid. It's usually quite thick just after ejaculation but liquefies about 20 to 30 minutes later.


Changes in the appearance of semen are usually temporary and not a health concern. However, sometimes these changes can be a sign of an underlying medical condition that requires further evaluation. If these changes persist for longer than three to four weeks, see your doctor for an evaluation.


Maybe ullilllia himself posted the question? although it being the first search result probably means it's a common problem. in that case it's likely that he's had a prostate infection for over 2 years!


You've got it wrong. It's way more likely that this stuff is coming from his butt.


Passing mucus from the butt is a pretty common symptom of various digestive ills - I've shat mucus myself and it's pretty disconcerting when it happens. It's a mostly odourless, yellowish jelly.


Given Ulillillia's "unconventional" diet, I'd place my money on the fact that it's a relatively common and harmless mucus issue. I'm sure xxx can weigh in with more gory details.

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