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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

New recording computer CPU or power supply dies just as we start recording good album and I'm in the middle of finishing my Squarepusher cover for Tuesday. .

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Surely the resentment towards happily married 23 year olds is more of a 1st world problem.


Party at my house tonight but I've got a headache and can't be bothered.

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After waiting a month for the upstairs apartment (in which i'll be moving) to be renovated, my landlord finally says it's done. I go in, and the place is still dirty from renovations and the circuit breaker and lightswitch don't have covers, among other things, meaning I can't fucking move in yet. My shit has been packed up for a month now.

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Guest disparaissant

does having my problems compared to those of the third world in an unflattering light count as a first world problem? i think so.

man nothing makes me madder/sadder than mentioning that i'm not doing so hot and having someone say "well at least you arent starving to death in africa."

yeah i get it dude i dont have it as bad as a lot of people, situationally.

doesn't really change the fact that i feel like fucking hell.

in fact it just points out how stupid depression is in the first place, and makes me feel worse.

like now i feel guilty for feeling like shit on top of feeling like shit.

double shit sundae.

good job, asshole!

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The Scarlett Johansson nude photos aren't exactly doing it for me.



Try the Mila Kunis ones.




They're rumoured. But.


Personally i think the scarlett ones are a marketing idea by her agent or something, selling her as a femme fatal/hotty (which she's not really). Phone hacking is an hot topic right now, so people would have no trouble believing it that it happened. Therefore the Mila ones may not even exist, it was just mentioned to bolster the scarlett thing. And to help push that date movie that she's in. Or it could be pure speculation on the part of some tabloid reporter.


sad rillee eh. That i took the time to write this.

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Surely struggling in math is a 1st world problem?


Bitch is getting me down... Also having to deal with all this first world music shit that everyone listens too is probably the biggest 1st world problem I have.


Also Not being able to decide which restaurant I want to eat at. Shits hard... Feel like I've been to em all, don't want to go eat alone then when I decide I want to, don't know where to go!

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fucking party. i enjoyed all the live music shit people were doing.. but the trendy fuckers couldn't let me put a fucking vitalic track on without complaining, and drinking my beers at the same time? wtf? fuck off.

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The Scarlett Johansson nude photos aren't exactly doing it for me.



Try the Mila Kunis ones.




They're rumoured. But.


Personally i think the scarlett ones are a marketing idea by her agent or something, selling her as a femme fatal/hotty (which she's not really). Phone hacking is an hot topic right now, so people would have no trouble believing it that it happened. Therefore the Mila ones may not even exist, it was just mentioned to bolster the scarlett thing. And to help push that date movie that she's in. Or it could be pure speculation on the part of some tabloid reporter.


sad rillee eh. That i took the time to write this.


but surely getting the FBI involved is a 1st world problem



lovely ass though


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also, i picked up one of my beers (can) to see if it was empty and an irish girl asked if i was stealing it, and then said i could only access the fridge (to get my beer) if i added a word to her magnet sentence on the fridge.. so i put the word pinball even though it didn't make sense, but she thought it was cool.. yeah, cool.. jesus

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I'm overweight but to put it right means healthy eating and exercise and shit.


yeah, this is a pain ay. I don't even eat very much, and what i do eat isn't fatty or full of sugar. gleh. Sedentary lifestyle. Maybe i've got the physiology of a ditch digger or a brick layer or something, cause other people i know laze even more, and on top of that drink sodas and the rest of it.

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I have a compulsive habit of staying up late when I know I have shit on the next day and have to be up early. I've stayed up til 1am now playing Deus Ex, I have work tomorrow which I have to be up in six hours for and then a grueling gym session after. wtf.

this is a large problem! :cerious:

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