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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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just had to tell my 40-something year old housemate that it's not OK to eat whatever food i bring home from the grocery store, especially before i even get a chance to open it. started the short lesson with "i really shouldn't have to say this, but" and got no response from him, he just walked away. :facepalm:

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farmers market? fruit is way cheaper than snausages ime



where do you live luke?


i have no idea why the structure of food prices is so batshit crazy in my neck of the woods...i can get a pack of sausages for two dollars...i can't even get more than two apples for the same price.

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i live in washington (state). most everything is pretty expensive out here, and fruit is overpriced in most grocery stores, but there are produce stands/stores and asian markets where many things can be had for low low prices :sup:

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This guy sitting next to me hasn't turned off the beep sound when he presses keys on his phone. It's driving me fucking mental.


That makes me want to fucking kick people.

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just had to tell my 40-something year old housemate that it's not OK to eat whatever food i bring home from the grocery store, especially before i even get a chance to open it. started the short lesson with "i really shouldn't have to say this, but" and got no response from him, he just walked away. :facepalm:

yeah that sucks

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norton internet security can suck eggs. i have to download shit to uninstall something i never installed in the first place? and i have to register an account with you nards to even download the uninstall manager? FWPs all day

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actually I think I have a drinking problem


Well call it quits for a few weeks. How can it hurt to try that out. I haven't drunk for 2 months now. Don't feel like superman yet. But at least i'm not drifting backwards.

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actually I think I have a drinking problem


Well call it quits for a few weeks. How can it hurt to try that out. I haven't drunk for 2 months now. Don't feel like superman yet. But at least i'm not drifting backwards.


yea good call. I'm actually doing 30 days of no alcohol or tobacco at all. I have done it before but this time is going to be rough I think. has to be done though.


when I drink it's like I'm just stuck in 5th gear. no off switch.

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someone is still eating my fucking food out of the fridge


apparently i have to lay the smack down tonight. food thievery is probably the oldest reason motherfuckers went to war


Yeah, don't put up with that shit. And if you have milk or juice, i bet that they drink straight from the carton/bottle.

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