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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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This paper I have to finish is preventing me from masturbating.


First time ever on watmm that hasn't been the other way around.


that's why it's a problem brah.

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oh no baph, red sox fan? I won't hold that against you bud. but yea things are upside down in red sox land huh. well both our teams suck ass now, let's have beers and watch football instead.

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the Yankees sucked balls this series and I'm pissed at the horrible loss tonight.

and for the rest of the world it doesn't get much better than arod striking out to end their season.


yea I bet. a lot of Yankee fans like that too because they love to hate him. was more than just him that sucked this postseason though.

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the Yankees sucked balls this series and I'm pissed at the horrible loss tonight.

and for the rest of the world it doesn't get much better than arod striking out to end their season.


yea I bet. a lot of Yankee fans like that too because they love to hate him. was more than just him that sucked this postseason though.

he's that guy, isn't he? love him when he comes through, no support if he struggles in the slightest.


it could be worse, your fav team could be owned by frank mccourt. :derp: <--my stupid first world problem

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Guest Iain C

I got a new high-necked jumper and it's cool but it's making my neck itch.


But I know there are people out there in the world who don't even have necks, so it makes me feel grateful at the same time.

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Guest Iain C

Or did you hear that recently a vacancy in the turtle neck wearing community has come up ?


A new vacancy? I heard there are now fewer Jobs in that position.


Thankyou, thankyou, I'll be here all week.

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I ordered Keith Hudson's Playing It Cool and Playing It Right among other records from Honest Jon's, but when the package arrived, I found out they sent me another Keith Hudson record instead. I'm sure I'd like it too, but I've been wanting Playing It Cool on vinyl for at least a year now. And the fact that it's shipped internationally means I'll probably have to spend twelve more dollars just to mail back the wrong record to exchange it for the right one. Goddammit.

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oh no baph, red sox fan? I won't hold that against you bud. but yea things are upside down in red sox land huh. well both our teams suck ass now, let's have beers and watch football instead.


At least we can still laugh at the Mets. :beer:

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not really a problem but related to one (had to take the university bus to get to work this week, experienced knobheads)


queuing for bus this muscular dick with blonde anime hair, nudged by people to get on the bus before other people. i was looking at him as he sat there, thinking that he was up to something. two asian chaps enter the bus and sit next to each other on different seats, each with an attractive young student girl on them (all seats had one person sitting on them), blond dude in front. a little while later this blonde boy turned his had quickly and asked the asian guys 'where are you guys from?' in a posh accent, now with a big grin on his face (looked moody before).. they said Malasia and said he'd learnt some Malasian yesterday but was coy about it and said he didn't remember, then said good afternoon and stuff in Malasian. he said 'sorry for interrupting you.' and slowly turned his head whilst holding eye contact with the girl next to the Malasian (who had been used). 30 seconds later he turned around and said to the girl 'you have beautiful eyes and awesome hair!'. then he faced forward for a bit before continuing his chat-up attempt, she was from Bournemouth so he asked if she knew Alice, said he drums with a chap from bournemouth, he's making a pretend advert..i'm not even going to type this advert concept cause i don't want to think about it, stuff like that. the juvenile banter of the lads at the back of the bus quietened as this occurred. after a while the back of bus lads asked the girl in front of them if she was impressed by the dude, she said no and that she'd been sitting there cringing (this was during a break in the chatting up), they asked how she'd rate his skillz and she said 'zero out of ten, no, minus 100 out of ten!', the back of bus lads said something about his girlfriend getting on the bus at this point and breaking his neck (this pleasant interaction was about to turn in to another horrible chat-up attempt but i guess they realised that wouldn't make sense and stopped). blond guy could obviously hear and took a while to recover and when he came back he was even worse and started talking about spotify and asked her if she uses itunes.


edit: wtf that's my longest post sorry

Edited by tauboo
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Or did you hear that recently a vacancy in the turtle neck wearing community has come up ?


A new vacancy? I heard there are now fewer Jobs in that position.


Thankyou, thankyou, I'll be here all week.


omG ..

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not really a problem but related to one (had to take the university bus to get to work this week, experienced knobheads)


queuing for bus this muscular dick with blonde anime hair, nudged by people to get on the bus before other people. i was looking at him as he sat there, thinking that he was up to something. two asian chaps enter the bus and sit next to each other on different seats, each with an attractive young student girl on them (all seats had one person sitting on them), blond dude in front. a little while later this blonde boy turned his had quickly and asked the asian guys 'where are you guys from?' in a posh accent, now with a big grin on his face (looked moody before).. they said Malasia and said he'd learnt some Malasian yesterday but was coy about it and said he didn't remember, then said good afternoon and stuff in Malasian. he said 'sorry for interrupting you.' and slowly turned his head whilst holding eye contact with the girl next to the Malasian (who had been used). 30 seconds later he turned around and said to the girl 'you have beautiful eyes and awesome hair!'. then he faced forward for a bit before continuing his chat-up attempt, she was from Bournemouth so he asked if she knew Alice, said he drums with a chap from bournemouth, he's making a pretend advert..i'm not even going to type this advert concept cause i don't want to think about it, stuff like that. the juvenile banter of the lads at the back of the bus quietened as this occurred. after a while the back of bus lads asked the girl in front of them if she was impressed by the dude, she said no and that she'd been sitting there cringing (this was during a break in the chatting up), they asked how she'd rate his skillz and she said 'zero out of ten, no, minus 100 out of ten!', the back of bus lads said something about his girlfriend getting on the bus at this point and breaking his neck (this pleasant interaction was about to turn in to another horrible chat-up attempt but i guess they realised that wouldn't make sense and stopped). blond guy could obviously hear and took a while to recover and when he came back he was even worse and started talking about spotify and asked her if she uses itunes.


edit: wtf that's my longest post sorry


So you tracked down and executed the blonde dude i hope. His genes must not pass on. You had my hackles up at pushed through the queue.

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