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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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the worst part was that it didn't happen once. it happened, then i got up, sat down, did another pose, and when i got out of the second pose it happened again. then that whole process happened one more time. i wanted to die.


two of the girls that were there hang out with me sometimes. i can't show my face around them ever again, let alone my gassy vagina.


Next time just do a regular fart after eating some bean burritos the night before. No one will even remember the queefs.

Then gently sniff the air around you and produce a beatific smile.

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the worst part was that it didn't happen once. it happened, then i got up, sat down, did another pose, and when i got out of the second pose it happened again. then that whole process happened one more time. i wanted to die.


two of the girls that were there hang out with me sometimes. i can't show my face around them ever again, let alone my gassy vagina.


I can't imagine what this felt like both emotionally and physically.

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we did a weird pose in yoga today that caused air to go up my gazoo, so when we exited the pose i queefed. three times. loudly. it sounded like a big wet fart. there were only five other people there and there was no music playing. ahh fuck my life. i might have to commit seppuku after this.



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Guest disparaissant


i might have cancer :\

wwwwwaaaaaaaaat :(




i might have cancer :\

wwwwwaaaaaaaaat :(

it's only a might. but i'm on my third appointment with doctors being all "eh i dunno" and i'm starting to freak the fuck out about it.

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Guest disparaissant

yeah i dunno. hopefully it's just a cyst but like, waiting around for doctor appointments and not knowing is killin meeeeee

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I took my busted headphones back and like a sap I agreed to the direct replacement. I know they'll break again. If they do, the first Philip I find is getting a kick in the balls.

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