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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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you went to mcdonalds expecting peace and quiet?


FWP: I tried to buy some black primer for a project I'm starting, but Home Depot only had tediously varied versions of the same brand of paint and I have no idea WTF any of their labels meant. I just said fuck it and will use whatever leftover primers I have lying around here. god damn $20 hieroglyphic bottles of goop, gimme a break here.

Edited by luke viia
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I just spilled a glass of water on the floor, and now the carpet feels like some kind of swamp.


Well you don't have to walk on it (may i suggest paper towels). Or was that your intention.




subcutaneous itch on vaguely located somewhere on my pointer finger but can't seem be scratched. Google "can't find my itch" to read all about it.


Every time I get one of those it feels like its somewhere on my arms legs but its ACTUALLY ON MY BACK where there are fuck all nerve endings or whatever


Whenever that has happened to me i've felt like i've gained an insight into how acupuncture was conceived of.

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I'm trying to pack up my stuff to move and I just have too much because I haven't gone through my shit in years, damn my laziness!


Parts of my house are dedicated to boxes of shit created by moving that i haven't been bothered going through. So every time i move, another few boxes get added to the collection.


If this continues, perhaps one day i'll be able to use them to build the actual house that i move into.

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Guest Xenblake

you went to mcdonalds expecting peace and quiet?



It was 10 in the morning, so yes. If they had had the common decency to tone down the media blaring it would have been perfectly quiet.

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went to macdonalds this morning for a breakfast hangover meal. They had some terrible r'n'b music blaring, olympics on the TV and to top it off there was an infuriating beeping noise coming from some machine behind the counter.

My tender head nearly exploded. All I wanted was to enjoy my meal in fucking peace. Jesus what the fuck happened to a bit of peace and quiet whilst eating. Fucking retards, I honestly felt the urge to go up and grab the silly bitch behind the counter by her hair and repeatedly slam her head down on the counter.

Next mass killer right here.

Sorry but expecting peace and quiet at a McDicks is very fucking optimistic.

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Guest uptown devil

mcdonalds is intentionally designed to be uncomfortable so that you'll eat your food and get the fuck out as quickly as possible to make room for the next hamburger devouring idiot to walk through the door. maybe you should try starbucks if you are looking for ambiance and decor.

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that sounds incredibly interesting tbh


Not sure if sarcastic....


well I guess I was a bit extreme and wrong in saying "boring as fuck"... To me it's interesting, but it's dry and monotonous at the same time.... Kind of weird that it can be interesting..

Kind of in the same way calculus is interesting. =/


Lol kantian deontology is just a complex way saying "read the rules"!

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well, Kant is a bitch to understand sometimes, so yeah that's probably not so fun. but i wasn't being sarcastic. i hope your paper turns out very nice, and that you form some thoughts on ethics as a result. :flower:

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Guest Sprigg

I have a possible job interview on Wednesday, but it's during my shift at the job I'll hopefully be leaving soon... also, my bagel bites didn't cook all the way through and the oven is off already... yum, half-frozen fake pepperoni bagel shit.

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roommates not shutting the fridge door properly and my milk going bad.


i made a sign that i stuck on the door, hope that helps. i added 3 exclamation points to it, so...

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Kitten's finally peeing in litter box, but pooping has progressed from the bathtub to right in front of the bathroom door, so whenever we open it the shit gets smeared all around the entrance to the bathroom. It's really awesome. So awesome that girlfriend wants to return him to the SPCA. But I love him!!! :cry:

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I hope you're right, but I'm not so sure he will. It's a race against time at this point. I'd probably keep paper toweling/deodorizing his shit piles forever rather than give him away to be eventually euthanized, but the GF's patience is wearing thin. Poor little bastard.

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Guest Xenblake

went to macdonalds this morning for a breakfast hangover meal. They had some terrible r'n'b music blaring, olympics on the TV and to top it off there was an infuriating beeping noise coming from some machine behind the counter.

My tender head nearly exploded. All I wanted was to enjoy my meal in fucking peace. Jesus what the fuck happened to a bit of peace and quiet whilst eating. Fucking retards, I honestly felt the urge to go up and grab the silly bitch behind the counter by her hair and repeatedly slam her head down on the counter.

Next mass killer right here.

Sorry but expecting peace and quiet at a McDicks is very fucking optimistic.


Easy there tiger ;)


Though that would be a stupid first world problem for the ages right there:


"If the burgers don't kill you...then maybe the diners will! Mass slaughter at MacDonalds chain for incessantly playing loud music whilst people eat. This incident has forced MacDonald's to reconsider their choice of aural ambience in their restaurants. Enya is said to be on the shortlist for music apparently softly piped in over occasional whale singing and the soothing sound of jungle rainfall."

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Guest disparaissant

my girlfriend just had surgery so i'm staying with her at her ma's place until she's self-sufficient again and a.) nothing to do here and b.) i am SO ALLERGIC TO HER MOM'S PETS HOLY SHIT

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I came up with a cool melody in my dream, but I can't remember it.


In other news, the kitten's finally shitting in his litter box on his own. Also, girlfriend said she wouldn't have actually sent him back to the SPCA, she was just really pissed off that one time because he smeared his shitty paw prints all over the door after a particularly heinous episode.


Another FWP to offset the good news: I bought this cononut-caramel-crunch "hawaiian" coffee and it's gross.

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Guest Social Spastic

cat ripped the "A" key off of the keyboard, going to have to shop for a new fucking keyboard fuck, WAAAAA :derp:


buy the letter they just clip on


i'm going to get made redundant in 6 weeks :/

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