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Michelle Bachman is an evil cunt


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nevermind. just read your menage a deux with chenny.


one point to add to that intermezzo: enforcing already existing legislation might require new resources (institutions, people and in the end money) and legislation for these new institutions (see the new warren-institute fiasco without a budget).


so the argument that "existing legislation already takes care of that" need to be taken with a grain of salt, imo.


this discussion is depressing because there's no easy way out of this. there just isn't. no matter what principles you adhere.

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i understand that people who are associated with IDM and other forms of pretentious music have a tendency to think they know everything and that's fine. and i also understand that it considered unthinkable to question such actions on these sacred grounds of higher intelligence known as general banter at WATMM. why dont you guys go to a real politics forum instead of blathering on about your opinionated views here on a music forum. notice its only about 4 or 5 people going back and forth, that's cause no one here cares.

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i understand that people who are associated with IDM and other forms of pretentious music have a tendency to think they know everything and that's fine. and i also understand that it considered unthinkable to question such actions on these sacred grounds of higher intelligence known as general banter at WATMM. why dont you guys go to a real politics forum instead of blathering on about your opinionated views here on a music forum. notice its only about 4 or 5 people going back and forth, that's cause no one here cares.

Ummm when it's your forum, you can tell people what to do. Since that's clearly not the case here, leave the discussion until maybe you do care?

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i understand that people who are associated with IDM and other forms of pretentious music have a tendency to think they know everything and that's fine. and i also understand that it considered unthinkable to question such actions on these sacred grounds of higher intelligence known as general banter at WATMM. why dont you guys go to a real politics forum instead of blathering on about your opinionated views here on a music forum. notice its only about 4 or 5 people going back and forth, that's cause no one here cares.


don't you have to check on your new kush strain or something?

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nevermind. just read your menage a deux with chenny.


one point to add to that intermezzo: enforcing already existing legislation might require new resources (institutions, people and in the end money) and legislation for these new institutions (see the new warren-institute fiasco without a budget).


so the argument that "existing legislation already takes care of that" need to be taken with a grain of salt, imo.


this discussion is depressing because there's no easy way out of this. there just isn't. no matter what principles you adhere.



Ok. I feel like as usual this is a miscommunication due to pre-conceived notions of what each person here is saying.


Im honestly trying to word this as straight as possible...I tend to take a while before I arrive to the point. I admit that.


What I am not saying here is that government needs to go by the wayside. Perhaps that is what Paul is arguing, but, I contend that I sympathize with his views currently due to the complete ineptness of government in the past decade or so. Has anyone's quality of life increased due to either of these administrations? Do we have less war, more jobs, larger markets, higher wages, preventative legislation that is successful in reality, etc. than we did in say, the Clinton era?


I would claim that despite some new bill passed every now and then saying we do, we do not. This is my quarrel with the government now, and that is quite simply its inability to govern itself, much less govern based on new legislation that they do not have the appropriate resources for...where did the money go?


You can take one step forward by saying we passed new acts to regulate something, and then ten steps back by saying "Well that collapsed, but we gotta stick with it or else it will be even worse." Where are the preventative measures? Why is everything passed after the fact? And why do we then call for ANOTHER bill to fix what the first bill should have in the first place? This is the problem I have with government, it has little to do with me being some hardcore libertarian ideologue. I think we have more in common than we let on, its simply the fact that ending the wars has taken my top moral priority.

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Guest theSun

i understand that people who are associated with IDM and other forms of pretentious music have a tendency to think they know everything and that's fine. and i also understand that it considered unthinkable to question such actions on these sacred grounds of higher intelligence known as general banter at WATMM. why dont you guys go to a real politics forum instead of blathering on about your opinionated views here on a music forum. notice its only about 4 or 5 people going back and forth, that's cause no one here cares.






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i think it's funny how people love to go off on politics around here, as if just by the nature of being politics, everyone should stop and listen (because it's so important) regardless of the fact that this is a music based forum. what's the matter you can't throw your weight around on a real politics forum, so you stoop down to the level of people who are into electronic music as if you're going to have an easier time here since it's not the primary focus. not as many people question you, and you sound smarter. it's a win-win situation for the attention deprived.

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research is fine and all but there's really no evidence that could support the idea that no one should talk about anyone but the person who awepittance currently thinks is the Most Evil.


the only evidence being actual body count, who's killed more people is what im going by. If this isn't ok with you, sorry!


i think it's funny how people love to go off on politics around here, as if just by the nature of being politics, everyone should stop and listen (because it's so important) regardless of the fact that this is a music based forum. what's the matter you can't throw your weight around on a real politics forum, so you stoop down to the level of people who are into electronic music as if you're going to have an easier time here since it's not the primary focus. not as many people question you, and you sound smarter. it's a win-win situation for the attention deprived.


you've just invalided your entire statement by yourself, taking a purely holier than thou approach without guess what... even once injecting your actual political opinion about anything. pretty easy huh? do nothing to even risk being wrong (the bravest possible position one could take), just come in here and say we like to talk down to each-other while doing the exact same thing (talking down to the entire thread at once). nice job, seriously.

the sheer amount of fucking assumptions you paultards make is ridiculous.


the sheer amount of loyalty, faith, compassion, trust that you future or past Obama voters have is severe, because this man has been president for 4 years and literally already launched us into a new war. I guess we've all already forgotten about his 3rd war though, oh well

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There's more to it than just foreign policy. He's taken troops out of Iraq, there aren't any US troops in Libya.

As an American citizen, you should be much more concerned about Paul's economic policies. Seriously. they will fuck you.

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research is fine and all but there's really no evidence that could support the idea that no one should talk about anyone but the person who awepittance currently thinks is the Most Evil.


the only evidence being actual body count, who's killed more people is what im going by. If this isn't ok with you, sorry!


Here you go buddy. Have at it....


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i think it's funny how people love to go off on politics around here, as if just by the nature of being politics, everyone should stop and listen (because it's so important) regardless of the fact that this is a music based forum. what's the matter you can't throw your weight around on a real politics forum, so you stoop down to the level of people who are into electronic music as if you're going to have an easier time here since it's not the primary focus. not as many people question you, and you sound smarter. it's a win-win situation for the attention deprived.


you've just invalided your entire statement by yourself, taking a purely holier than thou approach without guess what... even once injecting your actual political opinion about anything. pretty easy huh? do nothing to even risk being wrong (the bravest possible position one could take), just come in here and say we like to talk down to each-other while doing the exact same thing (talking down to the entire thread at once). nice job, seriously.


actually by doing just that, i was reinforcing my stance. funny how you interpret things conveniently to fit your little agenda or whatever.

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Guest disparaissant

lol awe the point just sailed 15 feet over your head.


is obama more evil than michelle bachmann? maybe!

does that mean we should ignore everyone but obama? no! for that would be...


fucking idiotic


now we just need a thread about michelle obama to bring this full circle

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you know whats hilarious... hardcore assumes we don't discuss politics on any other forum... (and if he is not assuming that, then he is saying our political posts are retarded and hold no merit)


I mean I really can't wrap my head around what your point is. Because we listen to electronic music we don't know politics? Who does then? Do our politicians cause its their job? Discussions are all about finding a logical conclusion that makes sense. Arguing thats a bad thing is so backwards ... go fuck a duck or something bro. No one made you enter this thread.

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lol, she'll be warning us about the threat from the Ottoman empire next.

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