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Could ecstasy cure cancer?

Guest sirch

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just seen this...




It's got a bad reputation as a party drug, but scientists now believe that ecstasy could help to cure some blood cancers.


Scientists have known for some time that the drug can kill some cancer cells, but they now believe it to be 100 times more effective than originally thought.


A new study has shown that leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma cells could all be killed in a test tube, although treatment could still be a decade away.


Researchers at the University of Birmingham, in collaboration with the University of Western Australia, have chemically re-engineered ecstasy by taking some atoms away and putting new ones in their place.


One variant increased cancer-fighting effectiveness 100-fold. This means that if 100g of un-modified ecstasy was needed to get the desired effect, only 1g of the modified ecstasy would be needed.


Scientists say that this also reduces the toxic effect on the brain.


Lead researcher Professor John Gordon, from the University of Birmingham told the BBC: "Against the cancers, particularly the leukaemia, the lymphoma and the myeloma, where we've tested these new compounds we can wipe out 100 per cent of the cancer cells in some cases.


"We would really need to pinpoint which are the most sensitive cases, but it has the potential to wipe out the cancer cells in those examples.


"This is in the test tube, it could be different in the patient, but for now it's quite exciting."


Experts believe that the drug works because it is attracted to the fat in the membranes of the cancerous cells. Researchers think it makes the cells "a bit more soapy", which can break down the membrane and kill the cell.


However, doctors have no plans to prescribe modified ecstasy to patients in the near future as animal and clinical trials will be needed first.


How would you feel about being prescribed ecstasy?

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Now, the real question is, can taking x prevent cancer?


i'm not sure certain Governments would want us to know the answer to that!, if the answer was yes.

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Guest hahathhat
Experts believe that the drug works because it is attracted to the fat in the membranes of the cancerous cells. Researchers think it makes the cells "a bit more soapy", which can break down the membrane and kill the cell.


soapy molecules. this sounds legit



standard pedantic troll-food answer: lots of things are already totally awesome at killing cancer cells. but:


1) delivery mechanism


it's not like you swallow a pill and the pill is an intelligent little cancer-finding submarine. maybe you just poop it out, and it misses the cancer entirely. how do you get it to your brain tumor? insufflation? for this reason, lots of things capable of killing cancer cells are not a cure for cancer.


2) side-effects


it's some isomer or derivative of MDMA. unless Shulgin wrote up some notes, there's no way to know if it's safe/toxic/psychoactive/etc

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Guest 277: 930-933

Something working in a petridish/testtube does not equal a real life cure.

Also could you please post a source for the article, it's absolutely terribly written in terms of providing useful information that enables you to judge the actual merit of these findings.


Sorry if I come across as an asshole but I get really tired of all these miracle drug articles and idiot journalists that make no effort to do a good article on medicine/science that's not some sensationalist bullshit about antioxidants or something quirky about how something from daily life turns out to be key in curing every type of cancer known to man.

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Something working in a petridish/testtube does not equal a real life cure.


well, yeah, of course.


this from the, granted, very short and 'unscientific-sounding', silly article...


This is in the test tube, it could be different in the patient, but for now it's quite exciting."




.......................................................animal and clinical trials will be needed first.

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You're damn right it could. I've done ecstasy maybe a dozen times and still no cancer.

PS I might have cancer and not know it because I've really never looked into it. But if I found out i had it I'd probably do some E to test out the theory.

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fucking hell, i need to get on the e's.


You're damn right it could. I've done ecstasy maybe a dozen times and still no cancer.

PS I might have cancer and not know it because I've really never looked into it. But if I found out i had it I'd probably do some E to test out the theory.


you'd be better off getting some mdma...

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you'd be better off getting some mdma...


I'm sure there's going to be some of that mixed in somewhere. It just means i need to do way more E to ensure I get more mdma. Problem solved.


lol. errr, that's why you should just go straight for the mdma! (?)

fuck those dirty ol' pills full of god knows what... and a minute amount of actual 'ecstasy'.

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On a side not there's been a lot of research suggesting dope has very strong anti cancer properties amongst other benefits.

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you'd be better off getting some mdma...


I'm sure there's going to be some of that mixed in somewhere. It just means i need to do way more E to ensure I get more mdma. Problem solved.


lol. errr, that's why you should just go straight for the mdma! (?)


Cuz I love them delicious impurities!

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