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CERN discovers FTL particle (possibly)


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anyone interested in the hadron collider should watch the last 40 minutes of this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1307873/


You want me to watch an Antonio Banderas vehicle because I'm interested in the LHC? FU! Why don't you save me my precious time by telling what these final 40 minutes are about? That way, you can learn to actually explain yourself for a change. A true learning experience for all involved.


*grabs popcorn and waits for troons reply*


edit.: after 40 mins I'll stop waiting, btw

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you seem surprised that troon adds some vague handwaving pseudomystical crap to the thread.


I do?


That way, you can learn to actually explain yourself for a change.


Ehm ... No, I don't. No surprises on my side. None from troons either, btw.


*pisses back*

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Yes, if new multiple particles are possible, wouldn't it lend credibility to Garrett Lisi's model?


Having multiple particles isn't something exclusive to Lisi's model, which hasn't gained a lot of traction and lacks predictive power. Supersymmetric models also have an array of particles not yet discovered.

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