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Dark Souls


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Guest cult fiction

DLC is wicked. If you haven't picked it up yet - do it! Took awhile to reach the DLC content since I only had a character at Sen's Fortress(in NG+). It was good practice going through Anor Londo again though, since the boss fights in the DLC seem tougher than the normal game. Maybe doing it in NG+ the first time wasn't a great idea.


Currently trying and failing(repeatedly) to down the 'main boss' at the bottom of Oolacile, who is incredibly hard. So many different attacks. I haven't even gotten to the point where I would feel comfortable summoning some help, since he murders me so quickly it would just be a waste of humanity.


There's also a wicked deathmatch arena which should be fun after I've completed the DLC.

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Been playing some demons souls at a friends house, the world tendency thing is absolutely stupid. I can't get any of the equipment I want without pure white, which seems completely unattainable offline at least until next play through.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest cult fiction

Praise the sun!

CG trailer wasn't very good(god awful music), but marketing materials rarely are. Dark Souls somehow managed to match or even exceed Demon's Souls(already one of if not the best game of the generation) so I'm not worried about the quality.

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Am worried about the director stepping back into a "supervisory" role and the new director making statements about wanting it to be a little more approachable and a popular franchise like the Elder Scrolls.

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I was caught totally off-guard by that trailer... at first, I thought it was some American RPG like Elder Scrolls, then the funny ShyGuy-like masks instantly told me "Dark Souls"... I hope it skips this generation and ends up on the next XBOX and PS3...

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I was caught totally off-guard by that trailer... at first, I thought it was some American RPG like Elder Scrolls, then the funny ShyGuy-like masks instantly told me "Dark Souls"... I hope it skips this generation and ends up on the next XBOX and PS3...


it says pretty explicitly on the DS2 website that it's for XBox 360 and PS3.


i too am worried about how it's gonna end up...what with the love interest and 'less subtle' approach they're taking with it. i'm still working through Demon's Souls slowly, haven't touched Dark Souls yet though so i guess i'm not that worried. just conceptually? ha.

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ok, finally decided to break down and take the plunge into this...expect a lot of cursing i guess in the weeks to come .



any basic advice for a new player?

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I never bother with the plunging attack, far too slow for me. After you leave the tutorial world first place you want to go is up the hill to the right, the skeletons if you head forward towards the ruins and left will kick your ass and you'll nearly give up (like I did before I realised my mistake)


EDIT: Ooops, mistaking plunging attack with power attack. Yeah as long as that big monster is right below you a well timed button will give him a big Shadow of The Colossus style pierce of the head.


EDIT2: Oh boy, I've just entered Blighttown. I understand now....

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i just got up to the Taurus Demon, pussied out and stopped at the bonfire beforehand.


but i am starting to see why people love this game.


i absolutely love/hate the note system...everyone is trying to fuck you over

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I don't really know about this DS2 business. I am a big fan of Miyazaki. I'll try to remain optimistic until I get more info.


I played too much of this game. Its affected my whole approach to gaming now.

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Man, so I can see how you can pour a ridiculous amount of time into this game....im still pretty horrible...but getting better.



Im basicalyl investing in order:








is that about right?


I also got the Drake Sword by complete fucking accident (i actually tried to fight the dragon)...but i wouldn't say its made anything that much easier....i think i might farm some souls for the first set of armor that guy in undead berg sells...also need to get some more firebombs...those things are hella useful.


Is it normal to get your ass handed to you by the knight at the top of the tower, right before you enter Undead Parish? I can't figure out how to hurt the guy

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ive also noticed that the controls are going to drive me insane more than the difficulty of the game...half the time i want to kick, i attack, then when I want to attack, i kick....so fucking annoying.

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Man, so I can see how you can pour a ridiculous amount of time into this game....im still pretty horrible...but getting better.



Im basicalyl investing in order:








is that about right?


I also got the Drake Sword by complete fucking accident (i actually tried to fight the dragon)...but i wouldn't say its made anything that much easier....i think i might farm some souls for the first set of armor that guy in undead berg sells...also need to get some more firebombs...those things are hella useful.


Is it normal to get your ass handed to you by the knight at the top of the tower, right before you enter Undead Parish? I can't figure out how to hurt the guy


Yeah that black night is a real pain in the ass... I usually dodge his attacks, hit once and roll back to the stairs. If you do it properly his swings can't hit you.


What kind of build are you going for? Ham-fisted face-smashing barbarian? Pokey shield/spear user? Sword-and-board? Mage/melee hybrid?

I would get your Str and Dex high enough to use whatever weapons you prefer (24-28 str and 20 dex is enough to use most weapons in the game) and then level your Vitality and End until you're comfortable (I usually don't go past 18 or 20 Vit and 30-35 End, but I favour a very light dodge-everything-and-hit-fast approach). As to Int, I'm not sure as I just stick with pyromancy for my magic as it requires no stat investment, just an item so I can't comment on the usefulness of magic spells/magic weapons.


Level your armour and weapons up every chance you get-- it's generally far more effective than levelling your stats is, especially upgrading your weapons... but really you can't go wrong and you can make absolutely any build work in this game as long as you have the patience to keep smacking things :)

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Level your armour and weapons up every chance you get-- it's generally far more effective than levelling your stats is



Is that a fact? One thing I never do is upgrade my armour as it seems to be cosmetic more than actually defensive. The only time I wear big armour is Bed of Chaos so he can't easily swipe me. Otherwise I tend towards light armour so the movement speed, because I never see a difference in damage taken!

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i just got up to the Taurus Demon, pussied out and stopped at the bonfire beforehand.


I kept on getting mullered by that shit but kept on replaying, one time I ran away from him and the silly sod fell down the side of the walkway thing and died. Success !

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Trick with the Taurus Demon is to climb the ladder and perform a falling attack on the bastard - or just roll between his legs when he takes a swing at you and whack his arse two-handed. His attacks are pretty easy to avoid.

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This is what I love about the game, you guys just approached it in completely different ways. I didn't even think about plunging on him from the tower because I'm a complete derp who completely forgot the first boss tutorial. I tended to dash in and two hand him, distracting him enough for me to run up the tower without being attacked and lure him up there. I prefer fighting him up there because of the room to circle strafe and roll. Got good at dodging the git.

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Yeah, for a game that's so hard you have a lot of flexibility in how you approach things. Started another playthrough at the weekend actually, but I never manage to finish them to be honest. For me it's the kind of game which loses its appeal pretty fast once you know the enemies' move patterns etc. It just stops being challenging.

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I still haven't got past the Taurus demon :facepalm:


I haven't played for ages but I think my problem was how slow the character was. Took the fat fucker like 5 seconds to roll. It didn't seem possible to dodge much. I'll start with a more nimble choice I think.

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