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Dark Souls


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for the gargoyles, place your sign just outside the back entrance to the church, where there's 3 hollows chillin (you know, by the path to the blacksmith)


for the capra demon, id place your sign near the top of the stairs to lower undead burg (you know the stairs the dogs will follow you up if they see ya.)


What platform are you playing on Smetty?


Just for future reference sake, if you want to be summoned for Gaping, just leave your sign by the depths bonfire.


Keep in mind, if you are too high of level, you may have a problem getting summoned for those earlier bosses. Also if you're playing on PC, i HEAR you may have problems getting summoned period. Also remember that if you leave the area where your summon sign is, it will dissapear (it will tell you this if you stray too far). You'll soon get a grip on where the boundaries are.


I'm glad to see the resurgence of people playing this game on watmm.


I sucked so bad at this game till about my 3rd playthrough. My 1st playthrough was damn near 110 hours (although prob 10 of that was me asleep on the couch at a bonfire). Now, I can get through the whole game, getting damn near everything (whether I need it or not), including the DLC and tons of co-op in about 40. I've put more time into this game than any other game ever at about 400 hours I think. Granted, part of that is because I didn't have any other games I really wanted to play, and also, once you get decent enough, getting through large portions of the game without dying, just a killin machine style... well, it's cathartic as hell.

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im on ps3


thanks for the advice!!



im moving at a snails pace....i basically spent all day (well, once i finished a project) farming souls behind the crest door and lvling up to lvl 55.....also got most of my gear up to +4....lvled up my Black Knight Sword and im loving it more than the drake sword.


Also went into that area with the living mushrooms...got my ass handed to me a few times but finally figured them out....and I got this fire ember(no idea what to do with it), and accidentally found the Stone Armor! Hot diggity....i have no idea if ill ever get my endurace high enough to move around well with it in, it seems like an amazing heavy armor.


i think now im going to try to either kill that hydra thing or the moonlight butterfly that oneshotted me a few days ago.....if i cant handle either of those i think its finally time to attack Blighttown.

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yup its official. Blighttown is a piece of shit.



finally got to that save point at the bottom of the swamp but jesus christ that shit was cheap. and im talking cheaper than anything else in a game ive ever seen. those fucking mosquitos and those big assholes that knock you off the tiny ass platforms even when you block, and hard-to-identify paths spread out everywhere. im not even bothering looking for items, i need to get the fuck out of there.

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I've only just realised how similar the combat system is to Silent Hill: Homecoming. I might have to go back to that game now I've been trained up in the evading combat style in Dark Souls.

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goddamnit i will not let this thread die....at the very least im going to document my personal achievements.


Beat Mooonlight Butterfly, beat the Hydra, and beat Iron golem....what a fucking joke...



upgraded my Black knight sword to +4 and my newfound Lightning Spear to +3.....just transported to Anor Londo and didn't have a problem beating the utter shit out of the guys blocking my way.



quick question....I haven't explored New Londo or Valley of the Drakes yet.....should I go back and revisit those areas before continuing Anor Londo?

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i would do new londo after anor...i think


Valley of the drakes just has annoying lightning dragons and not much in it.....you should still go there at somepoint....


anor londo spoiler if you want.


Take the crows ride back to the starter area to get the "Peculiar Doll" so you can enter the giant painting (you will know when you see it) and go to the painted world. Fun/interesting/hardish area hidden inside Anor Londo. http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/Painted+World+of+Ariamis


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I finally tried this game. I have absolutely no clue why everyone seem to enjoy it so much.


Guess I'm not a proper 'ardc0re gamer.


But I actually think it had pretty cool atmosphere. I would play a more accessible version of it, which Dark Souls II seems to promise.


(inb4 bitching about Dark Souls II will be more accessible)

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I finally tried this game. I have absolutely no clue why everyone seem to enjoy it so much.


Guess I'm not a proper 'ardc0re gamer.


But I actually think it had pretty cool atmosphere. I would play a more accessible version of it, which Dark Souls II seems to promise.


(inb4 bitching about Dark Souls II will be more accessible)



to me its like a mixture of Devil May Cry game mechanics, Zelda or Metroidish puzzle/area map moveabouts, and traditional RPG planning. i guess that's why I like it...and im pretty horrible at the game tbh.


i love the atmosphere...each character is pretty entertaining in their own right....the whole somber aspect of the game really contributes to the overall plot/what you were meant to do there.

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yup its official. Blighttown is a piece of shit.



finally got to that save point at the bottom of the swamp but jesus christ that shit was cheap. and im talking cheaper than anything else in a game ive ever seen. those fucking mosquitos and those big assholes that knock you off the tiny ass platforms even when you block, and hard-to-identify paths spread out everywhere. im not even bothering looking for items, i need to get the fuck out of there.


I wouldn't call it cheap. I would call it a rude awakening to the rail shooter/hold your hand style of game play that every other game on the planet seems to exhibit proudly these days. FROM SOFTWARE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU. THEY CARE ABOUT BLOOD.

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the thing is that all the later areas ive explored thus far are equally as "difficult", but they don't feel anywhere near as cheap

the thing is that all the later areas ive explored thus far are equally as "difficult", but they don't feel anywhere near as cheap



sen's fortress being a prime example. goddamn those traps were fun as hell to dodge/remember to avoid/etc.


blighttown was just a PoS the whole way through.

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been working very slowly through Demon's Souls, i'm maybe 1/3 of the way through...was gifted Dark Souls and have been pounding it like a hooker for a few days and am already making progress. about to beat my first Black Knight!


i mention all this to say that i am finding Dark Souls much easier than Demon's. i'm still certainly working my ass off (and dying plenty) in Dark, but from what i've seen, even despite knowing that i've gone into Dark with a certain amount of experience by way of Demon's, Dark Souls seems to be easier and less....pummeling, i guess. both are certainly difficult and i'm sure Dark Souls still has plenty of pain and torture for me, yet if it stays at this level i can't see not tearing through it without the deep dark depression that comes with Demon's. lol.

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am I alone in thinking this game gets much "easier" the more you get used to the controls/fluidity of the motions? i mean when I first started everything was a little overwhelming (measuring stamina per strike and per strike against you, encumbrance, damage output etc etc), but now I die much, much less. Still in Anor Londo, beat the everloving shit out of the Painted World...tons o' fun....the boss was a bit of a joke (do I get in trouble for killing her later in the game?)


I might be slightly OP, Im at lvl 78 and haven't hit Orenstein and Smough yet....methinks I am in for a rude awakening.

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If you haven't met the silver knight archers yet, only one advice, don't give up, it's possible.



you are so, so right. this was my first true "FUCK THIS GAME" moment. ive died about 12 times because of them at this point. i think i have a plan on beating them but im too fucking angry to play right now.



lost 40k+ souls too. fucking archers. cheap ass shit.

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I might be slightly OP, Im at lvl 78 and haven't hit Orenstein and Smough yet....methinks I am in for a rude awakening.



Fucking hell! Yeah, defo overpowered. People often complete the game around SL80-90!

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I'm not sure where to go next - I've defeated the Lake Hydra and Quelaag but every direction I seem to go now I get completely smashed to bits in seconds.

Sens Fortress and onwards....you can reach it via the bonfire room at Undead Parish.

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what an epic battle!


now im off to the catacombs!


be sure to find the smith down there, he upgrades to chaos.



What is special about Chaos? I heard it levels up with Humanity, but I fucking die in PvP before I can even get more than 2 at a time.


On the Humanity bent, soft/liquid Humanity provides extra resistance, right? But does it provide extra resistance if I'm Hollow? I fucking hate playing as a human because of the constant PvP invasions, I absolutely love this game but those invasions piss me the fuck off....hate that mechanic.


Went into the Catacombs and beat Pinwheel with 3 hits from my Black Knight Sword +5....is he supposed to be a joke boss? I don't understand....or was I supposed to come here earlier?


Now im warping all over trying to upgrade my Pyromancy to +15, and maybe powerleveling some more for an extra attunement slot.


My big question is this:



I noticed that when I returned to the Firelink Shrine after getting the Lordvessel that Kingfisher Frampt was asleep....is there any way to wake him up? I have a ton of extra gear that I wouldn't mind getting rid of....but I don't want to attack him and lose him for the rest of the game. Someone please help me!!!



Man this game is really fantastic but it sure leaves you with a lot of confusion and questions.

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You can kick him, or punch him with a weapon unequipped (once) to wake him up. Don't hit him too hard or he'll hate you forever.

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Congrats on your progress Smetty! As long as you only hit Frampt once, you can hit him with about anything, including a +15 Zwei. Just don't hit him twice. Did you get the DLC? It's worth it (imo). Pinwheel is a joke. The room with the skelewheels before him is 100x harder. After Anor Londo, try to drain New Londo so you can get the very large ember, which when given to Andrei, will allow you to upgrade your +10 weapon up to +15. Since you're using a big ass sword anyway, try upgrading the zweihander. At +15, you can one shot a Taurus Demon (in the demon ruins....) with a jump attack if I remember right.


I just got Demon Souls yesterday... Loving it so far.





I'm not sure where to go next - I've defeated the Lake Hydra and Quelaag but every direction I seem to go now I get completely smashed to bits in seconds.


make sure you look behind where the hydra is.... Don't go up the ladder I mean...

Demon souls question - I just aggro'd the ragged female merchant in 5-1. I'm about 7 hours in my game. should I re-roll?

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thanks for the advice! I made my Zweihander a Lightning make....should I reverse it? It seemed like a good idea...





also for anyone going into the Catacombs:


if you use a Divine Weapon against the skeletons, they can't be resurrected by the Necromancer


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thanks for the advice! I made my Zweihander a Lightning make....should I reverse it? It seemed like a good idea...


Lightning is ok, but it removes stat scaling. Zwie scales with STR and DEX i think. So a +15 zwei is going to be more powerful for 2 reasons. One, the base damage will be bigger because of stat scaling - 2- elemental weapons do 2 types of damage. physical and whatever elemental it is. this means that the damage done is being run through enemy defenses twice, once for the phys damage, one for the elemental. Does that make sense? I didn't explain it well. just be careful not to waste the slab you get from the stray demon.

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