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Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword

Rubin Farr

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My problem with Wind Waker was


that the entire second half of the game was just treasure hunting... while the beginning of the game had the usual epic dungeon + boss battle formula. So it kind of felt like the game got easier and less tense in the second half, a bit anti climactic. If it started with the treasure hunting and then went to dungeon/bosses that would've been awesome.



I want opinions from people who finished skyward Sword, not just played the beginning. The first dungeon/temple thing in Twilight Princess was incredible, then the rest was just... ok.

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so, does it live up to the hype or were ign completely off their rockers when they asserted it was the greatest zelda game of all time 10/10. The actual video review for the game was so shitty and uninformative It made me feel like it was just bullshit. The storyline is great!(who really gives a fuck, what about gameplay?) It has 1-1 motion controls!(still... okay great, what about the game). The gameplay is unmatched, and you will use your full arsenal(okay.... but, what does that actually mean?). Meanwhile interspersed with cutscenes and strange battle sequences which frankly looked weird and boring like a shitty jrpg or something.

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Guest bitroast

the gameplay feels super tight.

the bits inbetween dungeons (forest, desert etc) have been turned into puzzle levels that are almost indistinguishable from the dungeons. they're ridden with enemies, give you items and require puzzle solving to progress.

using the motion controls works really well too. just about every enemy will attack/block with a certain required motion (piranha plant will open its mouth horizontally, give it a horizontal strike. spider has a shell but red centre, give it a forward jab). with most of the enemies requiring specific attacks and the motion controls working so well ('1-1' :), the game is generally really really enjoyable to play.


what ign are drivelling on about with the story rings true too. even though there's no recorded dialogue, they're presented in such a way that doesn't feel too boring or crappy (they can drag a bit too long but still doesn't ruin the game or anything).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I asked for this for Christmas, my parents got me the special edition with a sweet gold wii-mote with a motion plus built in :)


I've JUST finished the second dungeon.


So far I'm enjoying it a lot, possibly as much as Ocarina of Time. I hope it can keep up the pace.


I wasn't expecting it to break away from the usual formula at all (especially since Shigeru Miyamato very clearly said it wouldn't) so the minor changes are nice surprises. The Skyloft thing reminds me a lot of Wind Waker. The way the story is told combined with the music and colours make it feel a lot like an anime (in particular I feel a bit of a Ghibli vibe). I really like this aspect of it.


The sound and visuals are SPECTACULAR and I really do sympathise with those that wish the Wii output to HD (mind you, I'm playing on a 24 inch LCD PC monitor, and sitting far back enough that it still looks SWEET. But every time I come up to the console and I look at the monitor, I feel like they wasted so much talent on such lo-res graphics).


The character designs are SO COOL!!! The colours make my heart melt... only some of the animation disappoints when it is too obviously mo-capped. It's the hands that always get me. I know hands are hard to do well in CG but the effort really should be taken when EVERYTHING ELSE looks so gorgeous.


The game still feels a lot more linear than Ocarina of Time but I don't really care this time for some reason. Not sure why. A few things frustrate me here and there (the camera is pretty awful really) but overall the gameplay seems pretty sweet.

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I got this for Christmas only to find my old Wii remote doesn't work for this game.



Yeah, you need the Motion Plus attachment for the 1-to-1 motion technology®


I just beat the second temple as well, going to the Temple of Time now. I'll probably play quite a bit today since I have nothing to do!

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I'm about to start Twilight Princess, how does that rate?


Most people seem to like it a lot. I think it starts off INCREDIBLE, amazing atmosphere, puzzles etc. As soon as you finish the first dungeon the haunting atmosphere and sense of dread goes away completely.


The other problem with it is that the equipment you get are too specific. This is definitely a problem later on. There are items that you really only use in very particular places and pretty much only in the temple you get it in. I like equipment like bombs and the grapple shot in Ocarina of Time, you can use them throughout the game and for many different purposes.


Overall I was disappointed but it's still worth playing.

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I just watched a playthrough of SS on YouTube and I think the music to this game is pretty disappointing and unmemorable (the orchestrated music is great -- but a lot of the other dungeon tracks are really boring). ALttP and WW have some of my favorite Zelda musics ever.

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