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I got arrested last night


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I got arrested once outside my high school by this extremely bitchy cop with shitty platinum blonde hair. She had one of those old school billy clubs that she made me fellate while two other chicks finger banged each other on top of the cop car while the sirens went off. Wait this was just something I saw on Brazzers once.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I got arrested once outside my high school by this extremely bitchy cop with shitty platinum blonde hair. She had one of those old school billy clubs that she made me fellate while two other chicks finger banged each other on top of the cop car while the sirens went off. Wait this was just something I saw on Brazzers once.


do you have a password I can use?

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woah the best time i was arrested was when i was 14 and me and two "pals" of mine (don't call me pal, buddy) where hitting a blunt in broad daylight on the street. in amsterdam lol. i gave them a foul mouth oh youth :(

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If you want advice I will say this.


You will be laughing about this in a few years time, and will have a good story to tell. At the moment it seems like a nightmare but all will be fine in the end.


If you are a good fella, with a good history I doubt nothing will come of it, but who can tell in America? Strange place it seems.

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Is your manager sympathetic?


This. Assuming he/she is (which sounds to be the case, as you mention employees occasionally crash there), then:

- there's no trespassing, nor public intoxication, since you had consent to be on another's private property;

- Presuming you were just lying on a cot on the roof, you weren't in any way disturbing the peace;

- You can make the argument that the resisting arrest charge be thrown out, since you weren't doing anything to warrant police intervention in the first place.


R. Augustus Dobalina, Esq.


My manager and the owner are somewhat sympathetic, but they're currently contemplating whether I should be working there or not. Which is fine because I actually have another job and I pretty much just work at the bar to get free drinks.


Dobalina, I was thinking the same thing. I don't think the resisting arrest charge could be filed if the public intoxication charge gets thrown out. There was actually a lawyer watching all of this go down and he started chatting with the cops, but then stuffed his card in my front pocket when they weren't looking.


If you want advice I will say this.


You will be laughing about this in a few years time, and will have a good story to tell. At the moment it seems like a nightmare but all will be fine in the end.


If you are a good fella, with a good history I doubt nothing will come of it, but who can tell in America? Strange place it seems.


Thanks man. I know it will be pretty funny down the road. I just hope I don't get any serious criminal charges for this. Blagh.


I'm assuming the cop wasn't female or it would have been easy for you to get out of. amirite?


hope it works out bud, resisting could be a heavy charge.


All small asian guys.


I don't even remember how I resisted. I think they told me to get on my knees or something and I said 'no' so they body slammed me on the ground. That was ridiculous. My chest is still sore.

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My favorite time getting arrested was once in the winter when it was like literally -45 at 3am and i was trying to stumble my ass home. it was a long, cold walk and i was unprepared. i slipped and tumbled in front of a cop car so he arrested me and took me in to the tank. He was a real cool dude and basically told me he took me in just to get me out of the cold and I spent the majority of the night drinking cocoa and chatting to him. His name was Ryan and he let me go as soon as i secure a ride (so like 4 or so hours later, when the real world woke up(this was a monday night)). I've been arrested other times. not nearly as much fun. also it was some good fucking cocoa. Ryan could make the shit out of some cocoa. He even put marshmallows in it. wtf.

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Guest El_Chemso

I got arrested once outside my high school by this extremely bitchy cop with shitty platinum blonde hair. She had one of those old school billy clubs that she made me fellate while two other chicks finger banged each other on top of the cop car while the sirens went off. Wait this was just something I saw on Brazzers once.


This is watmm gold right here.

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This is a good story but why in happy hell would you go to Utah?


Working on a ski resort in Park City and waiting for Sundance Film Festival. By the time it came around I was too broke, overworked and depressed to really care. I watched a biker movie, went to a Q&A with Michael Madsen, met a pornstar (can't remember her name now) and got hit on by Ben Stiller's illegitimate son in Meet the Fockers.


In the last 3 months I got evicted, arrested and fired. I spent Christmas Eve hugging a boiler for warmth. So yeah, you're right, fuck Utah.

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My favorite time getting arrested was once in the winter when it was like literally -45 at 3am and i was trying to stumble my ass home. it was a long, cold walk and i was unprepared. i slipped and tumbled in front of a cop car so he arrested me and took me in to the tank. He was a real cool dude and basically told me he took me in just to get me out of the cold and I spent the majority of the night drinking cocoa and chatting to him. His name was Ryan and he let me go as soon as i secure a ride (so like 4 or so hours later, when the real world woke up(this was a monday night)). I've been arrested other times. not nearly as much fun. also it was some good fucking cocoa. Ryan could make the shit out of some cocoa. He even put marshmallows in it. wtf.


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My favorite time getting arrested was once in the winter when it was like literally -45 at 3am and i was trying to stumble my ass home. it was a long, cold walk and i was unprepared. i slipped and tumbled in front of a cop car so he arrested me and took me in to the tank. He was a real cool dude and basically told me he took me in just to get me out of the cold and I spent the majority of the night drinking cocoa and chatting to him. His name was Ryan and he let me go as soon as i secure a ride (so like 4 or so hours later, when the real world woke up(this was a monday night)). I've been arrested other times. not nearly as much fun. also it was some good fucking cocoa. Ryan could make the shit out of some cocoa. He even put marshmallows in it. wtf.


Canada is awesome.

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coincidentally, i was placed under arrest by an authority about two weeks ago. i was visiting a town nearby to pick up a few sundries and was accosted by a rather pig-faced constable strolling along the street.


i was lost and looking for a local general store, so I figured I could ask him where it was. Before I could even say anything, he gives me a once over and says, "Let me guess, somebody stole your sweetroll." I ignored this obvious slight against my portly frame and trudged back along the main road. I encountered a wayward chicken along my path and smashed at it hatefully with my Ebony Warhammer of Fear, narrowly missing it. Frustrated, I used my Shout magic and shouted the fucking thing off a cliff where it was consumed by a Cave Bear. I looked up from admiring the bear to see several guards running toward me, screaming, swords raised. I was busted. I had to spend a night in the cell and all of my stolen property was confiscated. Luckily I knew the Jarl so I was given a pass 'this one time' after paying a hefty bounty of 312 gold.

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Guest Franklin

coincidentally, i was placed under arrest by an authority about two weeks ago. i was visiting a town nearby to pick up a few sundries and was accosted by a rather pig-faced constable strolling along the street.


i was lost and looking for a local general store, so I figured I could ask him where it was. Before I could even say anything, he gives me a once over and says, "Let me guess, somebody stole your sweetroll." I ignored this obvious slight against my portly frame and trudged back along the main road. I encountered a wayward chicken along my path and smashed at it hatefully with my Ebony Warhammer of Fear, narrowly missing it. Frustrated, I used my Shout magic and shouted the fucking thing off a cliff where it was consumed by a Cave Bear. I looked up from admiring the bear to see several guards running toward me, screaming, swords raised. I was busted. I had to spend a night in the cell and all of my stolen property was confiscated. Luckily I knew the Jarl so I was given a pass 'this one time' after paying a hefty bounty of 312 gold.


fucking lol

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Guest underscore

closest I have come to being arrested was getting kicked out of a spot skating as an adult. I am pretty lucky to have walked away from that without being in trouble. when the cop asked me what color my eyes are, I responded with "I don't know, I'm colorblind." I was a bit out of it, and apparently in a bitchy mood.


edit: out of it in this case means high as balls.

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Guest disparaissant

i used to be a badass like prince hashim, but then i took an arrow to the knee

*boo hiss*


never been arrested myself but this happened to a friend of my girlfriend

http://www.vice.com/...james-760-v16n3 stick with it it gets really good even if all the worst parts are true

xiu xiu's last single was about that situation too :S


basically i am glad i have never been arrested

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Guest disparaissant

uhm because i know her and my gf knows her pretty well?

she's got an interesting writing style (work really well for bdsm lesbian erotica lemme tell you what)

but that doesn't make her crazy or a liar

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Guest disparaissant

it honestly really bothers me that the first thing a lot of people will do when someone says they were sexually assaulted is look for reasons to disbelieve that person

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