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Newt grinning is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen


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100% absolutely


at the very least it would be a great investment for those who hold the reigns of money and power


under the Obama administration...

U.S. corporations have reportedthe highest profits recorded since the Commerce Department began tracking corporate income growth 60 years ago: $1.659 Trillion. That renders as $1,659,000,000,000 in numerical values.
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Obama is functionally identical to Romney. Obama has the added bonus of being too inept to shrug off the Socialist slur even though he's, on a global scale, and in terms of actions and implemented policy (rather than speech), center-right.


Even on wedge issues, Obama can't will himself to appear "liberal": he apparently gets squicked out by gay folk getting married and he dropped a public health option in favor of a Romneycare mandate to pay private insurers.


I don't really see what the Establishment or the unorganized mass of interests equivalent thereto has to lose here.

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I didn't say McCain didn't go through the psychological wringer, he clearly did, and I and a whole lot of other folks respect the hell out of what he went through. I just said the end result of all of McCain's experiences is: he's a fucking racist. If he unleashes irrational hatred towards a group, he is a racist, and probably not fit to be President.


He can spin it how he spins it and vow to never use the word "gook" again, but he knew full well when he said "gook" that "gook" refers to a whole lot more than the people who tortured him.


But he claimed that he would stop using it because it was found offensive by people he respected (ie. his voters and his cohorts). Is he still racist? Where is the proof? Or is the rule that once you ever say anything racist, you remain racist for the rest of your life? Personally I think it was right of voters to excoriate him for his comments; I would distrust someone saying that running for public office.


Basically Im saying this:


Did he say something racist? Yes, undoubtedly. But is he a racist? That's a far harder question to answer. I personally do not take accusations of racism lightly, so I'm just trying to get your take on this.


Smetty, it's not any easy point to resolve, but voting for a President makes me more risk-averse, basically. If my granddad said "gook" (and, lord, did he), I'd let it slide based on historical context and the fact that the guy isn't in charge of implementing foreign and domestic policy.


McCain's apology doesn't quite sit right with me, rhetorically, but McCain isn't the most rhetorically gifted candidate we've seen, either.

He's basically saying he still abhors what the "gooks" did to him, without realizing it wasn't "the gooks" so much as the very small subset of asian people who were his captors. He then says he'll stop using the word, basically, out of respect for other people.


To me it sounds like a white dude claiming license to say the word "nigger" because he's just directing it at--well, let's paraphrase: "naw man, not all black people are niggers, it's just the ones that act like niggers, you know." And in failing to understand why such a statement isn't racist, the speaker is lapsing right back into racism.


But again, I don't know McCain's thoughts or his heart, I just know I've got to be cautious when dealing with a potential POTUS.

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Obama is functionally identical to Romney. Obama has the added bonus of being too inept to shrug off the Socialist slur even though he's, on a global scale, and in terms of actions and implemented policy (rather than speech), center-right.


Even on wedge issues, Obama can't will himself to appear "liberal": he apparently gets squicked out by gay folk getting married and he dropped a public health option in favor of a Romneycare mandate to pay private insurers.


I don't really see what the Establishment or the unorganized mass of interests equivalent thereto has to lose here.


i don't know if Obama would be functionally identical to romney in a very important key area.. which is the continuation of preemptive warfare and erosion of our civil liberties. He would be too generically war hawkish about it, which is what every republican president in recent memory does in regards to war. Obama's way to keep us in war and to keep eroding our civil liberties is to act very reasonable and pragmatic about why we need to do all these things. He's the opposite of a hawk, which is deceptive based on his continuation of Bush policies. The deception of being an under the radar hawk i think is functionally more important for the people in charge imo


edit: Obama is the perfect 'puppet' because on the surface he appears to be more of an intellectual and critical thinker than previous presidents. Romney is too obviously a shell of a man puppet, he doesn't seem autonomous even in an illusory way.

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*summons the ghost of gonzo


*speaks in hunter s thompson's voice


the guy is a paid bum just like the rest of em'

in the dante-esque hell like halls of congress,the white house,the senate it's easy to appear sane and safe when surrounded by rapist's,child molester's,un closeted angry homosexuals,drunks,war mongers,bigots and crooked scoundrels all of whom are diabeticlly obese from eating paula' dean's cake on the public dime.


hanging is too melville-too good for them

if they come like billy budd then they had the last laugh,typical republican behavior-see senator larry craig or strom thurmond,or even the sound sonny bono's head made as it reverberated thru the ski slope for further gory details.


he is a turn coat and a flip flopping plastic sandal [made in china]that has stepped in his own demo "cratic" donkey poop.


next to gingrich he appears a saint and an angel with fluffy white wings



i will sadly be forced to vote on abortion as it is the only way I can justify loosing the 10 minutes out of my day it will take to "pull the lever" for the guy formerly known as "BARRY",mind you - just for the ladies in our fair democracy.


furthermore……..I feel that……….owww






ooooooooooooooooowwwwww what the heckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk





the sound of cardboard folding











opaque yet psychedelic






into 3rd world day dream/private mind garden of music



what would kesey do?


answer-eat lsd ,keep typing

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whatever you want to say about Newt, he is the only one who has a chance of beating Obama in a debate of the viable RNC candidates. So much so that i think the puppet masters behind the scenes will do everything in their power to make sure Romeny gets the nomination (similar to a McCain or Bob Dole setup to fail WWF style scenario).

Romney is going to get utterly destroyed, but he's being setup as a sacrificial lamb so he's playing his role well


Obama is functionally identical to Romney.


Bam. Truth bullets.


I agree with the above.


Also, really didn't mean to set off a McCain debate...I could of thrown any moderate GOP figurehead instead. I knew of the "gook" comment but wasn't even thinking about it. My intial point was that the "racist old white Republican" charge still gets thrown around too much imo, especially by liberal media personalities. It cheapens legitimate charges of racism against the right when they do actually come up. Also, I heard too many dumbass kids say that in their glee to vote for Obama. Too many idiots vote period. Also, it lets the talk radio fuckers still command a lot of the bullshit "hey your playing the race card!? derp derp!" anytime it's even hinted at. Then there's the generational issue. I know the infamous Democrat Senator Byrd used "nigger" casually in interviews when discussing his regrets for joining the Klan, yes the Klan and he was generally an asshole (o_0) but he never had any Trent Lott-esque wrath placed on him because he was so powerful...anyway I digress, that's another discussion. I guess him or McCain, while still wrong, have more of a old ignorance explained by some historical context than something that bigotry developed more abstractly by younger right-wing candidates. Which is why Newt or Santorum talking about blacks and food stamps or Perry never really apologising for the "niggerhead ranch" flap disturb me more than some old war veteran dropping racial slurs in an angry rant.


i dont know where to put this so its going here




maybe vaguely nsfw but that stands for conservatives unite moneybomb.

not whatever you silly billies thought it meant


lol zing! that's also more reflective of how i see Santorum IRL


The Stepford robotics club never quite got the eye thing right.


whites above eyes=crazy


which is why Ally Sheedy is so much cuter in Wargames...it wasn't age at all, it was her fucking eye going crazy






*summons the ghost of gonzo


*speaks in hunter s thompson's voice





the guy is a paid bum just like the rest of em'

in the dante-esque hell like halls of congress,the white house,the senate it's easy to appear sane and safe when surrounded by rapist's,child molester's,un closeted angry homosexuals,drunks,war mongers,bigots and crooked scoundrels all of whom are diabeticlly obese from eating paula' dean's cake on the public dime.


hanging is too melville-too good for them

if they come like billy budd then they had the last laugh,typical republican behavior-see senator larry craig or strom thurmond,or even the sound sonny bono's head made as it reverberated thru the ski slope for further gory details.


he is a turn coat and a flip flopping plastic sandal [made in china]that has stepped in his own demo "cratic" donkey poop.


next to gingrich he appears a saint and an angel with fluffy white wings



i will sadly be forced to vote on abortion as it is the only way I can justify loosing the 10 minutes out of my day it will take to "pull the lever" for the guy formerly known as "BARRY",mind you - just for the ladies in our fair democracy.


furthermore……..I feel that……….owww






ooooooooooooooooowwwwww what the heckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk





the sound of cardboard folding











opaque yet psychedelic






into 3rd world day dream/private mind garden of music



what would kesey do?


answer-eat lsd ,keep typing





^fucking epic! personally I would of been lazy and mentioned this Thompsom quote, "Nixon was a professional politician, and I despised everything he stood for—but if he were running for president this year against the evil BushCheney gang, I would happily vote for him."


seems even more relevant now

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This dude really is terrifying.

To be fair, this article highlights a serious gripe I have about all Baby Boomers. What a sorry fucking lot. The post-WWII generation in America helped greatness flourish but their offspring sure did their collective best to tear it all to pieces, squander good will and break the world in half in the process. I even feel this way about my parents. They're 62/56 and still have shitloads of credit card debt and a second mortgage. It's like the hippie at 19 said "down with the establishment--start a revolution" and then progressed through each successive decade of his life with "j/k lol; I'm getting everything I can and leaving scorched Earth behind"




making this almost made me barf



I said a similar thing about Boomers shortly after being laid off and in so doing apparently caused the Worst Easter Ever.

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as for newt there is no doubt in mind that he is utterly despicable.


The balls on him though - the CNN debate the moderator's all "so uhh, you wanna comment on your open marriage request to your wife who was diagnosed with MS?" (even though he'd been fucking some other chick for like 6 years). Newt just goes: "No. BUt I will." And then proceeds to lambaste the host for joining in the media hype and making it too hard to govern the nation.

From the speaker of the house that led the Clinton-penis witch hunt.

what teh fucking fuck.

this whole thread reminds me of bill hicks:


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