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Glaring hole in conspiracy theories?


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Was just thinking how out of all the conspiracy theories I've heard - chemtrails, lizard people, UFO cover-ups, etc, the tinfoil hat wearers never seem up in arms about the internet itself. I mean the internet has radically changed human-to-human interaction, and is arguably as much an "opiate of the masses" as TV, yet I don't hear theories about how the internet was created as a sinister form of mind control, and the govt is watching everything you type. In fact folks like ET seem content to repeatedly spew their theories without much paranoia that the feds will knock down their door and cart them off to a FEMA camp...what gives?

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I didn't read but here is a conspiracy theory i read the other day...


The reason we don't have serial killers anymore its because they used Ted Bundy's brain to find the "serial killer" gene, developed a cure and put it in our water supply. But wait there is more, the reason we have so many autistic kids its because the cure makes possible serial killers autistic to prevent them from murdering.
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Yeah i mean the internet was even created by DARPA and the WWW was created by Tim Berners-Lee when he was working at CERN so that they can create a black hole and cause the rapture when the lizard people will be able to take control.

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Guest RadarJammer

I have a recurring thought, based on my own assumption that I personally haven't lied about my own unusual experiences. Out of the many millions of people throughout history who have claimed seeing a UFO or something, at least one single person out of that many is telling the truth, isn't crazy and isn't mistaking a cowboy hat someone threw in the air at a Mexican wedding as a flying saucer.


If 1 out of 10,000,000 is telling the truth, then its a real phenomena.

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I have a recurring thought, based on my own assumption that I personally haven't lied about my own unusual experiences. Out of the many millions of people throughout history who have claimed seeing a UFO or something, at least one single person out of that many is telling the truth, isn't crazy and isn't mistaking a cowboy hat someone threw in the air at a Mexican wedding as a flying saucer.


If 1 out of 10,000,000 is telling the truth, then its a real phenomena.


I think life in other planets exists and there is a possibility that one or more alien species visited us at some point (highly unlikely), but with todays CGI technology its impossible to differentiate between possible real sightings and hoaxes. Its better to be skeptical than a fool.


The only thing that will prove the "UFOs are aliens" theory is if they land on the White House lawn and have a press conference or something like that.

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Was just thinking how out of all the conspiracy theories I've heard - chemtrails, lizard people, UFO cover-ups, etc, the tinfoil hat wearers never seem up in arms about the internet itself. I mean the internet has radically changed human-to-human interaction, and is arguably as much an "opiate of the masses" as TV, yet I don't hear theories about how the internet was created as a sinister form of mind control, and the govt is watching everything you type. In fact folks like ET seem content to repeatedly spew their theories without much paranoia that the feds will knock down their door and cart them off to a FEMA camp...what gives?




The internet isn't necessarily a form of mind control because the users create the content. You can also choose what you want to use the internet for, what sites to visit, what to read etc. This is unlike television because most television stations are owned by only a few corporations, Viacom, Disney, Time Warner, News Corp., NBC, CBS etc. However, the internet could be seen as a form of brainwashing depending on what the user does on the internet, what he reads etc. (Like someone who only reads FOX news would probably have a pretty unrealistic and biased view of the world.) As far as the government tracking how you use the internet, they already do. And if you pay attention to the legislation they pass, it's pretty obvious they want to track it even more.

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Guest RadarJammer

I have a recurring thought, based on my own assumption that I personally haven't lied about my own unusual experiences. Out of the many millions of people throughout history who have claimed seeing a UFO or something, at least one single person out of that many is telling the truth, isn't crazy and isn't mistaking a cowboy hat someone threw in the air at a Mexican wedding as a flying saucer.


If 1 out of 10,000,000 is telling the truth, then its a real phenomena.


I think life in other planets exists and there is a possibility that one or more alien species visited us at some point (highly unlikely), but with todays CGI technology its impossible to differentiate between possible real sightings and hoaxes. Its better to be skeptical than a fool.


The only thing that will prove the "UFOs are aliens" theory is if they land on the White House lawn and have a press conference or something like that.


Its different when you encounter lots of people with their own stories face to face, especially in a place like the pacific northwest where you could ask people if they have had a sighting all day long and get lots of good stories out of people. Its been a word of mouth thing for thousands of years and its only been a picture/video phenomena for a 100 or less. And in my opinion its not about skepticism but its about odds, the odds are great that like I stated above, at least someone out there is talking the real shit.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Yes the internet is a great form of distraction, monitoring, census to keep us on the grid and complacent obviously... I'm not going to go back and forth in this thread as I have no interest in a debate or changing anyones mind but.. my theory is UFOs are just advanced military aircrafts they intentionally display to keep people guessing. When terrorism is no longer an interesting form of fear to keep people in line they will have plan UFO attacks and pretend we have an alien enemy to unite the world into one control..

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Once i had a startling epiphany, I was wattming and high as fuck and had this dreadful feeling that the internet was using us all, we are constantly feeding 'it' information and it has become so addictive that in many cases we don't ever stop to. can't really say much more because my verbal skills suck but it felt kinda like we were chained to our monitors and the internet was extracting everything from our brains. haven't smoked pot since.

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Ron Paul's favourite, the protocols of the elders of zion:


Goyim are mentally inferior to Jews and can’t run their nations properly. For their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause. Here’s what we’ll need to do:

  • Place our agents and helpers everywhere
  • Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
  • Start fights between different races, classes and religions
  • Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
  • Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
  • Appeal to successful people’s egos
  • Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
  • Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism
  • Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
  • Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
  • Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
  • Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
  • Rewrite history to our benefit
  • Create entertaining distractions
  • Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
  • Encourage people to spy on one another
  • Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
  • Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold
  • Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
  • Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
  • Replace sound investment with speculation
  • Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
  • Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

Eventually the Goyim will be so angry with their governments (because we’ll blame them for the resulting mess) that they’ll gladly have us take over. We will then appoint a descendant of David to be king of the world, and the remaining Goyim will bow down and sing his praises. Everyone will live in peace and obedient order under his glorious rule.

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Guest Backson

I have a recurring thought, based on my own assumption that I personally haven't lied about my own unusual experiences. Out of the many millions of people throughout history who have claimed seeing a UFO or something, at least one single person out of that many is telling the truth, isn't crazy and isn't mistaking a cowboy hat someone threw in the air at a Mexican wedding as a flying saucer.


If 1 out of 10,000,000 is telling the truth, then its a real phenomena.


what? no! that's not how it works! the logic empoyed in that paragraph is so contorted its not funny.


this is almost the same as the kind of arguements employed in religious debates. I once constructed a really well thought out arguement about how God was just a natural way for humans to explain their own existence but wasn't rooted in logic or science as such only to get the response "Imagine how embarrassed you will be when you get to heaven..."

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I have a recurring thought, based on my own assumption that I personally haven't lied about my own unusual experiences. Out of the many millions of people throughout history who have claimed seeing a UFO or something, at least one single person out of that many is telling the truth, isn't crazy and isn't mistaking a cowboy hat someone threw in the air at a Mexican wedding as a flying saucer.


If 1 out of 10,000,000 is telling the truth, then its a real phenomena.


Not really. There is always a possibility that a person is under influence of some supstance which causes hallucinations, or has a pyschic disorder which causes hallucinations, such as schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder. What you perceive doesn't neccessarily have to do anything with reality, whatever reality truly is, if there actually is one. That's eventually the "problem" of scepticism - it leaves only suspicion as a fact - you can have your suspicions about anything, but one thing is certain - you are being suspicious. Maybe we're all living in our own delusions, after all, and our delusions are mostly coinciding, but there are parts which never do. That's why the scientist talks always about probabilities, because nothing is really certain. We can only say something is highly, or most probable based upon some data and facts obtained throughout time.

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Once i had a startling epiphany, I was wattming and high as fuck and had this dreadful feeling that the internet was using us all, we are constantly feeding 'it' information and it has become so addictive that in many cases we don't ever stop to. can't really say much more because my verbal skills suck but it felt kinda like we were chained to our monitors and the internet was extracting everything from our brains. haven't smoked pot since.

exactly, that was the sort of thought I had today, and then wondered why people like ET aren't repeating the same idea. I just find it funny that for some reason, the internet is seen as a safe haven, where conspiracy theorists can find like minded folks (and so can pedos, for that matter). Just shows that the desire to share their "insight" socially trumps their paranoia, I suppose.

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I have a recurring thought, based on my own assumption that I personally haven't lied about my own unusual experiences. Out of the many millions of people throughout history who have claimed seeing a UFO or something, at least one single person out of that many is telling the truth, isn't crazy and isn't mistaking a cowboy hat someone threw in the air at a Mexican wedding as a flying saucer.


If 1 out of 10,000,000 is telling the truth, then its a real phenomena.


I think life in other planets exists and there is a possibility that one or more alien species visited us at some point (highly unlikely), but with todays CGI technology its impossible to differentiate between possible real sightings and hoaxes. Its better to be skeptical than a fool.


The only thing that will prove the "UFOs are aliens" theory is if they land on the White House lawn and have a press conference or something like that.


Its different when you encounter lots of people with their own stories face to face, especially in a place like the pacific northwest where you could ask people if they have had a sighting all day long and get lots of good stories out of people. Its been a word of mouth thing for thousands of years and its only been a picture/video phenomena for a 100 or less. And in my opinion its not about skepticism but its about odds, the odds are great that like I stated above, at least someone out there is talking the real shit.


yeah, when it comes to mass sightings of ufos such as the Phoenix lights or the UFOs spotted by NORAD and air traffic controllers who actually see them moving faster than human made aircraft, i admit being kind of creeped out by that. It's unsettling, call me a tin foil cocksucker whatever but alien stuff has always scared me ever since i saw Communion on TNT when i was 10

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The conspiracy I've been hearing about the internet, is soon we'll be allowed to use ultra fast broadband technology making hard drives obsolete... Everything will be stored on super servers that the corporations/government will control/own...

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Omega has acted as a "watchdog" for many years now.

Infiltrating government agencies, the military and the political circles of this country has been a major part of Omega's operations over the last seventy-six years.


For the last thirty-five (35) years (1972-2007), this has been my role within Omega. I was given an above-top-secret clearance by Omega which allowed me to infiltrate any and all parts of the government of the United States of America.


During this time, all fifteen members of Omega's council have taken part in these operations, and many still do.


Our main goal has been to learn the secrets of the New World Order. Learning those secrets has meant uncovering the hidden agendas for the purpose of overthrowing this country's government and many others of this planet. It has meant finding the truth behind the cover-ups and conspiracies perpetrated by the leaders of our governments.


During my years of "watching" our government, I have been privy to much of the agenda that is now upon us as citizens of this once-great nation.


I have sat in on meetings where discussions of taking away the rights and freedoms, granted by the Constitution of the United States, had taken place.


I have listened to plans to sell out America by some of the leaders of this nation. I have seen the plans to detain Americans in concentration camps that have been created around this and many other countries.


I have actually discussed the effects of a nuclear explosion within our major cities with more than one major politician of this country. We have openly discussed the expected causalities of an action such as this. We have talked about the differences between a full-sized nuke's and a suitcase nuke's effect on these cities. We have thrown around the possibilities of using such an action to aid in the removal of the Constitution.


This, and much more, was my job within Omega.


Absolutely the best part of this job was the fact that these major players had no idea who I was or what or for whom I worked. For thirty years, these people thought I worked for the Echelon.


Echelon is the name chosen by the leaders of the New World Order. The Illuminati, the Bilderburg, the Knights Templar: There are many names used for the barbaric New World Order leadership. It all boils down to being the very same people, no matter which name you choose.

But, they are the ten families that run the entire world. The people who make the decisions for your life. The people who dictate every move each of you will make throughout your lives.


We know them as the owners of the pharmaceutical-petrochemical corporations.


We know them as the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank.


We know them as our presidents, past, present and future.


We'll come to know them as our captors.

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Guest RadarJammer

I have a recurring thought, based on my own assumption that I personally haven't lied about my own unusual experiences. Out of the many millions of people throughout history who have claimed seeing a UFO or something, at least one single person out of that many is telling the truth, isn't crazy and isn't mistaking a cowboy hat someone threw in the air at a Mexican wedding as a flying saucer.


If 1 out of 10,000,000 is telling the truth, then its a real phenomena.


Not really. There is always a possibility that a person is under influence of some supstance which causes hallucinations, or has a pyschic disorder which causes hallucinations, such as schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder. What you perceive doesn't neccessarily have to do anything with reality, whatever reality truly is, if there actually is one. That's eventually the "problem" of scepticism - it leaves only suspicion as a fact - you can have your suspicions about anything, but one thing is certain - you are being suspicious. Maybe we're all living in our own delusions, after all, and our delusions are mostly coinciding, but there are parts which never do. That's why the scientist talks always about probabilities, because nothing is really certain. We can only say something is highly, or most probable based upon some data and facts obtained throughout time.


There aren't many/any psychotropics that cause literal lucid hallucinations, especially while being in seemingly sobered states of mind. Schizophrenia is mostly an auditory disease and I think it would probably be MORE weird if peoples minds were cracking left and right and hallucinating space ships.

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I have a recurring thought, based on my own assumption that I personally haven't lied about my own unusual experiences. Out of the many millions of people throughout history who have claimed seeing a UFO or something, at least one single person out of that many is telling the truth, isn't crazy and isn't mistaking a cowboy hat someone threw in the air at a Mexican wedding as a flying saucer.


If 1 out of 10,000,000 is telling the truth, then its a real phenomena.


Not really. There is always a possibility that a person is under influence of some supstance which causes hallucinations, or has a pyschic disorder which causes hallucinations, such as schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder. What you perceive doesn't neccessarily have to do anything with reality, whatever reality truly is, if there actually is one. That's eventually the "problem" of scepticism - it leaves only suspicion as a fact - you can have your suspicions about anything, but one thing is certain - you are being suspicious. Maybe we're all living in our own delusions, after all, and our delusions are mostly coinciding, but there are parts which never do. That's why the scientist talks always about probabilities, because nothing is really certain. We can only say something is highly, or most probable based upon some data and facts obtained throughout time.


There aren't many/any psychotropics that cause literal lucid hallucinations, especially while being in seemingly sobered states of mind. Schizophrenia is mostly an auditory disease and I think it would probably be MORE weird if peoples minds were cracking left and right and hallucinating space ships.


My point was about you saying that if at least one (sane) person perceives something, it must be real. Maybe it is "real", "real" meaning of course something our senses tell us, not absolute reality, if that term even has meaning, but there still must be a certain solid evidence to support that, so that others can accept that. Nowadays, as YO303 said already, technology allows us basically to artificially create any imaginable images/videos, and that of course leads to the uninevitable tide of scepticism among people. Then there's also a plenty of possible explanations which can explain something without needing to use terms such as aliens and UFOs, such as military/government experiments with unusually shaped vehicles. Then there are strange atmospheric phenomena, such as ball lightning, just as there are incredible types of clouds which sometimes really look like something otherworldy, but can be explained with possibly quite complex fluid mechanics of atmosphere etc. One good example: Undulatus asperatus.


Although nowadays conspiracists are seen mostly as fools/lunatics/etc., there still is a certain logic in they behaviour, because in modern times people are

being controlled and monitored more and more, and looking from that aspect, there's a certain logic in their attitude.

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When I said "UFO cover-ups" I didn't mean to imply there haven't been UFOs. There have most certainly been UFOs (being by definition "unidentified"), and for all I know, some of them were alien in origin. I was referring to the alleged cover-ups: alien bodies being recovered from Roswell, the internet and stealth technology being reverse-engineered from alien craft, pyramids being created by aliens, etc etc...

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