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First Aid


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if you've become ill or had an injury then you can post it here


if you have a cure then post it








* warning


the suggestions given in this thread should in no way be relied upon in the case of serious illness or injury. if you are having

an emergency then don't listen to watmm, contact a healthcare professional forthwith

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Guest Adjective

Recently, when I began showing signs of an early stage of priapism, I instinctively licked and closed my hand before shoving my penis into the underside of the fist. Aside from an untimely discharge and the guilty malaise that followed, the treatment was a success and I was able to resume posting within a nap's length.

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hey can you stop tagging the same word as the thread title in every thread you make (esp. new releases) we don't need to read it twice in two different fonts and two different colors thanks.


one time I was really constipated I thought I had appendicitis

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Recently, when I began showing signs of an early stage of priapism, I instinctively licked and closed my hand before shoving my penis into the underside of the fist. Aside from an untimely discharge and the guilty malaise that followed, the treatment was a success and I was able to resume posting within a nap's length.


crikey that sounds like it was a close one.


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Fuck kaen, that photo gets me every time, nasty!


Did it hurt as much as it looks like it did? Or was it more painful afterwards?


I felt no pain whatsoever until about a week after, i had thumping headaches and dizzy spells. Im positive that my brain was damaged, my reaction times are slow and im less sharp than i used to be, generally i feel less capable of quick thinking/problem solving...they did no scans or anything though because i was so with it at the hospital cracking jokes and generally being a bad ass, i think it was a mixture of alcohol, shock and actually being a bad ass. Oh well, too late now, im forever slow poke.

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Fuck kaen, that photo gets me every time, nasty!


Did it hurt as much as it looks like it did? Or was it more painful afterwards?


I felt no pain whatsoever until about a week after, i had thumping headaches and dizzy spells. Im positive that my brain was damaged, my reaction times are slow and im less sharp than i used to be, generally i feel less capable of quick thinking/problem solving...they did no scans or anything though because i was so with it at the hospital cracking jokes and generally being a bad ass, i think it was a mixture of alcohol, shock and actually being a bad ass. Oh well, too late now, im forever slow poke.

If you're that sure you should probably get it done anyway.


At least the bad ass part of the brain wasnt damaged.

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Guest fiznuthian

I could have died in a bike crash a few months ago. The helmet saved my skull from any injury at all, completely asborbing the 30 mph impact.

My hands punched and ripped on pavement, and it fractured whichever bone connects to fingers. I had road rash and huge gaping wounds in my knuckles and arms.


was riding really, really fast through a parking lot and my front wheel fell right into a large dimple.. or something.

I don't know what it was, some kind of pavement laying defect that sucked my wheel into it..


After impact within seconds a couple asked to help. Turns out the guy was a sports physician. :beer:

He guided me into the panera bread where I crashed at, and I bleed out everywhere while people ate their sandwiches.

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Guest ruiagnelo

When i was like 6, at school and while jumping and messing around with a pencil, i accidentally hit my eyelid with its peak.

A couple of years ago, while playing pool with my friends, one of them made such a powerful shot that his club escaped from both hands and hit me near the eye, again.


I nearly got blind these two times. I don't know what this means, but it gives me the chills to think about it.



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Guest fiznuthian



I had a misery kidney stone taken out of me in december and fragments taken out in febuary allso




*drinks water*

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Guest fiznuthian

What pain medication were you given?

My mother had misery stones as well.. they gave her dilaudid. It was the first time seeing my mother on any kind of drug.. some lol moments

When the attacks would happen it was like she was paralyzed and couldn't move at all

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I was on Co-dydramol but it was causeing me stomach cramps and adominal pain so I was then put on co-codamol and some other drug that has a simalar name like oprozemol for easeing my stomach and putting a lining back on it. Pissing blood was not fun tho.


8mm misry stone taken out of me and a stent put in me and then the stent was taken out few months later and a 3 mm stone taken out after that as well.

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