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...even the little Bodmins.




Bodmin 3 is my favourite track from Analord 6


Haha, I mean "even" as in they weren't included on the initial release. Quite why they weren't is beyond me, they're fantastic! I got the weird sound from Bodmin 1 in my head once and couldn't remember where it was from. The last time that happened to me, it was Wendy Carlos's Timesteps. They're at that level of otherworldliness!

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Mmm, yes a delightful, cheeky little number.


I can imagine lots of friendly, furry creatures in the magic wood dancing along to this.


High five, friendly furry creatures!! Analoggins roccccckks!!

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I don't imagine creatures when I hear it, but I do really like the way that it sounds like a voice saying "wa wow". Is that a 303?

It's tracks like this that really give an organic feeling to the whole series.

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this track really comes alive, the way the sounds interact with eachother. it's like machines getting shitfaced on reverb, just havin' a bit of a laugh.

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Analord 06 is the only Analord I physically own, but that's because of I'm Self Employed. That whole B-side is pretty much the best selection of Analord tracks, especially if you count the Bodmins.

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