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London™ 2012™ Olympics®

Rubin Farr

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Guest Iain C

This is the same media-baiting bellend who was railing against immigration and saying "Britain isn't British any more" not too long ago. Fuck him, he drapes himself in the flag to create controversy often enough.


The Smiths were decent though.

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complaining about the royals wasting money (which is a fair concern for us normals) when he doesn't live here or keep his money here is more than a little bit hypocritical... how he thinks he can speak for the people i don't know. i never liked the smiths or anything else he's done since. he's a pretentious, turgid prick and i hate him.

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I don't completely disagree with all of what he says, not just about the Olympics, but to the extent that he constantly goes, he's stirring up hate for himself intentionally it seems.

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the guy's got personality problems, severe depression etc - it's actually quite irresponsible journalism to print anything (and by doing so give them credence) somebody so fucked up says, or give them any kind of mass public forum to air their opinions. he should be steadfastly ignored.

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Guest Iain C

Yes, let's ignore everybody with mental health problems.


I mean jesus man, yes let's ignore Morrissey's self-publicising bollocks but that's a really dumb and offensive way of putting it.

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relax. where did i say to ignore everybody with mental health problems? i said that fucking publishing their controversial statements (likely made in a bad state of mind) in the mainstream media is irresponsible. what's your problem?

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Guest Iain C

Morrissey's problem isn't that he's depressed or has personality problems, it's that he's a publicity-seeking dick...


MY problem is that I don't like the implication that anybody who DOES suffer from problems like that is "fucked up" or should be denied the right to voice their opinions, which is what I got from your post.


I don't mean to be so touchy. The media should definitely be more careful about how they portray people with delusional thinking so that they don't cause more harm (just look at Charlie Sheen) but I don't think it really applies to Morrissey. And I HATE the language of "fucked up". People who rape and murder are fucked up, delusional people aren't. They're unwell. /sidetrack

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i think that the right to voice your opinions in the mainstream media, which by extension has the potential to reach millions of people, should be meted out with caution. unfortunately it isn't and of course morrissey is just one of a multitude of idiots who speak out in the media and say ridiculous things purely for their own ends. it's a problem. i think the best way to overcome the problem is for these people to simply be ignored.


and i think the reason morrissey is such a publicity-seeking dick has a lot to do with his inherent personality problems. my use of the term "fucked up" should of course be taken lightly - it's a (perhaps wrongly) common term, used to describle all sorts of situations and should not be taken literally - i of course was not aiming it at the general populous struggling with mental health issues. i think you're trying to make my statement into something it isn't and you should take a few deep breaths, step away from the keyboard, make a cup of tea and not worry so much about it.

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Guest Iain C

I wish I could Dan. I'm coming straight home from work today so I'll be on around 7ish I reckon. Gonna build that nice church I've been planning.

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