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Guest Franklin

Funny story since this topic is still up:


Last night I get a call from my best friend (the independent business guy from my last post) and he's super pissed that I've kinda shot down one of his proposals for a wedding party gift for one of our other friend's wedding (one of the lawyers in my post). Anyway long story short we threw a bachelor party for the friend a month ago which cost everybody about $400 each, he and his wife-to-be had an engagement party for which we gave them $100. The wife-to-be had a wedding shower which cost us another $100. And we've yet to get to the wedding which will cost us probably another $250 + hotel for two nights in another city so another 100/night in a shit hotel unless we can scrounge somewhere to stay. So my best friend and two others with no savings and no house want to get this guy 4 bottles of scotch and wants another $100 to cover a bottle.


I told him to fuck off and get him one bottle of nice scotch and i'll give him 25$ (4 of us in wedding party) and the soon-to-be-married friend a hand-job if he feels like we didn't do enough for him. And I told him the scotch is pretty extravagant considering all the other money we've given them for this fucking wedding. And the most hilarious things is this couple is a lawyer and a soon-to-be-principal at a school and they make probably 250 grand combined and the wife just inherited 300 grand two years ago and they have no mortgage. lol. And I'm the dickhead for being "tight with money"....

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if there aint anything that they 'need' for their wedding (honeymoon, house shit) then yeah spending $100 on a share of a present after all of the other stuff seems a bit mental. I like good whisky but unless he's a big nut then it seems massively wasteful to spend $400 on drink as a present.


For our wedding my male mates from uni must have chucked £20 each because we ended up with John Lewis homeware stuff which had been optimised to sum to c.£100 (1 pillow, toaster, 2 serving spoons etc). Handy stuff but did make us laugh!

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I'm still in college and all the money I have been saving is for my tuition because my parents can't afford to give me one single penny for it. I'm about to move out and I'll be unable to save up. I guess I'll simply get more student loans. FML.

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I'm still in college and all the money I have been saving is for my tuition because my parents can't afford to give me one single penny for it. I'm about to move out and I'll be unable to save up. I guess I'll simply get more student loans. FML.


that sucks, dude. canada doesn't have any need-based financial aid? cause i'm getting a big pell grant from the us government because my mom is low income and it's why i'm gonna be able to graduate debt free in two years.


and then i'm going to graduate school so i can fulfill my dream of being poor for the rest of my life. lol.

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man even if I get the maximum pell grant award ($5550 this year I think), it still doesn't cover my tuition and i'm at a community college, far away from my folks, so am still paying rent. it can be done, but the more i work the more my grades (and understanding of the material - you know, the reason i'm there) suffer. are you living with your folks? *contemplates options*

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doubt there is a better option than living with your parent while you study, economically speaking. and i think it becomes less and less socially embarrassing and more prominent given the worsening economic conditions in the world..

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I'm still in college and all the money I have been saving is for my tuition because my parents can't afford to give me one single penny for it. I'm about to move out and I'll be unable to save up. I guess I'll simply get more student loans. FML.


that sucks, dude. canada doesn't have any need-based financial aid?



yes/no....Depending on the jurisdiction you may/may not be eligible for something. Not sure if the federal government provides any aid.


You do get credit off your income (depending on the province) for being a student. For example, living in Alberta, all my tuition is tax free, and I get $400 per month that I'm a full time student off my taxable income. So if you work that out.... $400*12 (I'm in school year round) = $4800, + $7956 tuition per year = $12,756 in tax free income/credit... As an example, if my income tax rate was at 35%, I'd get back $4464 back at income tax time, meaning it would pay that much of my tuition... This is in addition to university specific scholarships/financial awards.


I hope that made sense.


Mr. Display Name it works the same for you too, it is just largely dependant on working while you're in university which is tough. Student loans suck man! Avoid at all costs! Good luck. =)


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man even if I get the maximum pell grant award ($5550 this year I think), it still doesn't cover my tuition and i'm at a community college, far away from my folks, so am still paying rent. it can be done, but the more i work the more my grades (and understanding of the material - you know, the reason i'm there) suffer. are you living with your folks? *contemplates options*


yeah, i live with my mom, so i haven't had to work. it's saved me a shitload of money.


maybe your parents could move with you? my friend and her mom moved together when she started college. yeah, you don't have as much freedom, but financial stability is more important than that.


it's silly how much living with your parents is looked down upon in our culture. individualism, yo.

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eff student loans yo...

but you really can put off paying them (interest free) for an extremely long time if you are out of school and don't have to proper income to pay them.

Not that it's really great to have some debt floating around your head but it's probably not as worrisome to try and scrounge to pay them when you don't have a proper job right out of school.

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My job has 401K available, and I haven't the fuckingest how to start the damn thing, and only a basic idea of how it works. Something about conservative/aggressive and low risk/high risk.


Right now I have about fifty dollars saved until a couple albums come out that I will pay for because I'm askeert Big Brother has been googling my downloading habits on my phone.

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I'm still in college and all the money I have been saving is for my tuition because my parents can't afford to give me one single penny for it. I'm about to move out and I'll be unable to save up. I guess I'll simply get more student loans. FML.


that sucks, dude. canada doesn't have any need-based financial aid?



yes/no....Depending on the jurisdiction you may/may not be eligible for something. Not sure if the federal government provides any aid.


You do get credit off your income (depending on the province) for being a student. For example, living in Alberta, all my tuition is tax free, and I get $400 per month that I'm a full time student off my taxable income. So if you work that out.... $400*12 (I'm in school year round) = $4800, + $7956 tuition per year = $12,756 in tax free income/credit... As an example, if my income tax rate was at 35%, I'd get back $4464 back at income tax time, meaning it would pay that much of my tuition... This is in addition to university specific scholarships/financial awards.


I hope that made sense.


Mr. Display Name it works the same for you too, it is just largely dependant on working while you're in university which is tough. Student loans suck man! Avoid at all costs! Good luck. =)



My situation is not very alarming. Tuition fees are relatively cheap in Quebec ($1500 per semester) and my parents are not poor enough for me to deserve a scholarship.

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I'm finally saving some money; the entertainment business is booming and I am employed pretty much full time for the first time since I started my career. Thinking about buying a house in the next couple of years. No good long term plans except hope that I keep getting work.

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