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100 year old package opening


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Guest Gary C

Presumably they know who buried it? Was it buried?


Anyway, if they do, then I should imagine they could make a very reasonable guess as to what it is.


Probably just a poem and a dried leaf.

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My guesstimation: nothing of any particular interest to the average current day mind. 100 years ago, that was before those friggin two world wars (3 depending on your definition). This will be like receiving a letter from a distant planet.


I have my "WTF" by hand for right after the package is opened.


(Still excited though!) ;-)

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Guest Iain C

100 years ago isn't that long. I've got books older than that. It's not like century-old artefacts are rare or anything.

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Guest Gary C
"There are few clues about what the package might contain. What is known is that Nygard was involved in local politics and that he reportedly walked up to the mayor and handed him the package telling him that its contents would "benefit and delight future generations,"


This is going to suck.

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Guest kokeboka

Norwegian meatball recipe? Grot?


Norway had been independent from Sweden for 7 years when that was packaged...

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Ive just remembered how much it sucked when Geraldo broke through into that vault that was owned by Capone or something and there was nothing there...

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Guest Gary C

Ive just remembered how much it sucked when Geraldo broke through into that vault that was owned by Capone or something and there was nothing there...

That piece of history is forever played in my head as a Simpsons ditty.

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Any other predictions as to what it could be?


new boc album

I think it's more likely to be the lost colony of Roanoke Island,than that I'm afraid.

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Why all this fuzz about opening a stuffy old package? What if there's just a mummified turd in there or something equally crappy. Now there's some interpretive dance along to my favourite track from the Babel soundtrack.

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Guest kokeboka

How is the music and dancing in any way related to the package? There was a guy talking in a kilt a while back that looked retarded. Literally retarded.

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