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weirdness at Twoism.org


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...good tracks, though. i like em. and they're better than anything BoC's released in the last 6 years anyway. :smile:


Magic Timeline is very 'twoism-y' sounding, imo.


i will laugh if this really is BoC... but with all the fake shit that often gets put up online claiming to be aphex and boc.. people should've come to realise by now that there's 99.99% chance it isn't, and this is probably more of the same thing,.. imitation fan boy fakism.

but some good imitation in this case, though, imo.

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Just listened to it. A good attempt, definitely some nice melodies.


But seriously, there is no chance whatsoever of this being BoC. The synths used here are too badly produced, and clearly fall short of their expert knowledge of synthesizers and keyboard effects. The melodies are good, but they don't have that distinctive atmosphere held by genuine material (even the lesser Old Tunes have this edge to them). There's always something extra, some sort of buried inspiration in a legit BoC track.


Also, there is no way they'd begin an album with Magic Timeline. After 12 seconds it starts playing a badly vocoded speech sample, which is really uncouth from an aesthetic point of view. Could you imagine "Ready Let's Go" with a vocal sample like this? It's not even saying anything meaningful, and there's far too much of it to have the subtle, subliminal effect they use these samples for in the first place.


Don't get your hopes up. And don't take 2013 as a release date, either...

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