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School Shooting in Connecticut

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Originally Posted by kathaksung

In approximate 2 years from today there will be mass school shooting in Connecticut. A lone gunman will kill many children. That's a trick of propaganda. Step by step, they make it a totalitarian country.


They have a false flag attack on December 2012 to justify their war on 2nd Amendment. The responsible gunowner is wronged as terrorist. The real mastermind of the shootings grins at the soap opera they directed. They treat you like fools. Do not have a logic confuse.

Is this the quote we're supposed to look at?

For starters: It doesn't say anything about all the other incidents. Giffords, anyone? Aurora batman premiere shooting? Need more examples? The gunowner is not being hold responsible (lanzas mother, right). And the shooter had mental issues, instead of being a terrorist.


The loneman killing sprees are also happening in countries which already have a tight weapen regulation, btw. And there's probably a whole number of reasons this quote is crap, even though it looks like a good prediction. (It's a poor prediction, because -ironically - events like these are not unique and happen relatively often. What are the odds one lone gunman has a killing spree killing kids in a year? Because if theres at least one event like this on average... Well that guy is friggin nate silver, if you catch my drift)

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Either it's a hoax, or it's the equally-uninteresting statistically-manditory "hit".



Imagine every slightly-specific prediction like this ever made. Statistically speaking, a subset will inevitably come true just by virtue of the vast number of them. And then when they come true they appear miraculous.

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But, really, yeah:

Either it's a hoax, or it's the equally-uninteresting statistically-manditory "hit".



Imagine every slightly-specific prediction like this ever made. Statistically speaking, a subset will inevitably come true just by virtue of the vast number of them. And then when they come true they appear miraculous.


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triachus, on 21 Mar 2013 - 00:42, said:

are retards still thinking the shooting was some sort of elaborate conspiracy? sheesh

yes unfortunately so, and as a result retards who choose to be willfully ignorant call legitimate things 'conspiracy theories' because of garbage like this out there. I can't blame them though, they are just being protective. 'conspiracy' culture has gotten to ridiculous heights, where some of the least credible shit rises to the top. So now things like the October Surprise hostage negotiations, lee harvey oswald not being the sole shooter of JFK and our government lying and covering up what happened on 9/11 can be effortlessly called 'tin foil hat', when they are absolutely legitimate and well documented without any speculation required.
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that guy who wrote killer on his shirt in the court i dno wtf hes so proud of he only killed 3 poeple i mean come on even fuckin cho owned him in bodycount also cho made those badass youtube vids

i know rite? Killing ppl is teh most x-treme sport ever becuz you have to train your whole life but only get 1 shot at the gold. I wish they wouldn't die or get captured so we could have them compeet head to head (but not in US of corse dummy in some place nobody carez about like Africa!1)

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Guest isaki

It's a cached page from 13 March 2013, not 2010 - definitely a hoax.

the only reason it's cached on google is because you need to register to view that forum. so who knows

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It's a cached page from 13 March 2013, not 2010 - definitely a hoax.

the only reason it's cached on google is because you need to register to view that forum. so who knows

I did try and register but it wouldn't let me...

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