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The End Is Nigh


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My girlfriend's dad participated in several meditation circles to prevent the end of the world during the course if the year. I am pretty confident I can thank him that I'm still alive. Great going girlfriend's dad!

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It's probably only a matter of minutes before paradoxically credulous conspiracy types start framing the Sandy Hook shooting in terms of an apocalypse (in the original sense of an unveiling/revelation) as it "reveals" the massive conspiracy to disarm a population of sheeple and essentially usher in the dawn of a/the NWO.


So you have that to look forward to.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i think its sad that there are only 6 predictions left of the world ending. over 2 thousand years of failure and apparently the human race just wants to give up. now what will the future generations of retards be afraid of? maybe someone should get to it and come up with some more.

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