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i may have a serious problem with women

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yeah it's just the whole "viewing women as objects to lose your virginity to/notch on bedpost" thing that really makes me sad.

It's probably just their fear of women, like cryptowen said.

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I had to look up the term PUA just now because I'm a n00b.

Anyway, I scorn the PUA thing too. Seems like a fundamental goal in life that every "Lil' Johnson" rapper preaches. (i.e. being a playa)
Even that might be outdated by now though, I'm not sure.


yeah it's just the whole "viewing women as objects to lose your virginity to/notch on bedpost" thing that really makes me sad.

It's probably just their fear of women, like cryptowen said.

Yup. I'm a virgin too, but seeing women in that light is kind of self-defeating.

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That site makes me sad. Also makes me want to bookmark it so i can show it to my daughter when she's older.


Yes. I don't have a daughter, but yes.


Goddamn fucking humans.

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this is all we ever talk about btw, our friendship consists entirely of him asking me to have lunch with him so he can bitch about his made-up problems. whenever I try to change the subject or maybe discuss some of my personal things with him to maybe deepen the friendship somehow, it goes nowhere.


i fucking hate people like that. start ignoring that guy.

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not to knock on PUA types in general but I've always seen them as just dudes who are too cheap to afford a prostitute and/or want to get the ego boost of feeling like they actually 'picked up' a girl, to me its just a mix of insecurity and frugalness. If you need to read PUA techniques to get a mate, something is clearly not sitting entirely right in your mind. If you've already gone consciously that far to objectify women to the point of studying responses to their predicted behavior, to me it's almost less offensive from an objectifying women standpoint to pay one. Another side of it is, if you've used PUA techniques to find a long term girlfriend, how could you ever have a true form of respect for another human being that you 'juked' in order to get them to like you? IT seems very backwards to me and borderline sociopathic

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I can't really blame people for wanting a more formalized system for picking up women. The class / status / confidence / cool crap is hammered into everyones mind since grade 1, and for the people who aren't as fortunate to be as smooth or comfortable in social situations, end up internalizing those differences and in turn making other people out to be different, and better than them. Also women are generally objectified in culture, and the more beautiful they are the more unapproachable they are apparently. On top of that if you get involved with only people who think in this manner (whether online forums or offline), you feel like you're the only one in the world who isn't getting 'the game', and worse, that the whole world thinks like this. The lucky ones find people who are not like that, and a woman who isn't like it, someone the whole process goes more naturally with, then you won't have to struggle through this game shit with people you don't care about and who don't care about you

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I think PUA borders between a fantastic thing and a vaguely pathetic thing.


Regardless of how you view women, the fact is that there are extremely successful PUAs who have basically a foolproof method. And it is not an exaggeration. I've seen the behavior of women, at least my age, and it tends to be pretty damn consistent. I'm not saying that as a misogynist, I'm saying that primarily as someone who observes the sexual behavior and desires of women. Women generally are attracted to the same area of things in men. It's not particularly different from men being physically attracted to the same general characteristics. It goes way deeper than that though, and at a certain point you really have to say "fuck PUA" and start looking at reality.


For what it is though, they are right. It's no different from anything else really. If you look at something within its domain, it works. You just have to know what that domain is, and its negatives. Cringe inducing, yeah, disgusting even, pathetic... at the same time they are getting what they want, and many times giving the women (that it works on) what they want. The horrifying thing is that your daughter, ChenGOD, will probably want that thing. No matter what you do to try and make women think differently, to find "nice" people attractive, etc... in general, that's not going to work.


If you're looking for love, there are things that matter more. In my experience, love is rare, and actually that initial attraction is really important. In fact, love is extremely rare and probably won't happen how 99% of men want it to unless they know what makes girls interested. That's just my vague take on it.

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