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Who's Your Neighbor


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Wow. I actually know a guy with a very minor version of this problem. I had no idea it was out there in such a scary form. Hope he is able to get off the stuff. Can't believe he hasn't scared himself enough already.


edit: the guy I know quit drinking last I heard from him

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Jeez, ex-mate from hell. I'd probably prefer an ex-wife that stole all my savings, burnt my car and killed my cat than dear old Tony living next door..

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Jeez, ex-mate from hell. I'd probably prefer an ex-wife that stole all my savings, burnt my car and killed my cat than dear old Tony living next door..


He should move in next to and annoy candiru. It won't be long before Tony is off the world's radar.

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  • 10 months later...

korean drinking buddy neighbor moved out so now i have a pediatrician female neighbor who recently broke up with her goober of a boyfriend. she's cool but a little of a fitness nut.


across my kitchen is this chick we (my gf and i) call good-evening. she's pretty hot.

it's a long story how we came up with that name but needless to say, she was always telling us "good evening" in a rather pompous manner

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Good evening. /pleb

I say good evening and all that shit too, maybe we should date she and i. But then again one can't trust a pleb's judgement on what's hot and what's not or whatnot, now can one.

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I live alone in a rural subdivision for six years. My nearest neighbors are multiple hundreds of feet away. I know a couple people's names but hardly talk to them. I'm hoping to move again sometime and not have neighbors at all.

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My neighbour from Hell story


I grew up with a young lad called Tony, we went to cubs and scouts together (stop smirking lol), about the age of 15 of course you become interested in drinking beer and behaving like giggling morons and not much else. Tony it seemed had a very bizarre reaction to alcohol and the first time I witnessed this was on a summers holiday when a few of us aged 17 went fishing for a week down to Devon. We were all plastered and in a jolly good mood waiting for a bus home when he just randomly attacked one of our pals, just out of nowhere he switched and starting to beat up his best mate...yeah as you do. Ian got away from him and ran off and disappeared. When Ian got out of Tonys grip, he turned to me. I remember looking right at him, I knew he wouldn't try it as though not a fighter I am solid as a rock and weighed in a fair few stone heavier than him. I spent all night trying to find Ian, anyway enough of that story.


I carried on being friends with Tony but the effects beer had on him was frightning, sometimes I'd admit it was fairly amusing, his flat would be in ruins as he'd destroy the place on a regular basis, we was waiting in traffic next to a police car at traffic lights when he just got out the car and starting booting the police car while screaming 'cunts' at the top of his voice, he wouldn't leave a pub at last orders and started throwing chairs around etc etc etc. In the end he was banned from all the pubs...for beating up his dad. By the time were 21 I'd had enough and dissapeared gradualy off his radar, and I hadn't seen him for years. Until the fella next door put his house up for sale and one night there's a knock on the door. Never guess who was moving in? You guessed right. With his pregnant bird in tow.


First night he moved in he was drinking all day and ended up on the road (its a busy one) trying to throw himself in front of cars, he ended up bouncing off a few bonnets before the police finally arrested him, I witnessed him throwing the in-laws out telling the all to fuck off in a drunken rage, his missus brought some friends round for a bbq and that ended in him trying to beat them all up, I had to contact the RSPCA as he attacked his dog with a spade one night and there was blood on the floor. This man was a psychopath on alcohol, it almost as though he was schizophrenic because sober he was nice as pie, though a bit weird but nothing would prepare you. His voice even changed into this deep growl.


So after a few years of non-stop Hell he moved away and nowadays peace prevails. I always have a nagging feeling I haven't seen the last of him.




in my early twenties i had a roommate like this. he would come home from work and beeline to his room where he would drink himself into a stupor while blasting viking metal as loud as possible. he smoked hookah, which was irritating. one day he came home and almost burnt the entire building down. he passed out drunk, knocked his hookah over and lit his room on fire.

he would also come out of his room when i had company over and get randomly aggro with people. i remember he started an argument with a girl once about switzerland. i can't remember the details, but he just started yelling at her, called her a cunt and walked out the door. i don't even think he was wearing shoes.

needless to say, he ended up leaving before the lease was up and i ended up having to pay for all the damage he did to his room. wonderful times.

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my neighbours are mates of mine, block of four big five bedroom flats, coincidentally it turned out we got one as my friend got the other, so when the other two went up for lease we got another 10 people we know to move in. Its incredible, i can play the piano all night, and have a party whenever with no noise bother. also the rent is dirt cheap.



the flat is slightly ruined from the first 5 months we lived here and went a bit overboard, but im thinking of putting some money into doing it up a bit.

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I live next to a Costcutter convenience mini supermarket type shop, which is filthy, poorly stocked and the neighbours are noisy inconsiderate bastards. The guy who owns the place wakes up his 3 toddler kids when he shuts up the shop at 10pm and they run around screaming their heads off, in the room next to our bedroom, until 1am. I've tried talking to him, banging on the walls in frustrated rage and being all passive aggressive and blanking him like a tit, but nothing works. He's selling up though thank god, said business is going downhill. I'm purposefully contributing to this by buying all my conveniences at the Sainsburys local round the corner. Take THAT James!

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I live alone in a rural subdivision for six years. My nearest neighbors are multiple hundreds of feet away. I know a couple people's names but hardly talk to them. I'm hoping to move again sometime and not have neighbors at all.


Hows your internet gonna be then.

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Due to financial and personal troubles, I am currently living with my parents again; it's really not that bad for now, and am taking the time to work on bettering myself, and forging a warmer bond with my parents. The relationship has always been strained because of a constant conflict between my older brother and my father: basically my dad has a pretty hard time expressing his feelings, and my brother just wants to hear that my dad cares for him. They're both horribly stubborn, which means that neither will admit a wrong, or back off in a conflict. They're both pretty weird in showing affection for each other, while I know that deep inside, both of them do.: it's just a matter of who will swallow their pride first and actually open up, though as time progresses I see the possibility for this dwindle :sad: .

Being the youngest at home, I always felt like I was stuck in the middle of this conflict: whose side do I pick? my fathers or my brothers? It fucking sucked. Other than that, expressing feelings in my family.. well it just rarely happened despite there being this huge emotional current flowing (except between me and my sister: that always went pretty good). I guess I'm just taking this moment to work on a warmer relationship with my father and mother, which is progressing slowly but surely. Getting there :happy:


Anyway, neighbours: to the house on the left there lives this mathematical genius and his wife. Mr mathematics is about 95% autistic, and didn't greet my mother for the first 2 years of living there. They're both pretty devout protestant Christians. The missus is pretty weird too: pretty passive aggressive and all that. To the house on the right lives a man with his reclusive wife. Actually never seen the wife (she tends to stay in), but ... oh man, I really don't want to tell, but last summer the neighbour had his birthday party. I saw the food being delivered and all. That evening, I decided to take a bath. The bath is located on the ground floor (the sleeping quarters + bathroom of my parents is bungalow style). It being quite humid and all, I opened the roof-window. After splashing around a bit, holding my breathe under water and such, I relaxed my body. I suddenly hear something. Grunts and moans. I didn't really put 1 and 2 together until after about 10 seconds, at which point I realized this sex orgy of about 10 people going on next door. It was really fucking surreal. I am sure they noticed that I was splashing in the bath, and surely, the next time I saw the neighbour his face went as red as a tomato.


Surreality at its finest.


We act like nothing has happened now, but I know.. Oh I do.


I haven't told anyone this because I really don't know where to start: I mean, do you even tell these stories at parties?

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Of course you tell them. That's what parties are for, intimate stories about random strangers. I can never remember anything though so all i can do is make enlightened and witty comments about the stories. Also, i've never been one to divulge things told to me in confidence for the sake of winning some group respect through the magical power of gossip.

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Of course you tell them. That's what parties are for, intimate stories about random strangers. I can never remember anything though so all i can do is make enlightened and witty comments about the stories. Also, i've never been one to divulge things told to me in confidence for the sake of winning some group respect through the magical power of gossip.


lol. I'll be sure to remember :D

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My neighbors changed. The owners of the duplex I lived in visited last year and decided to sell the house, partially because my wife and I were some of the neatest tenants they've had in ten years and we practically "staged" it for new buyers. The new buyers also took over the lease and their daughter and grand-daughter moved in. They've been really nice but I'm worried that they'll raise the rent in upcoming August, because they're pouring a lot of money into the duplex, probably not making any off their daughter (she "works" for them) and well, Austin's rental rates are exploding.


But they are pleasant. The kid next door is like 7 or 8 and not long after they moved in I was in the kitchen once and heard her say "Mom, Bear (our dog) is staring at me." Now she likes saying hi whenever they are in the window.

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yeah, i live in a new place. basement suite in my landlords house. an older guy that i've known for awhile lives upstairs with his male partner. good guys and a really nice suite

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Good evening. /pleb

I say good evening and all that shit too, maybe we should date she and i. But then again one can't trust a pleb's judgement on what's hot and what's not or whatnot, now can one.


good evening is very attractive. if you dated her, i'd honestly be envious. i also have to confess i have a thing for her. if she moved out, i'd honestly not know what i'd do with myself

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