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Student invents gel that stops excess bleeding near-instantly

Guest Aserinsky

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There are already way too many people living on this planet, and most of us see themselves as bigger than nature, while that can never happen of course. We already need too much space to grow our foods and to build cities, there's hardly any real nature left on this planet, if we keep saving people's lives then we need more space to grow foods and build cities. And why do we need to live longer than what nature gives us? [that sounded like nature is god or something] Can't we just accept the fact that we should die of the diseases we get, like cancer [i mean diseases that kill you]. I don't think people have to suffer or anything, but I don't think we should try to extend our lives. If we can cure cancer, then there will be so many people who don't die, what do we do with those people, because babies are still being born too. We can't have both babies and 80 year old people while one group is supposed to die. I get that people want to live, but we should even have that choice, we shouldn't have all those medicines to extend our lives.

We can also just eat and drink well and do other things to extend our lives, the normal natural way, not the human-made natural way [because everything that exists is nature, even plastic].
Is this an answer that makes sense to you people? I'm not a person who hates everything on Earth, but we should try to change the things that don't make sense, like this. I mean, a few weeks back I was looking at a photo of some insects eating this other insect on a sunny summer day and that made me happy, that photo with a bit of sun [it was super cold here]. That shouldn't be enough to make a person happy, so there are a lot of things that should change in this world.

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So just because we can live longer, because we have the medicine and other stuff, we should just live longer, instead of die like all other animals in nature?

If we could have a normal number of people on Earth, without touching the rest of nature, I would have no problem in trying to help everybody [i still wouldn't do it], but then there should be as many dead people as there are babies. But that's not the case now, so the first thing we should do is let all the people die who are supposed to die and less babies being born.

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But none of that will ever happen, because most people want to help everybody, without thinking of what I've said. And since I will die before any of what I said will happen I shouldn't care so much, because then it won't be my problem. And eventually there will be some natural disasters like another ice age and tsunamis and other shit that will kill a lot of people, so nature will 'take over' from there.


So on one side we should stop trying to help everybody, but on the other side, it doesn't matter, eventually a lot of people will die during natural disasters.

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Why do we need to help everybody on Earth? What's in it for the rest of the world? Do you people even think about what happens to this world if everybody keeps living?


You're right. Let's blow up all the nuclear weapon stockpiles on Earth and wipe out those damn humans. Filthy bastards!



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There are already way too many people living on this planet, and most of us see themselves as bigger than nature, while that can never happen of course. We already need too much space to grow our foods and to build cities, there's hardly any real nature left on this planet, if we keep saving people's lives then we need more space to grow foods and build cities. And why do we need to live longer than what nature gives us? [that sounded like nature is god or something] Can't we just accept the fact that we should die of the diseases we get, like cancer [i mean diseases that kill you]. I don't think people have to suffer or anything, but I don't think we should try to extend our lives. If we can cure cancer, then there will be so many people who don't die, what do we do with those people, because babies are still being born too. We can't have both babies and 80 year old people while one group is supposed to die. I get that people want to live, but we should even have that choice, we shouldn't have all those medicines to extend our lives.

We can also just eat and drink well and do other things to extend our lives, the normal natural way, not the human-made natural way [because everything that exists is nature, even plastic].

Is this an answer that makes sense to you people? I'm not a person who hates everything on Earth, but we should try to change the things that don't make sense, like this. I mean, a few weeks back I was looking at a photo of some insects eating this other insect on a sunny summer day and that made me happy, that photo with a bit of sun [it was super cold here]. That shouldn't be enough to make a person happy, so there are a lot of things that should change in this world.


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Guest Aserinsky



So I've been doing some more reading on this and one of the things that I've been questioning is how much this would actually cost. Could it say be so cheap you could literally buy a tube from a chemist and keep it in the shelf for when you accidentally cut yourself, or would it be purely reserved for medical conditions where it's necessary to use the gel in order to prevent someone's death? It'd be quite remarkable if say in ten years time, plasters / adhesive bandages would suddenly become something of the past.


Actually on that note a lot of specialist treatment could well become something of the past. You'd no longer need to go to A&E to get stitches, you could just apply some gel, get some rest and it's all good the next day. Damn, the implications for something like this could be much more exciting than I originally thought.

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I kinda agree with 3849, as I believe that yes there is too much human on this planet and yes, technological advances in longer life do not necessarily make us happier.


Still, we're part of nature and all the shit we do is just natural.


Also 3849, what are your views on Karl Pilkington's views?

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Nothing in the universe is unnatural 3849 - even humans overtaking the planet, it's all part of the masterplan.


On another note, could I style my hair with it and relieve my itchy, flaky scalp at the same time?

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So if your friend, let's call him John, got into a fight in a gay bar and was stabbed in the altercation. When the medical team arrive to administer medigel to stop his excessive bleeding are you going to stop them and say "SORRY JOHN I DON'T BELIEVE IN THIS, IT'S YOUR TIME TO DIE IMO"?

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1. As I said before, everything is nature, so you're just saying the same thing I said.

2. Don't know who Karl Pilkington is.

3. I don't think we should use it in hospitals to save people's lives, like real natural bleeding, internal bleedings or things like that. If someone would almost kill another person [doesn't matter who, friend or not, because people usually think I'm a hypocrite when it comes to these subjects, but I'm not, everybody is the same, so friends too], then it wasn't that person's fault and then I think they should help that person.

4. I do think we should be able to buy it at stores for things like shaving accidents or something. I think that would be better than to use it in hospitals to save people's lives.

5. Why gay bar? I don't go to those places just because I'm gay. You could've just said 'when you and your friend are going somewhere and this dude stabs him', makes a bit more sense than a gay bar, especially since most people who like to stab don't go to gay bars. [i'm sorta messing with ya.]

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Are you gay just because you're anti life? Or do you just generally like gayness? (I'm messing with you here too)


I think 3 and 4 should be swapped. Your priorities are odd. You're speaking like this is a medical breakthrough that extends human life by another twenty years.

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1 and 2 should be swapped too, so that doesn't really matter.

Well, if someone has this internal bleeding and they can stop it by using this gel stuff, then it could be 20 years. So yea. And you never know what the future brings [Jebus, I hate it when people say that, and now I say it...], I mean, they might change the gel so that it works even better or something. They can almost cure cancer, so...

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If the goal is to stop population growth, then focusing on education & women's rights in developing countries is the right answer. Saving people's lives, oddly, doesn't have that much of an effect on the number of humans that spawn.


Also this gel sounds awesome.

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Guest Rambo

The overpopulation concern seems to be at its height these days. Every time you hear a piece of news like the one in this thread you hear some person whining about overpopulation like they see this big picture that nobody else sees. Ironically, i see it as them being incredibly shortsighted because in the grand scheme of things we are most likely going to be confined to earth alone for just the blink of an eye. We have commerical space companies just kicking into gear right now and people who are actual achievers like Elon Musk saying they want to put large numbers of people on mars within the region of decades not centuries. Even if for some reason we could NEVER get out into space there are still a multitude of ways we could adapt with science and technological advances. Physical space itself is absolutely not an issue. Everyone on earth right now could live comfortably in Texas.



edit. i'm not talking in a real life sense where you would need enough room for hopitals, factories, businesses, farming etc. I'm just talking about the land area to literally house 7 billion people each with their own property and land.

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Good thing I won't be alive when shit happens [by shit I mean people being cyborgs or something and people living on Mars], so eventually it's not my problem, not now, not when it's gonna happen, by the time it escalates, I won't be around no more.

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